


1. An honest man doesn’t ____________ others.

A. abandon B. compromise C. neglect D. deceive

2. China is a country with 5,000-year-long ____________.

A. anticipation B. civilization C. regulation D. automation

3. Morrie felt ____________ for the people who were suffering half a world away.

A. depression B. compassion C. profession D. illusion

4. It is ____________ to spend too much money on something fancy but useless.

A. irrational B. artificial C. distorted D. illegal

5. Paper cutting is a precious cultural ____________ for the Chinese.

A. literature B. legacy C. fantasy D. memorial

6. Tu youyou and her team ____________ despite hundreds of failed experiments.

A. advocated B. portrayed C. persisted D. invested

7. Shanghai is the first city to ____________ the garbage sorting policy in China.

A. strain B. implement C. calculate D. sustain

8. Local residents were concerned that the rough sleepers would harm the ____________ of the park.

A. reputation B. invention C. portion D. session

9. Kids should be taught how to ____________ biased news.

A. design B. integrate C. identify D. embrace

10. Filter bubbles are invisible mental cages built from our ____________ and desire for comfort.

A. prejudices B. sufferings C. statues D. subjects



Hannah Taylor is a 5-year-old schoolgirl. One day, she was walking with her mother in downtown Winnipeg. They saw a man looking for __11____ in a garbage can. She asked her mother why he did that. Her mother said that the man was homeless and hungry. Hannah was very 12__. She couldn’t understand why some people had to live their lives without shelter or enough food. Hannah started to think about how she could __13__, but, of course, there is little one five-year-old can do.

Later, Hannah saw another homeless person. It was a woman, __14____ an old shopping trolley (购物车) which was piled with __15__. It seemed that everything the woman owned was in them. This made Hannah __16____ to do something. She had been talking to her mother about the lives of homeless people __17____ they first saw the homeless man. Her mother told her that if she did something to change the problem that made her sad, she wouldn’t __18____ as bad.

Hannah began to make speeches about the homelessness in Manitoba and then in other provinces. She hoped to __19____ her message of hope and awareness. She started the Ladybug Foundation, an organization aiming at getting rid of homelessness. She began to host “Big Bosses” lunches to persuade local business leaders to __20____ to the cause. She also organized a fundraising (募捐) drive in “Ladybug Jars” to __21____ money during “Make Change” month. More recently, the foundation began another __22____ called National Red Scarf Day—a day when people donate $20 and wear red scarves in support of Canada’s hungry and __23__.

There is an emergency shelter in Winnipeg called “Hannah’s Place”, something that Hannah is very __24____ of. Hannah’s Place is divided into several areas, providing shelter for people when it is so cold that __25____ outdoors can mean death. In the more than five years since Hannah began her activities, she has received a lot of __26__. For example, she received the 2007 BRICK Award recognizing the __27____ of young people to change the world. But Hannah still has the __28____ life of a Winnipeg schoolgirl, except that she __29____ the homeless people regularly.

Hannah is one of many examples of young people who are making a __30____ in the world. You can, too!

11. A. paper B. food C. money D. clothes

12. A. annoyed B. nervous C. ashamed D. sad

13. A. behave B. manage C. help D. work

14. A. pushing B. carrying C. buying D holding

15. A. goods B. books C. bottles D. bags

16. A. excited B. determined C. energetic D. grateful

17. A. since B. unless C. although D. as

18. A. sound B. get C. feel D. look

19. A. exchange B. leave C. keep D. spread

20. A. contribute B. lead C. apply D. talk

21. A. waste B. donate C. collect D. pay

22. A. activity B. trip C. process D. trial

23. A. elderly B. homeless C. lonely D. sick

24. A. aware B. afraid C. proud D. sure

25. A. going B. sleeping C. travelling D. playing

26. A. awards B. invitations C. replies D. appointments

27. A. needs B. interests C. dreams D. efforts

28. A. healthy B. public C. normal D. tough

29. A. visits B. changes C. blames D. reports

30. A. choice B. profit C. judgement D. difference




We’re always looking for well-written reviews of books, music, movies and other products. When writing a review, concentrate on exactly what you liked or didn’t like. Give examples of strengths and weaknesses. If possible, provide background information on the author, director, or musician. Find professional reviews in magazines or newspapers and see how reviewers deal with their topic, but be sure to express your own voice in your review.

Book Reviews

Discuss an author’s technique, strengths and weaknesses instead of focusing on the plot. Does the story flow? Did you stay up to finish it? What influence did it have on you and why? If you’ve read other books by the same author, discuss how this book compares.

Movie Reviews

Consider the performances, music, lighting and setting, etc. Do these work together? If the movie is based on a book, discuss whether one is better than the other and why. Remember that a well-written movie review should discuss strengths and weaknesses. Some readers may not have seen a movie yet, so don’t give away an exciting scene or the ending!

College Reviews

Begin by providing an overview of the college, including location and a description of the campus. Think about all aspects of your college visit. What academic and after-class programs are offered? What makes the college different from others? What are the college’s strengths and weaknesses? Be objective.

31. When writing a review, you ____________.

A. can’t read professional reviews

B. must express your own opinions

C. must provide some information about the author

D. needn’t give any examples to support your views

32. Which is required by all the three reviews mentioned in the passage?

A. Strengths and weaknesses. B. Plot and character.

C. Programs. D. Locations.

33. Where can you probably find this passage?

A. In a diary. B. In a recipe

C. In a research paper D. In a magazine.



All you have is what you bring with you

I’ve always felt a need to be prepared for whatever situation I’ve found myself in. My mother once took me to a store when I was seven years old. She and I got to the checkout counter, and she realized she had forgotten a couple of things on her shopping list. She left me with the cart and ran off to get what she needed.

“I’ll be right back.” she said.

She was gone just a few minutes, but in that time, I had loaded all the things on the belt and everything was rung up. The cashier was staring at me. “Do you have money for me, son?” she said. “I’ll need to be paid.”

She was just trying to amuse herself but I didn’t realize it. So I stood there, ashamed and embarrassed.

By the time my mom returned, I was angry. “You left me here with no money! This lady asked me for the money, and I had nothing to give her!”

Now I’m an adult. I always have more than $200 in my wallet. I want to be prepared in case I need it.

I’ve always admired people who are over-prepared. I had a classmate named Norman in college. One day he was giving a presentation and in the middle of his talk, the light bulb (灯泡) on the projector blew out. We would have to wait ten minutes until someone found a new projector.

“It’s Okay.” he announced. “There’s nothing to worry about.”

We watched him walk over to his bag and pull something out. He had brought along a spare bulb for the overhead projector. Who could even think of that?

I often told my students, “When you go into the wilderness, the only thing you can depend on is what you take with you.” And essentially, the wilderness is anywhere but your home or office. So take money. Pack a light bulb. Be prepared.

34. Why did the cashier ask a seven-year-old boy to pay for the purchases?

A. The boy was shopping by himself.

B. The boy’s mother asked her to do so.

C. The cashier was playing a joke on him.

D. The boy’s mother was away for something else.

35. Why was the boy angry with his mother?

A. His mother left him alone.

B. He was embarrassed by the situation.

C. His mother forgot to buy something.

D. He had just quarreled with the cashier.

36. Why did Norman bring a spare bulb with him?

A. He was always well-prepared.

B. His presentation was about bulbs.

C. He knew the classroom equipment was of poor quality.

D. He predicted the bulb on the projector would blow out.

37. What do the two stories tell us?

A. Accidents happen almost every day.

B. Money is the key that opens all doors.

C. In fair weather, prepare for a rainy day.

D. Chances favor those who are well-prepared.



Google today has kicked off its Google Science Fair (GSF) 2014, an annual online competition for bright, creative and ambitious teenagers who want to change the world with science.

While the project is led by Google, it also has the support of the Lego Group and world-famous publications National Geographic and Scientific American. The competition is open for students aged 13 to 18, who can sign up now, form a team and begin working on a submission(提交).

The winner will be rewarded with a ten-day exploration to the Galapagos Islands aboard the National Geographic Endeavor, as well as a VIP tour of ‘Spaceport America’ in New Mexico. Google is also throwing in a $50,000 scholarship and $10,000 for the winner’s school to purchase cutting-edge science lab equipment.

Google suggests that each project should be “an in-depth investigation of a science question or engineering problem” but otherwise, it’s up to students to pick and develop an idea that follows the competition rules.

Completed projects need to be submitted by May 12, 2014 at 11:59 PDT. Google will announce the regional competitors in June, ahead of global finalists in August and the competition winners in September.

Interested? Here are the rules.

If you want to enter the competition alone, you should register first. Complete requested information about yourself and your project in the registration section before creating your project. You may edit this later. Click the box stating that you have read, accept, and agree to be bound by these Official Rules and Terms.

The project must follow the requirements set out in these Official Rules and the Googlesciencefair.com Site. You will be required to complete all sections of the Project Site.

You may begin working on your project after completing the registration process. However, you may not submit it for judging until you have requested and received parental consent (允许). Once you have done this, your parent will receive an email from Google with instructions on how they can give their consent for you to participate. The project will not be judged unless this consent is received.

38. From the first paragraph, we can learn that _____________.

A. GSF is held every two years.

B. GSF is a science competition

C. GSF is for college students only

D. GSF is organized by Google alone

39. If you plan to enter GSF alone, you _____________.

A. must create your project first

B. you needn’t follow the official rules

C. you should provide some personal information

D. you should start your project before registration

40. What is mainly discussed in the last paragraph?

A. Parental consent. B. Submission time.

C. Registration process. D. Project requirements.

41. What is the best title for the passage?

A. Lego Group Joins Science Fair

B. Google Kicks off 2014 Science Fair

C. New Rules Added to Google Science Fair

D. Ambitious Teenagers to Change the World



Humans’ overconsumption of resources is a leading contributor to global climate change, says University of Arizona researcher Sabrina Helm. Therefore, it’s increasingly important to understand the choices consumers make and how those decisions affect the health of a planet with limited resources. In a new study, Helm and her colleagues explore how materialism influences pro-environmental behaviors in consumers.

The researchers focused on two main categories of pro-environmental behaviors: reduced consumption, which includes actions like repairing instead of replacing older items; and “green buying,” which means buying products designed to limit environmental impacts. The researchers also looked at how engaging in pro-environmental behaviors affects consumer well-being.

The researchers found that more materialistic participants were unlikely to engage in reduced consumption. However, materialism did not seem to have an effect on their possibility of practicing “green buying.” That’s probably because “green buying,” unlike reduced consumption, still offers a way for materialists to fulfill their desire to get new items, Helm said.

Study participants who reported having fewer materialistic values were much more likely to engage in reduced consumption. Consuming less was, in turn, linked to higher personal well-being and lower psychological suffering. Green buying — which may have some positive environmental effects, although to a smaller degree than reduced consumption — was not found to improve consumer well-being, Helm said.

The take-home message for consumers: “The key is to reduce consumption and not just buy green stuff. Having less and buying less can actually make us more satisfied and happier,” Helm said.

Helm and her colleagues also looked at how materialism affects consumers’ proactive financial behaviors, such as budgeting(预算) and saving. Examining financial behaviors alongside pro-environmental behaviors provides a picture of how young adults proactively deal with resource limitations in two contexts: environmental and financial, Helm said.

As expected, Helm and her colleagues found that those who reported having more materialistic values engaged in fewer proactive financial behaviors than the less materialistic people. The researchers also found that proactive financial behaviors were associated with better personal well-being, life satisfaction and financial satisfaction.

Understanding how materialistic values impact consumer behaviors, and how those behaviors in turn affect personal and environmental well-being, is important, Helm said. However, she acknowledges that for many consumers, to become more financially proactive and to consume less will be challenging.

42. What do we know about pro-environmental behaviors?

A. They are a cause of climate change.

B. They lead to a more satisfying life.

C. They vary in different age groups.

D. They are affected by materialism.

43. It can be learned from Helm’s study that _____________.

A. ownership of green products brings a sense of happiness

B. materialists prefer practicing green buying to buying less

C. green buying helps control people’s desire to buy new items

D. buying less and green buying have similar effects on people

44. According to the study, which of the following can improve one’s well-being?

A. Replacing older items. B. Developing new resources.

C. Buying greener products. D. Budgeting and saving.

45. What is Helm probably going to explain in the next paragraph?

A. When people develop proactive financial behaviors.

B. Which financial behaviors lead to mental well-being.

C. Why it is hard to change people’s financial behaviors.

D. How materialistic values influence financial behaviors.



In 1911, Captain Scott and the Norwegian (挪威) explorer Amundsen began their race to the South Pole.

Amundsen had teams of dogs pulling the sledges and all his men were on skis. Because of this, he made rapid progress. Scott had horses pull the sledges. The horses soon began to have serious difficulties with the snow and the cold. Worse still, two sledges broke down so they had to push the sledges themselves.

As a result, Amundsen and his team reached the Pole first. When Scott finally arrived, they were very disappointed to see the Norwegian flag. But worse was yet to come. Their return journey turned out to be the worst in the history of exploration. The weather conditions were terrible. Scott and his men were soon very tired and were running out of food.

However, in the hopeless situation, they remained cheerful. They even found time to look for rocks for scientific research. They carried 20 kilos of rocks all the way with them. Later, these rocks helped scientists prove that the continent of Antarctica was covered by plants.

Then disaster struck them. Evans died after a bad fall. The next to go was Captain Oates, who was having great difficulty walking. Scott recorded his death: “He said, ‘I am just going outside and may be some time.’… We knew that poor Oates was walking to his death. We knew it was the act of a brave man and an English gentleman.”

Scott and two of his team members carried on. But then a terrible storm started and they could not leave their tent. Scott spent some of his last hours writing a letter to his wife: “We are getting weaker and weaker and the end can’t be far. It seems a pity, but I do not think I can write more.”

The news of Scott’s death shocked the world. Scott and his men had failed to win the race, but the great courage shown by them made them heroes.

46. Who won the race to the Pole?

47. How does the author describe Scott and his men’s return journey?

48. Why did Scott and his men try to carry the rocks back?

49. Why did Captain Oates go outside alone?

50. Are Scott and his men winners or losers? Why? (around 40 words)




1. 欣赏,感激 v. a_____________ 11. 可获得的adj. a_____________

2. 出现,外貌 n. a_____________ 12. 抱怨 n. c_____________

3. 充足的 adj. a_____________ 13. 代表 v. r_____________

4. 重要的 adj. s_____________ 14. 鼓励 n. e_____________

5. 气候 n. c_____________ 15. 购买 v. p_____________

6. 政府 n. g_____________ 16. 勇敢 n. b_____________

7. 认可 n. r_____________ 17. 选择 n. c_____________

8. 建立 v. e_____________ 18. 有影响力的 adj. i_____________

9. 行为 n. b_____________ 19. 禁止 v. p_____________

10. 设施 n. f_____________ 20. 发现 n. d_____________



21. 得到大的好处 _______________________________________

22. 克服障碍 _______________________________________

23. ……分开 _______________________________________

24. 拓展视野 _______________________________________

25. 促成,有助于 _______________________________________

26. ……熟悉 _______________________________________

27. 方便的时候 _______________________________________

28. 得到很多表扬 _______________________________________

29. 提升对……的意识 _______________________________________

30. 呼吁某人做某事 _______________________________________




About three years ago, something terrible happened to me. My brother and I were coming back from the island __31____ we went fishing. Suddenly, the sky __32__(cover) with dark clouds and in less than a minute we were in a terrible storm. Then, I __33____ (hear) a cry. My brother fell into the sea.


New Zealand is famous for a large bird named the kiwi, __34______ cannot fly. New Zealand’s forests are great for camping. In fact, one third of the country __35______ (make) of national parks. New Zealand has a climate __36______ changes a lot from place to place. You can get four seasons in one day.


Throughout history, we can find examples of inspiring young people __37______ showed courage in the face of difficulties. Anne Frank is one of them. She lived in a time __38____ many Jews were killed so she had to live in a secret hiding place to escape the Nazi(纳粹). During that time, she __39____ (write) a diary. So far, this diary __40____ (publish) at least in 67 languages.



41. 离开舒适的家可能会引发各种情绪,包括兴奋期待和焦虑不安。


42. 虽然她说话是美国口音,但她其实是英国人。


43. 一个人真的可以产生影响,Bill就是一个活生生的例子。







1. D 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. B

6. C 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. A



11-15 BDCAD

16-20 BACDA

21-25 CABCB

26-30 ADCAD



31-35 BADCB

36-40 ACBCA

41-45 BDBDC



46. Amundsen and his team.

47. It turned out to be the worst in the history of exploration.

48. Those rocks could be used for scientific research.

49. He wanted to die alone/on his own. He didn’t want to be a burden on his teammates.)




1. appreciate 11. available

2. appearance 12. complaint

3. adequate 13. represent

4. significant 14. encouragement

5. climate 15. purchase

6. government 16. bravery

7. recognition 17. choice

8. establish 18. influential

9. behavior 19. prohibit

10. facility 20. discovery



21. reap big benefits

22. overcome an obstacle

23. be separated from

24. expand one’s horizons

25. contribute to

26. be familiar with

27. at a convenient time

28. earn much praise

29. raise awareness for

30. call on sb. to do sth.



31. where;

32. was covered;

33. heard;

34. which;

35. is made;

36. that/which;

37. who / that;

38. when;

39. wrote;

40. has been published



41. Leaving the comfort of home can evoke a range of emotions, spanning from excitement and anticipation to anxiety and uncertainty.

42. Although she speaks with an American accent, she is actually English.

43. Bill is living proof that one person really can make a difference.
