


A school bus driver returned to college to become a high school history teacher, thanks to some __1__students.

Clayton Ward is a history lover, and as such, __2______ the time he’d spend chatting with students about their history classes as he__3____them to and from school.

“After several of these discussions, some of the students would tell me they wanted me to be their ____4______ ,” he said. “That small mention from those kids…it ____5__me and gave me the motivation to complete a goal I had started years ago. ”

6____ , Ward went to college after his high school graduation; but after a year, he had to leave and soon started driving buses. But he still valued____7______ , and talking with the students on the bus route renewed his sense of passion for expanding and teaching young minds.

Ward registered at a community college in May 2019 and __8____ to take his classes full time while also still driving his bus.

“It wasn’t always__9__. I would drive my route in the morning and afternoon, take classes in between shifts and take night classes” he said, “I would think of those students and all the years I wanted to make this happen, and it helped me focus my energy. ”

“You wouldn’t think that kids can do something like that, to give me the____10____ and ambition to go back to school,” Ward said. “It’s kind of crazy that such a small thing can make such an impact on your life. ”

1. A. energetic B. supportive C. intelligent D. reliable

2. A. enjoyed B. found C. saved D. missed

3. A. employed B. watched C. bussed D. trained

4. A. driver B. adviser C. friend D. teacher

5. A. aimed at B. stuck with C. occurred to D. called on

6. A. Initially B. Dramatically C. Consequently D. Ultimately

7. A. success B. communication C. responsibility D. education

8. A. employed B. offered C. managed D. qualified

9. A. suitable B. logical C. lucky D. easy

10. A. right B. drive C. chance D. freedom





The National Council for the Traditional Arts (NCTA) is a leading non-profit organization dedicated to the presentation and documentation of folk and traditional arts in the United States. NCTA presents the nation’s very finest artists in festivals, tours, international cultural exchange, workshops, demonstrations and exhibitions, media productions, school programs, and other activities. It works in partnership with communities across America to establish new, sustainable traditional arts events that deliver lasting social and cultural benefits.

NCTA seeks Festival Support Staff for 2020 festival season to provide office and on-site support for three large-scale festivals. Positions available include:

·Programming Administration Assistant

This is the perfect position for someone with an interest in history, arts management, cultural anthropology, and related fields.

Responsibilities include programming research, marketing and promotion, and event organization. The position may also be responsible for press and photo document management, social media updates, and customer service.

Qualified applicants will be detail-oriented (细心的) and organized, with excellent people skills and a general interest in the traditional arts. Computer literacy is essential. Contract runs May 1—December 15.

·Festival Assistant

This is the perfect position for someone with an interest in arts, culture, and event logistics (后勤) who enjoys operating in a fast-paced, collegial small-office environment.

The position provides festival staff support. Responsibilities include document creation, travel purchase, logistics support, data entry, and database maintenance.

Qualified applicants will be outgoing and open-minded, with effective oral and written communication skills and computer literacy. Prior experience with festival planning is preferred. Contract runs May 18—October 30.

·Production Associate

The Production Associate is a key member of the production team who will work closely with the Production Manager on all festival audio, backline, and lighting needs, from planning through implementation(实施).

The role will contribute to the following key tasks: advancing technical needs with artists, making tech books, accurate record-keeping, and working with NCTA and Festival staff to insure smooth on-site operations.

Qualified applicants will be responsible and adaptable, with excellent people skills. Prior experience in concert production is preferred. Contract runs June 15-October 30.

All Positions: Experience with database entry, Microsoft Office, and Adobe Acrobat is required. Must have a clean driving record, or reliable transportation. Some evenings, weekends, and travel required.

All positions are full time with contract. Deadline is April 20, 2020.

More details and how to apply at: http//ncta-America. com.

11. According to the passage, NCTA __________.

A. focuses on cultural and art education

B. keeps a record of American traditional arts

C. enjoys economic benefits from communities

D. aims to help the artists in art-related activities


12. The programming administration assistant will probably __________.

A. plan and design programs

B. create social networking websites

C. deal with complaints from customers

D. photograph newspapers and documents


13. What is the requirement for all the three positions?

A. Driving skills. B. Communication skills.

C. Working experience. D. Knowledge on traditional arts.


Five days a week, 28-year-old Ebony Smith arrives at Changing Gears Bike Shop at 10:50 a. m. , ten minutes before opening. Walking into the shop, she turns on the lights, opens the register, and reviews the repair orders. For the next several hours she will repair bikes with professional skill and care, and guide customers through bike choices like an experienced rider, learning about their needs and preferences, and helping them to find the perfect fit.

Although Smith had almost no experience riding a bike and didn’t even enjoy riding one when she first came to Changing Gears, she has stayed in the position for nearly a decade now, and her customers are thankful to her heartfelt assistance. What’s more, many of the shop visitors are youth from families living in low-income housing named Alameda Point. Smith lived in this neighborhood throughout her childhood, and to these youngsters and families she is a positive role model—someone determined to succeed in spite of educational and financial struggles.

When she first began at Changing Gears at 19 years old, Smith was living with her parents, who struggled to make a living. She had failed to earn a high school diploma when she didn’t pass California’s high school exit exam. However, when a three-month job training position opened at the bike shop in 2008, Smith took a chance to, as she says, “turn her life around,” She signed up and was quickly hired.

Smith is just one of the thousands of Changing Gears’ employees around the world, and her continued success at Changing Gears embodies the shop’s duty to “operate a bicycle-based social enterprise that meets the needs of the underprivileged(弱势群体) of our local area. ”

In addition, the shop has a strong environmental focus, which includes bicycle reuse and recycling. Throughout the years Changing Gears has also engaged youth and families in bicycle field trips and provided free bicycle parking and repair service at local farmers’ markets in order to encourage bike riding as a practical and green form of transportation.

Through its blending(协调) of effective small business practices with a social and environmental mission, Changing Gears stays inspired to use bicycles as a vehicle for social change.

14. What can we learn about Ebony Smith?

A. She is a bike shop owner.

B. She is a professional rider.

C. She has a good knowledge of bikes.

D. She has a lot of shopping experience.


15. What helped Ebony Smith get into the career?

A. Family support. B. Personal interest.

C. Training opportunity. D. High school education.


16. What does the underlined word “embodies” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?

A. Be an example of. B. Be the reason for.

C. Be similar to. D. Be modeled after.

17. Which of the following is Changing Gears’ duty?

A. Making bike donations.

B. Offering help to the poor people.

C. Improving bike-riding techniques.

D. Drawing people’s attention to bike enterprises.


What does it mean to live a good life? This question has been debated for centuries. In the field of psychology, two main concepts of the good life have been quite popular: A happy life full of pleasure and positive emotions, and a meaningful life full of purpose and sacrifice. But what if these aren’t the only options?

In recent years, a long-neglected version of the good life has been receiving greater attention: the psychologically rich life. It is full of complex mental engagement, a wide range of intense and deep emotions, and diverse, novel, surprising and interesting experiences. Sometimes, they are neither pleasant nor meaningful. However, they are rarely boring or monotonous(单调的).

After all, both happy and meaningful lives can become monotonous and repetitive. A person with a steady office job, married with children, may be satisfied and find his or her life meaningful and still be bored. Also, the psychologically rich life doesn’t necessarily involve economic richness. For instance, consider Hesse’s character Goldmund, who has no money but pursues the life of a free spirit.

Research has found psychological richness is related to, but partially distinct from, both happy and meaningful lives. Psychological richness is related with openness to experience and experiencing both positive and negative emotions more intensely. But is the psychologically rich life one that people actually want?

In a new study, Oishi and his colleagues asked people in nine countries the degree to which they value a psychologically rich life, a happy life and a meaningful life. They found many people’s self-described ideal lives involve psychological richness. When forced to choose a life, however, the majority chose a happy life and a meaningful life. Even so, a minority of people still favored the psychologically rich life, ranging from 6. 7% in Singapore to 16. 8% in Germany.

These numbers went up when the desire for a psychologically rich life was measured indirectly. To understand what a person wishes their lives might have been, it is important to explore what people wish they had avoided in their lives. When asked what they regret most and whether undoing this event would have made their lives happier, more meaningful or psychologically richer, about 28% of Americans said undoing the regrettable event would have made their lives psychologically richer.

These findings suggest that while most people strive to be happy and have meaning in their lives, a sizable number of people are content merely living a psychologically rich existence.

As Oishi and his colleagues conclude, “We believe that taking the psychologically rich life seriously will deepen and enrich our understanding of well-being. ” At the end of the day, there is no one singularly acceptable path to the good life. You have to find a path that works best for you.

18. According to the passage, the psychologically rich life ________.

A. means living a luxurious life

B. involves various intense emotions

C. combines pleasure with purpose

D. emphasizes openness and repetition


19. What does Oishi’s research indicate?

A. The Germans prefer psychological richness to a happy life.

B. Undoing regrettable events has enriched many people’s lives.

C. A hidden desire for psychological richness exists among some people.

D. People with psychological richness tend to describe their lives as ideal.


20. We can learn from the passage that ________.

A. purpose outweighs pleasure in terms of significance

B. the choice of a good life differs from person to person

C. a positive mindset helps us understand our well-being

D. we should never be content and always strive for the best


21. What is the main purpose of the article?

A. To compare different concepts of a good life.

B. To explain how to live a psychologically rich life.

C. To persuade people to attain psychological richness.

D. To draw attention to a less familiar version of a good life.


Elizabeth Spelke, a cognitive(认知的) psychologist at Harvard, has spent her career testing the world’s most complex learning system—the mind of a baby. Babies might seem like no match for artificial intelligence (AI). They are terrible at labeling images, hopeless at mining text, and awful at video games. Then again, babies can do things beyond the reach of any AI. By just a few months old, they’ve begun to grasp the foundations of language, such as grammar. They’ve started to understand how to adapt to unfamiliar situations.

Yet even experts like Spelke don’t understand precisely how babies—or adults, for that matter—learn. That gap points to a puzzle at the heart of modern artificial intelligence: We are not sure what to aim for.

Consider one of the most impressive examples of AI, Alpha Zero, a programme that plays board games with superhuman skill. After playing thousands of games against itself at a super speed, and learning from winning positions, Alpha Zero independently discovered several famous chess strategies and even invented new ones. It certainly seems like a machine eclipsing human cognitive abilities. But Alpha Zero needs to play millions more games than a person during practice to learn a game. Most importantly, it cannot take what it has learned from the game and apply it to another area.

To some AI experts, that calls for a new approach. In a November research paper, Francois Chollet, a well-known AI engineer, argued that it’s misguided to measure machine intelligence just according to its skills at specific tasks. “Humans don’t start out with skills; they start out with a broad ability to acquire new skills,” he says. “What a strong human chess player is demonstrating is not only the ability to play chess, but the potential to fulfill any task of a similar difficulty. ” Chollet posed a set of problems, each of which requires an AI programme to arrange colored squares on a grid (格栅) based on just a few prior examples. It’s not hard for a person. But modern machine-learning programmes—trained on huge amounts of data—cannot learn from so few examples.

Josh Tenenbaum, a professor in MIT’s Center for Brains, Minds & Machines, works closely with Spelke and uses insights from cognitive science as inspiration for his programmes. He says much of modern AI misses the bigger picture, comparing it to a cartoon about a two-dimensional world populated by simple geometrical(几何形的)people. AI programmes will need to learn in new ways—for example, by drawing causal inferences rather than simply finding patterns. “At some point—you know, if you’re intelligent—you realize maybe there’s something else out there,” he says.

22. Compared to an advanced AI programme, a baby might be better at ________.

A. labeling images B. identifying locations

C. playing games D. making adjustments


23. What does the underlined word “eclipsing” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A. Stimulating. B. Measuring. C. Beating. D. Limiting.


24. Both Francois Chollet and Josh Tenenbaum may agree that ________.

A. AI is good at finding similar patterns

B. AI should gain abilities with less training

C. AI lacks the ability of generalizing a skill

D. AI will match humans in cognitive ability


25. Which would be the best title for this passage?

A. What is exactly intelligence?

B. Why is modern AI advanced?

C. Where is human intelligence going?

D. How do humans tackle the challenge of AI?


Casual Dress in the Workplace

For Ruth, an employee at an insurance company, Friday isn’t just another workday. It is the day when she can wear a sweater and casual trousers instead of business suit, __26____ “It is a real treat. It puts us in good mood and winds the week down. ” Ruth has joined thousands of workers across the United States who happily change from jackets, ties, and dresses to jeans, polo shirts, and sweaters on Fridays.

Why dress-down Friday? “I think it gives an atmosphere of less formality (正式)” says President Matthew of Entex Industries. Today, dressing casually on the job is a way to show your company is in style. Another contributor is faxes, voice mail and email, which have reduced public contact. __27______ .

However, even though dressing down is popular, the trend is controversial. Some workers remain strongly opposed. “You have got all the time in the world to dress down when you retire,” declared one woman. __28____ “We had some very important guests come in on a Friday a few months ago,” says another worker. “These people dressed in navy suits. Our people dressed way down. I thought it was embarrassing. It sent the wrong message about our company. ” Many people feel that suits, ties and dresses are superior to casual clothes in creating a positive professional image.

29______ Some experts think it will go away one day. As long as the trend continues, though, dressing casually can cause a little confusion in the workplace. Business people aren’t sure what to wear, and many people just put on whatever they feel like in the morning. __30____ They believe dressing down at work is one of the signs that the society is lowering its standards of everything, Czardas and John T. Malloy, author of Dress__for__Success, say psychological changes occur when people dress up. “There is no question what you wear affects what you do, your performance, and your attitude,” says Malloy.

A. Will the dress-down trend last?

B. Will dressing casually become popular?

C. The casual dress trend worries some fashion professionals.

D. It is when she feels more confident and gets ready for next promotion.

E. She loves the day away from her usual dressy suits and high-heeled shoes.

F. Others worry that dressing casually lowers an employer’s professional image.

G. With fewer out-of-the-office meetings, people are dressing less to impress and more for comfort.





Young people work hard __31______ (get) their qualifications. But many workplaces are looking for soft skills. They concern things like managing your time, working in a team in different activities and communicating with others. All of those __32__ (include) in soft skills. Usually people with these skills can do a good job. Many of these skills are__33__(help) in your education as well. You can develop them by learning about the way you think and the way you communicate.


The__Fault__in__Our__Stars is a novel __34____ (write) by American author John Green. It is his fourth major work, and his __35____ (popular) one so far. The story follows the main character, Hazel Grace, a 16-year-old girl with cancer. She attends a cancer support group,____36______ she meets Gus, a fellow teenage cancer survivor. They quickly become friends and begin __37__will turn out to be a short but very beautiful romance.


People all over the world are suffering from an epidemic,__38__is caused by the virus named Covid-19. People infected by the virus experience mild to moderate respiratory(呼吸的)illness or pneumonia. Those __39__strong immunity(免疫力)recover from the infection, but older people and those who have existing health problems such as heart disease and diabetes have a harder time__40______ (recover).



With the development and expansion of the Internet, many hobbies and interests of modern’ people have gained a new dimension. The Internet allows enthusiasts to unite to share their excitement about trends, to communicate and share experiences. Specialized websites provide users with even more information about their subjects of interest and help discover new boundaries of their passions. This refers to movies, arts, modeling, programming, literature, and music as well. One can hardly find a person who would not be listening to music on the way to work, at home, or elsewhere. There are plenty of websites that allow music lovers to stay in touch with the news relating to their hobbies.

One such website is Music.fm, a mix of a social network and an Internet-radio that tracks down the music its users listen to. This website is of great benefit for music enthusiasts and besides, it has a number of advantages compared to other sources providing similar services.

The availability of multiple functions also speaks in favor of Music. fm. One of its significant advantages over many other musical websites is the function of scrobbling(歌曲记录).This technology is convenient and definitely helpful for music lovers. With its aid, Music.fm searches for people with similar musical preferences and shows one a list of those whose interests match to some extent. These people are called neighbours and the idea is that they can get acquainted(熟悉)with the fans of their favourite kind of music and, most likely, make new friends. The information about upcoming events nearby, as well as recommendations given about new music that a user might like are also gathered and introduced by the means of scrobbling.

Music.fm allows users to listen to music for free. However, there is a serious drawback connected to it: It is available only to citizens of the USA, Germany, and Great Britain. At the same time, if you want to use Music.fm for communication, you might find that traditional social networks are more suitable for this purpose.

41. What can the Internet help its enthusiasts to do according to the passage?


42. With the help of scrobbling, what is Music.fm able to do for music lovers?

Please decide which part is false in the following statements, then__underline__it__and explain why.


43. Music.fm combines the functions of a social network and the radio that delivers real-time news.


44. Music.fm is popular among its lovers because it is not only free but also more suitable for communication.









Dear Sir or Madam,






Li Hua












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41. It offers them opportunities to come together to exchange their ideas, interests and experiences.

42. With scrobbling, Music.fm is able to search for people with similar musical preferences and show a list of those whose interests match. It can also gather information about upcoming events nearby and give recommendations about new music a user might like.

43. Music.fm combines the functions of a social network and the radio that__delivers__real-time__news.__

Music.fm combines the functions of a social network and an Internet-radio that tracks down the music its users listen to.

44. Music.fm is popular among its lovers because it is not only free but also more__suitable__for__communication.__

According to the passage, it is the traditional social networks rather than Music.fm that are more suitable for communication.
