




1. Which character does the man like more?

2. Which animal does the man like?

3. What season is it now?

4. What does the boy want?

5. When will the man start his class?



6. Which color does the woman want for her coat?

A. Pink. B. Red. C. Blue.

7. What does Lucy like?

A. Tea. B. Water. C. Juice.

8. What does the woman want?

A. Her coat. B. Her scarf. C. Her gloves.

9. what will Annie do?

A. Make a call. B. Write a letter. C. Send an email.

10. When will the man work?

A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.



11. What is Tommy and Jacky’s relationship (关系)?

A. They are brothers. B. They are good friends. C. They are father and son.

12. When did it start to rain?

A. when they were riding to school.

B. When they were studying at school.

C. When they were walking back home.

13. Who quickly took out the umbrella?

A. Tommy. B. Jacky. C. Tommy’s mother.

14. Why didn’t Jacky take his umbrella?

A. Because he didn’t want to take it.

B. Because he lost it on the way to school.

C. Because his mother told him to use Tommy’s.

15. How did Jacky and Tommy feel about their mothers?

A. Proud. B. Funny. C. Bored.




Children’s Hope Society Application (申请表)




I am __16______ years old


I am in Class 2, __17______ 7.


I’m interested in __18______ children who are sick and can’t leave their homes.

I can teach them __19__.

Free time:

I’m __20______ every weekend, from 9 to 11 a.m. and 3 to 5 p.m.

Telephone & Email:

010-6734****/[email protected]




21. A. sea B. meat C. tea D. great

22. A. like B. wish C. child D. five

23. A. cute B. luck C. much D. bus

24. A. nurse B. learn C. sister D. work

25. A. moon B. foot C. cook D. book

26. A. hear B. hair C. bear D. their

27. A. now B. know C. how D. cow

28. A. which B. much C. school D. teach

29. A. teeth B. there C. brother D. this

30. A. breakfast B. climb C. big D. boy




31. —Hi, Mary. Is this your new friend?

—Yes, it is. This is Amy. ____________ ____________ name is Brown.

A. She’s; first B. She’s; last C. Her; first D. Her; last

32. —What’s that on the table?

—It’s a photo ____________ my family.

A. in B. on C. of D. at

33. —Who ____________ the boys over there?

—____________ are my cousins.

A. is; This B. is; That C. are; These D. are; Those

34. This is my bedroom, and that is my ____________ bedroom.

A. mother and father B. mother’s and father

C. mother and father’s D. mother’s and father’s

35. I didn’t enjoy the movie last night, because there was a tall girl ____________ me and I couldn’t see the screen (屏幕).

A. behind B. in front of C. next to D. on the left

36. —What ____________ your school like?

—It’s clean and beautiful.

A. is B. are C. does D. do

37. —Is there a ____________ in your school?

—Yes, there is. We can do some experiments in it.

A. library B. playground C. science lab D. office building

38. —Are there any animals in your school?

—____________, ____________. Look! There ____________ a cat and some birds over there.

A. Yes, there are; is B. Yes, there are; are

C. No, there aren’t; is D. No, there aren’t; are

39. There ____________ ____________ furniture in Lucy’s new house.

A. is; many B. is; much C. are; many D. are; much

40. —Would you like ____________ juice?

—No, thanks. I’m good. But Tony hasn’t got ____________. Maybe you can ask him.

A. some; some B. some; any C. any; some D. any; any

41. —____________ is your brother?

—He is in the library.

A. What B. When C. Where D. Who

42. Chocolate is delicious, ____________ too much chocolate isn’t good for you.

A. and B. or C. so D. but




hotel (n.) stop (v.) before (prep.) trip (n.)

Many families go on holiday in the summer. In the United States, Americans often have a road __43__. They often drive hundreds of miles to get to a place they like. Some families may head for the beach; some may go to see the natural beauty of places such as Yellowstone or the Grand Canyon. On a road trip, they may __44____ for lunch at a diner. At night, they may stay at a roadside __45__, called a motel. Or, they might try camping. Some people stay in tents, and they love singing songs around a campfire __46______ bed. They usually have dinner together.


home (n.) study (v.) also (adv.) share (v.) moved (adj.) shows (n.)

Hello! I am Li Langjing. I am 15 years old. I come from Xiamen, Fujian. Now I __47______ at Glen Eira English Language Center in Melbourne, Australia. I love music. Listening to music is a good way to relax when I feel tired. I __48______ love traveling. I have been to many tourist sites (景点) in China. I would like to __49______ my experience in Australia with you.

This summer vacation, my friends and I went to a nursing house as volunteers. We helped the old people there clean their rooms, and we also performed some singing and dancing __50______ to cheer them up. They invited me to play the piano. We sang the song My Motherland together. It made all of us feel at __51__. Some of the old people were so __52______ that they burst into tears (流泪). They were probably thinking about their hometown.





Mary: My granddaughter Betty has a dog. His name is Sam. He’s old—about ten. My husband and I like Sam a lot. When we call him, he runs to us.

Betty: My cousin Anna is the same age as me. I like her because we have many same interests, such as playing the piano, listening to music, dancing and reading. She has a brother and his name is Mark. He’s fifteen. I like him, too. __54__: My husband and I are doctors. Our daughter Betty doesn’t want to be a doctor. She likes art very much so she wants to be an artist.

Tom: Now, my children are both married and have their own family. My son and his wife have a daughter and a son. They live near us. My wife and I often visit them.

53. Betty likes Anna because ____________.

A. Anna is the same age as her B. they are cousins

C. she likes her brother Mark D. they have the same hobbies

54. Who is the third speaker?

A. Kathy. B. John. C. Mark. D. Mike.

55. My__son in the last paragraph refers to (指的是)____________.

A. Mike B. John C. Tom D. Mark



Hello, I’m Peter and I will be with you on this tour of our school campus. I’ve been studying here for almost four years. I’m sure you’ll get a good idea of where everything is.

OK. Let’s go along the sidewalk. The building we’ve just left behind us is the Office Building. All the teachers work there. That’s where you register (注册), fill out the forms and communicate with your teachers. There’s also a nurse’s office on the first floor. Hope you never go there.

The next one, here on the left, is the Library. You can read many books and magazines there, but you can’t bring your books in. The new building in front of it is the Computer Center. It also has study rooms where you can meet to do homework and go over your lessons together. But remember to book those rooms before you use them.

Now follow me between the Office Building and the Library. We have our new Student Center. Inside it there is a small book store where you can buy textbooks and exercise books. The Student Center is where students can relax and have a snack during their spare time. On the right of it is the Sports Hall. We can do different kinds of sports there, for example, basketball, badminton, tennis and volleyball.

56. If you want to go over your lessons with your classmates, where can you go?

A. The Office Building. B. The Computer Center.

C. The Library. D. The Student Center.

57. How many buildings are mentioned in the passage?

A. 4. B. 5. C. 6. D. 7.

58. The passage is just for ____________.

A. the new students B. the headmaster

C. the visitors D. the teachers



Do you sometimes feel stressed? What do you usually do to deal with stress (压力)?

Food can make us feel better when we are stressed. Experts say it is good to enjoy food. However, eating when you are emotional can have negative (负面的) effects. Overeating foods that are not nutritious (有营养的) can lower our mood. It can also weaken our immune system (免疫系统). Right now, it is important to protect our bodies. It is also important to stay positive.

Eva Selhub is a doctor. Her work focuses on stress and the body. Selhub says that to feel better, we need to be careful about how we fuel our bodies (给身体提能量). We need to fuel ourselves in ways that lower stress.

· How can I tell if I’m eating because of emotion and not because of hunger?

Deanna Minich is an expert in nutrition. She says stress eating tends to be automatic. For example, we might eat a bag of chips without thinking. However, hunger lasts longer. We can stop feeling hungry by eating nutritious foods.

· How can I prevent (阻止) or limit emotional eating in this uncertain time?

When we eat, our brain releases two chemicals. They are called dopamine (多巴胺) and serotonin (血清素). These chemicals make us feel good. Eva Selhub says the feelings do not last long, though. Selhub suggests checking your stomach before getting a snack. Ask yourself, “Am I eating because I am hungry? Or is it because I feel stressed or sad?”

If it is because you are stressed or sad, try something else. There are other ways to feel better. Try focusing on your breathing. Getting exercise can help you feel less stressed. You could also do a hobby. Going outside also reduces stress. Selhub suggests trying to stick to your normal eating schedule. If you normally eat two or three meals a day, keep doing that.

· What should I be trying to eat during this public-health crisis (公共健康危机)?

Making good food choices starts at the grocery store. Try to buy fresh, colorful foods, Minich says. If you can’t, try to buy frozen foods. Frozen foods are often more nutritious than canned foods. Canned foods are stored in liquid with a lot of sugar or salt. Salt and sugar are not healthy in large amounts.

Stress can cause swelling (浮肿). Minich suggests using spices. They can reduce swelling. Vitamin C helps strengthen the immune system. Moving your body is important. It is also important to get enough sleep.

Eating well makes us feel better, Minich says. When we feel well, we are happier and more curious. “I think this is the time that we need more well-being and happiness,” Minich said.

59. The underlined word weaken in Paragraph 2 means ____________.

A. build up B. become less strong

C. get sick D. make it powerful

60. According to the passage, Selhub suggests ____________.

A. getting exercise every day

B. trying to buy fresh and colorful food

C. changing our normal eating schedule

D. checking our stomach before we eat a snack

61. We can learn from the passage that ____________.

A. physical exercise does better to us than food

B. fresh food can create pleasant feelings for long

C. there is more than one way to help us reduce stress

D. eating without thinking is the easiest way to cheer you up

62. The writer of the passage mainly wants to tell us ____________.

A. ways to get fresh and colorful foods

B. some suggestions on how to eat healthily

C. how to stop emotional eating and try to eat healthily

D. why our health can be weakened by eating unhealthy foods



Sports—China’s growing industry

Playing sports is good for both your body and mind, as scientific studies have proven. China has been encouraging people to exercise more. The fitness equipment (器材) that can be seen in different communities is part of these efforts.

China plans to do more. On September 2nd, the State Council published an outline (纲要) for developing the country’s sports industry (产业). The outline aims to build the country into a “modern sports power” by 2050.

The government’s work will mainly focus on the following areas: public sports participation (参与), competitive sports performances, the sports industry, culture and international sports exchanges.

According to the outline, people will have easier access (使用机会) to sports equipment. By 2035, 45 percent of the population is expected to exercise regularly, up from 33.9 percent in 2018.

The sports industry, including the production of sports goods and sports tourism, will become an important part of the national economy (经济) by then, making up 4 percent of China’s GDP.

The outline also lists specific goals for teenagers. For example, teenagers are expected (被期待) to learn at least two sports. Other goals include promoting (推广) winter sports in schools and building more outdoor sports youth camps.

More importance will be placed on the three “big balls”—soccer, basketball and volleyball. More people will be encouraged to play them.

China hopes to have a stronger voice on the international sports stage, Xinhua reported. The outline says China will make Chinese martial arts (武术) go global. By perfecting rules and standards (标准), it is hoped that this sport will be added to the Olympic Games.

63. When did the State Council publish the outline?

64. Will people have easier access to sports equipment?

65. What will become an important part of the national economy?

66. What kind of sports will people be encouraged to play?

67. What is the passage mainly about?




68. 太多肉对孩子不好。

69. 在科学楼里有六个科学实验室和五个计算机房。(There be)

70. 我的爸爸是演员,我的妈妈是剧院经理。(actor, theater)

71. 我的朋友玲玲来自北京。北京是中国的首都。(be from, capital)



72. 同学们,学校第5期英文板报开始征文了。本期征文的题目是”My Healthy Life”。请你写一篇不少于40词的征文,介绍你健康的生活。内容包括:你的饮食起居以及你在课余时间参加什么体育锻炼,并谈谈你对你的生活方式的看法。

提示词:milk, egg, bread, vegetables, run, play basketball, get up, go to bed, healthy


· What do you usually have for breakfast?

· What kind of sports do you like to do?

· What do you think of your lifestyle (生活方式)?




explore, move, exactly, science, surprise

In October 2017, astronomers in Hawaii saw a strange object, __73____ through the solar system. It was long and thin—like a cucumber. Its speed and direction also showed something 74__. It was an interstellar object—the first ever seen. The object was named Oumuamua—Hawaiian for “visitor from afar.” Nobody is sure __75______ what it is. Some believe it is a strangely shaped piece of rock which was knocked out of a far-off star system. However, other __76______ suggest it might be a piece of alien technology—like a spaceship that came to __77______ our solar system. “All possibilities should be considered,” says Professor Loeb from Harvard University.



New technology can save our lives.

During the novel coronavirus outbreak, hospitals all over China have used smart technology to care for patients and make work easier for doctors. The outbreak will help smart healthcare develop faster in China, according to Xinhua.

· __78__

Robots are being used to fight the virus. For example, medical workers at the Third People’s Hospital of Shenzhen are using robots to do routine (常规的) medical tasks.

Developed by Chinese AI company UBTech, these robots can offer medical advice, deliver medicines and disinfect (消毒) wards (病房) and other areas. __79__, according to China Daily.

Liu Yue, head of the hospital’s fever outpatient services (发热门诊), said the robots have made work much easier. “It greatly reduces our burden (负担), and it can also prevent us from missing infected patients,” Liu said.

· __80____

It can be dangerous for medical workers and patients to come into contact with each other. But with remote medical services, doctors at different hospitals can share photos and videos to come up with the best treatment. China’s three biggest telecom companies are providing hospitals across the country with 5G support. __81__.

For example, on Feb 27, doctors in the cities of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou used 5G technology to treat a severely ill 67-year-old patient in Wuhan, according to China Daily. By diagnosing (诊断) patients remotely, doctors can protect both themselves and their patients.

· __82__

AskBob is an AI-powered consultation (咨询) platform. Developed by Ping An Smart Healthcare, it can provide users with information about the virus, help people do medical self-checks, check their mental (心理的) health and choose the right face masks, according to China Daily.

Ping An Smart Healthcare has also developed AI software that can read CT images and provide accurate analyses (准确分析) to doctors. This can speed up the diagnostic process and allow doctors to give faster treatment.

A. Robots lend a hand

B. They can also check temperatures

C. AI makes work more efficient (高效的)

D. The robots can learn and solve problems as human do

E. Remote (远程的) healthcare services come to rescue

F. Here are different uses of AI technology in the real world

G. This allows them to transfer (传送) large amounts of data quickly








6-10 ABBAB

11-15 BCACA


16. 13/thirteen 17. Grade 18. helping 19. English 20. free



21-25 DBACA 26-30 ABCAB


31-35 DCDCB 36-40 ACABB 41-42 CD


43. trip 44. stop 45. hotel 46. before

47. study 48. also 49. share 50. shows 51. home 52. moved


A篇: 53-55 DAB

B篇: 56-58 BBA

C篇: 59-62 BDCC


63. On September 2nd.

64. Yes./Yes, they will.

65. The sports industry.

66. The three “big balls”—soccer, basketball and volleyball.

67. It is about the outline for developing the country’s sports industry and the future of the country’s sports industry.



67. Too much meat/eating too much meat isn’t good for children./does bad to children’s health.

68. There are six science labs and five computer rooms in the science building.

69. My father is an actor and my mother is a theatre manager.

70. My friend, Lingling is from Beijing. Beijng is the capital of China.


Leading a healthy life does good to us.

I usually get up at 6:30 and have an egg, two pieces of bread and a bottle of milk for breakfast. After that, I go to school by bike. I have 7 classes every day and I would like to play table tennis with my classmates during the break or play basketball with my friends after school. For dinner, I enjoy eating the dishes my mother makes. I like fish and vegetables best.

I think I have a healthy lifestyle.




(1) moving (2) surprising (3) exactly (4) scientists (5) explore



6-10 ABEGC



