
知识运用单项填空. 从下面各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项.

1. My grandparents live in the countryside, and we often go to see _________ on the weekend. (  )

A. he B. she C. they D. them

2. We will have Spring Festival_____________ January, 2020. (  )

A. of B. at C. in D. on

3. You can’t take photos here, __________ it’s too dangerous. (  )

A. because B. but C. and D. so

4. ﹣ __________ did you find out the cat?

﹣ In the garden. It slept behind the big tree. (  )

A. What B. How C. Why D. Where

5. Linda practices the piano very hard, but her sister practices __________ than her. (  )

A. hard B. harder

C. hardest D. more harder

6. Jane is a very kind girl. She often ___________ her classmates. (  )

A. helps B. helped C. is helping D. has helped

7. ﹣ Mum, could you help me?

﹣ Wait a moment. I __________ your clothes. (  )

A. wash B. am washing C. washed D. will wash

8. ﹣ David, _________ I use your computer for a while?

﹣ Of course, come on. (  )

A. must B. need C. can D. should

9. I ___________ the dog when it began to rain. (  )

A. walk B. walked

C. am walking D. was walking

10. My father loves history. He ____________ hundreds of history books already. (  )

A. reads B. has read C. is reading D. will read

11. A new swimming pool in our school ____________ next year. (  )

A. build B. built

C. will be built D. was building

12. ﹣ Could you please tell me __________________?

﹣ Of course. It’s behind YanHua cinema. (  )

A. where YanHua Hotel is

B. where is YanHua Hotel

C. where YanHua Hotel was

D. where was YanHua Hotel

完形填空. 阅读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选择最佳选项.

13. Dad was an English teacher who taught high school students. Mom (1)______ at home and homeschooled their four children. Three of us had no trouble learning, but my sister Catherine still could not(2)______ by fifth grade, and worse still, did not even know the alphabet.

My mother did some research and found that Catherine had some kind of learning disability. She sent Catherine to a public school to (3)______ some help. Catherine made many friends at school and pleased with everyone for telling creative stories in class, but she still couldn’t master reading. After all the testing was done, the school had my (4)____ come in. They were told that according to the test results, they should just take Catherine home.

Tears of sadness ran down my dad’s cheeks, but my mom made up her mind quietly. As they walked back to the car, she turned to him and said, “I know she’s not(5)______. ”

Soon after, my mom discovered a learning system that focused heavily on lesson repetition ( 重复 ) and building slowly on the previous ( 先前的 ) exercises. She worked with Catherine for four hours every morning while the rest of us studied on our own. It was hard for both of them, but she often told a crying Catherine, “(6)______ is not a choice. You are going to learn to read, and we’ll both try! You have to learn to read! You will learn to read. ”

In time, Catherine got it. By the time she graduated ( 毕业 ) from eighth grade, she was reading almost at grade level. She continued (7)______ and was reading above grade level when she graduated from high school.

Catherine came to love reading and writing. All of this because of a wonderfully devoted ( 挚爱的 ) mother who was truly the best (8)______ ever﹣for all four of us.

(1)A. helped

B. stayed

C. came

D. went

(2)A. listen

B. speak

C. read

D. write

(3)A. get

B. give

C. learn

D. teach

(4)A. mother

B. father

C. friends

D. parents

(5)A. shy

B. polite

C. stupid

D. clever

(6)A. praise

B. kindness

C. courage

D. failure

(7)A. forgetting

B. improving

C. explaining

D. playing

(8)A. teacher

B. classmate

C. learner

D. researcher

阅读理解阅读下列短文, 根据短文内容, 从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选择最佳选项.



This website is all about looking after the earth. There are facts about different animals, as well as information about forests, deserts and oceans. You can upload your own videos onto the site for everyone to see.


This is one of the best sites on the web for teenagers who love reading. You can share your work with others, and there are message boards where you can chat about things that are important to you.


On this site you can watch a daily news program and search for information about big news stories. There are also videos on different subjects, articles about famous bands, games and competitions.


Finding out about your favorite writers is easy on this site. There are lots of interesting articles and information about the latest books. You can read blogs by well﹣known writers and post questions to them. And you’re likely to get replies from them.


There’s lots of information on this site about maths, chemistry and biology. You can visit some of the world’s most famous museums or watch wildlife via webcams. There are also some very cool games, such as Save the Planet.

(1)Ecocentral__is a website about______.

A. the earth

B. reading

C. news

D. museums

(2)On ChannelTwenty, you can______.

A. share your articles

B. watch a daily news program

C. read the latest books

D. learn chemistry and biology

(3)If you like visiting online museums, which website is best for you?______

A. Ecocentral

B. ChannelTwenty

C. Inside﹣the﹣cover

D. ScienceZone

15. Five middle school students, all wearing “I choose kindness” T﹣shirts, sit around a table discussing how to turn that message into action.

It was a class called “Ready, Set, Give!” in West Suburban Summer School, Minnesota, US.

For five days, from 8:30 am to 4 pm, Hannah, 13, Annette, 12, Allison, 12, Adelaide, 13 and Ben, 13, designed activities that could turn their kindness into action.

They learned a lot about service projects. For example, after hearing about “Beyond the Yellow Ribbon”, a program that provides care to soldiers (士兵), the students made cards for soldiers themselves. They filled care packages (爱心包裹) with nuts, beef jerky, toothbrushes, even fresheners.

The best part, though, was choosing their own service projects. Adelaide is planning to set up a lemonade stand to help the homeless. Annette is interested in protecting animals.

She plans to create posters to help people understand the dangers of ocean litter, pesticides and pollution. Hannah and Allison are paying attention to protecting the rights and health of young people. Ben wants to help people do a better job of recycling plastic ( 塑料回收 ).

The students also visited Prism, a social service agency (服务机构) in Minnesota. They worked for five hours, sorting donations, putting food on shelves and doing some cleaning.

Sarah Bailey, the activities’ organizer, is confident that the students’ projects will be successful.

“These guys are ready to take action, ” Bailey said. “It’s more than I hoped for. ”

(1)What is “Beyond the Yellow Ribbon”?______

A. It is a “I choose kindness” T﹣shirt.

B. It is a social service agency in Minnesota.

C. It is a program that provides care to soldiers.

D. It is a poster to help people do a better job of recycling plastic.

(2)Whose service projects are designed to protect the environment?______

A. Annette’s and Ben’s.

B. Hannah’s and Allison’s.

C. Allison’s and Ben’s.

D. Adelaide’s and Annette’s.

(3)What did five middle school students do to turn their kindness into action?______

A. They designed activities.

B. They wore “I choose kindness” T﹣shirts.

C. They made “Beyond the Yellow Ribbon”.

D. They created a social service agency in Minnesota.

16. Growing up in the Chinese community in Vancouver, Canada, I had full time to experience both Canadian and Chinese culture during my childhood.

In my community, many traditions and cultural traits brought by Chinese immigrants(移民)remain alive. For example, interactions (互动) between Chinese neighbors: People greet each other warmly and sometimes stop for a chat. Families also stay mostly the same after crossing the ocean. Elderly members still live with their children instead of in care homes.

Another similarity is that many of us celebrate traditional Chinese holidays, such as Spring festival. Although it’s in a different country, the holidays are still commemorated with the same foods, entertainment ( 娱乐活动 ) and values as they are in China. My family makes sure to watch the Spring Festival Gala each year, for example.

While many ways of Chinese culture truly remain in Vancouver, there are also certain ways that the Chinese and Canadian cultures have mixed to create something new and special. Many children of Chinese immigrants, like myself, study in English at school and speak Chinese at home, leading to communication without any trouble in both languages. Chinese communities also celebrate Canadian holidays, like Halloween, which are not often celebrated in China.

Canadian culture has even taken on some Chinese foods and language. Chinese dishes are very popular throughout Canada, many people are very interested in trying them. More and more non﹣Chinese Canadians are learning the language in order to enjoy Chinese holiday celebrations and communicate with their Chinese of the same age.

As someone who grew up Chinese Canadian, I’m very proud of my special background and how it has made me the person I am today.

(1)According to the passage, what are Chinese immigrants in the writer’s community like?____

A. They seem too busy to stop for a chat.

B. Elderly people prefer to stay in care homes.

C. They also remain many Chinese traditions and values.

D. Their lifestyles remain unchanged after moving to Canada.

(2)What does the underlined word commemorated probably mean?______

A. made.

B. started.

C. described.

D. celebrated.

(3)What can we infer from the passage?______

A. Canadians are open to Chinese culture.

B. Many Canadians can’t get well with Chinese immigrants.

C. Canadians usually do better than Chinese people at school.

D. Canadians are unhappy with the influence of Chinese culture.

17. We all need to buy things from time to time, but do we think about how our shopping affects people, animals and the environment? Here’s how you can take better care of the world we live in while you shop.

Ethical ( 伦理的, 道德的 ) shopping

We all need to eat, drink and wear clothes. But what do we know about the products that we buy in shops, in supermarkets or online? Many people in Britain want to know more about the products they buy. They want to know how people, animals and our planet (地球) are treated when food, drinks and clothes are produced.

Fair trade

The Fairtrade Foundation is based (总部设在) in the UK and helps farmers and workers in poorer parts of the world make more money. The organization asks companies that grow products such as coffee or bananas to pay for wages (工资) and to provide their workers with good working conditions. If companies follow these requirements, they will receive a Fairtrade certificate (证书) and can sell their products with the “Fairtrade” mark. About 5 million people in 58 countries benefit from Fairtrade’s practices.

Free range

On free range farms, farm animals spend time outside instead of being inside 24 hours a day. Meat, eggs or dairy products, such as milk or cheese, can be free range. Some experts say that this type of farming is preferable because it is very kind and the animals are healthier. Many people also think that free range food tastes better and is more nutritious ( 有营养的 ).

Ethical clothing

Some clothing factories have been accused (指责) of having children as workers and of allowing unsafe conditions in their factories. People nowadays are becoming more interested in where their clothes are made, who they are made by and in what conditions. They want their clothes to look good and be ethical. Most fashion manufacturers (制造商) have information about their workers and their environmental policies (政策) on their websites. With the help of organizations like Fairtrade, shoppers can make more choices about the products they buy.

(1)If you shop ethically, you______.

A. buy products online

B. only buy things you need

C. care about how products are made

D. compare the prices before buying things

(2)What should the companies do if they received a Fairtrade certificate?______

A. They should make more money.

B. They should treat their workers fairly.

C. They should grow more coffee or bananas.

D. They should make sure their products have the best quality.

(3)According to the passage, free range food is believed to be more______.

A. expensive

B. tasteless

C. unhealthy

D. nutritious

(4)What do we know from the passage?______

A. Ethical shopping started in the US.

B. Free range animals stay outside 24 hours a day.

C. Fairtrade has helped people in over 50 countries.

D. Clothing factories have serious pollution problems.

阅读短文, 根据短文内容回答问题.

18. Is traffic a big problem where you live? Increased cycling may be the answer. Where are the best places to live and cycle? A new report lists the best bike﹣friendly cities around the world.

Amsterdam is the bike capital of the world. There’s an extensive network of safe, fast and comfortable cycle routes. Copenhagen is a city where 32% of workers cycle to work because it’s fast and easy. Berlin is another European city that’s great for cycling. The city has about 80 kilometers of bike lanes ( 车道 ), and 50 kilometers of pavement paths.

Barcelona has been praised for its cycle service “Bicing”. This was introduced in March, 2007. It’s a bicycle service that allows users to take bicycles from any of the 100 stations spread around the city. Later, they can leave them at any other bike station inside the urban area of the city. The city has created a “green ring” that surrounds the city area of Barcelona with a bike path. There are 3, 250 parking spaces for bikes at street and it is also building a new underground car park for bicycles.

The UK has its cycle﹣friendly cities too. Bristol is the birthplace of the cycle﹣route charity which was formed 30 years ago. One of their projects was turning an old rail line between Bristol and Bath into a bike route. Other bike﹣friendly cities in the UK include Cambridge and York. Cambridge is an old city but has still managed to build good cycle systems and services.

The bicycle is a most popular transportation in China. Beijing can be one of the best bike﹣friendly cities in China. There are many riding routes in Beijing for outdoor﹣lovers to explore. Cyclists can get close enough to experience the history and culture of Beijing, including the Forbidden City, Drum Tower, the Water Cube, the Bird’s Nest, Hutong etc.

(1)Which city is the bike capital of the world?


(2)How long of bike lanes are there in Berlin?


(3)What cycle service in Barcelona was introduced in 2007?


(4)What has Cambridge managed to do?


(5)What is the passage mainly talking about?


书面表达文段表达. 从下面两个题目中任选一题 根据中文和英文提示, 完成一篇不少于 50 词的文段写作. 文中已给出内容不计入总词数. 所给提示词语仅供选用. 请不要写出你的校名和姓名.

19. 根据中文和英文提示, 完成一篇不少于 50 词的文段写作. 文中已给出内容不计入总数, 所给提示词语仅供选用. 请不要写出你的校名和姓名.

假如你是李华, 你们学校要举办传统文化节活动, 你打算邀请交换生 Tom 参加, 请用英语写一封电子邮件, 告诉他活动时间和具体地点, 安排了哪些活动以及需要他做什么准备.

提示词语: invite, hall, Beijing Opera, information, question, search

提示问题: ● When and where will you hold the Traditional Culture Festival?

● What activities will you have?

● What do you advise Tom to prepare for it?

Dear Tom,

How is it going?

There’ll be a Traditional Culture Festival in our school.


If there is anything that I can do, please let me know.


Li Hua

20. 题目②

某英文网站在开展以”我身边的榜样”为主题的征文活动, 假如你是李华, 请用英语写一篇短文投稿, 谈谈你身边的榜样, 他 / 她是谁, 你为什么认为他 / 她是你的榜样, 以及从他 / 她身上学习到了什么.

提示词语:role model, kind, fair, helpful, wise, hard﹣working

提示问题:● Who is your role model?

● Why do you think he/she is your role model?

● What have you learned from him/her?





知识运用单项填空. 从下面各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项.

1. 【分析】我的祖父母生活在农村, 我们经常在周末去看他们.

【解答】he他, she她, they他们, 主格, them他们, 宾格. 根据题意, see是动词, 后面应该用宾格, 所以them符合题意.


【点评】掌握代词的含义和用法, 根据题意选出正确答案.

2. 【分析】我们将在2020年1月过春节.

【解答】of “…的、由…组成的”;at”在、以、向”;in”在…内”;on”在…时候、在…之上”, 四者都是介词. on 用于具体的时间前, in用于年、月, 用于上、下午和晚上, 季节, 世纪前. at用于时刻前. 由题干”我们将在2020年1月过春节. “可知, 空格是”在…内”, 用in, 因此答案应是in.


【点评】本题考查介词的用法, 在熟知所供词的含义基础上, 根据句意, 从而判断出正确答案.

3. 【分析】你不能在这拍照, 因为它太危险了.

【解答】A because 因为;B but 但是;C and 和;D so 所以. 根据句意, 前文表示”你不能在这拍照”, 空格后表示”它太危险了”, 可知, 后文表示原因, 所以用引导原因状语连词because.



4. 【分析】﹣你在哪找到那只猫?

﹣在花园里. 它睡在大树后面.

【解答】根据In the garden, 可知问的是地点. A. 什么 B. 如何 C. 为什么 D. 哪里.


【点评】熟悉疑问副词的用法, 结合题意, 给出答案.

5. 【分析】Linda努力的练习钢琴, 但是她的姐妹比她更努力的练习.

【解答】hard努力的, 原级, harder更努力的, 比较级, hardest最努力的, 最高级, more harder, more不能修饰harder. 根据题意, 但是她的姐妹比她更努力的练习, 可知, harder符合题意.


【点评】掌握副词的比较级和最高级, 根据题意选出正确答案.

6. 【分析】简是一个非常善良的女孩. 她经常帮助她的同学.

【解答】根据often…, 可知时态是一般现在时, 主语she接动词第三人称单数形式.


【点评】熟悉实义动词第三人称单数形式的用法, 结合题意, 给出答案.

7. 【分析】﹣妈妈, 你能帮助我吗?

﹣稍等一下. 我正在给你洗衣服.

【解答】问句询问”妈妈, 你能帮助我吗”, 答语回答”稍等”, 可知妈妈正在做某事, 现在没空. 表示正在做某事用现在进行时, 用be+动词的现在分词构成.


【点评】当句中没有明显的时间状语时, 需要通过语境来判断使用何种时态.

8. 【分析】David, 我能用一会你的电脑吗?﹣当然, 用吧.

【解答】A must 必须;B need 必须;C can 能;D should 应该. 根据下文回答”当然”, 可知, 空格处是表示请求”我能用一会你的电脑吗”, 所以空格处填can.


【点评】辨析每个选项的词义, 结合语境选出正确的答案.

9. 【分析】我正在遛狗, 这时开始下雨了.

【解答】根据句意”我正在遛狗, 这时开始下雨了”和语法可知, 主句要用过去进行时, 其构成为was/ were doing sth. .


【点评】对时态的考查, 要求牢记各种时态的构成形式, 结合时间状语和上下文的关系, 找出正确答案.

10. 【分析】我父亲喜欢历史. 他已经读了几百本历史书.

【解答】根据句中的already可知用现在完成时, have/has +过去分词, read的过去分词是read.


【点评】解答此类试题时, 务必根据题目的要求, 在准确理解句子意思的前提下, 结合时间状语判断时态, 根据时态的构成准确作答.

11. 【分析】我们学校明年将建一个新游泳池.

【解答】本句主语A new swimming pool in our school 与谓语动词build之间是被动关系, 根据时间状语next year用一般将来时的被动语态, 由will be +过去分词构成.


【点评】解答此类试题时, 务必根据题目的要求, 在准确理解句子意思的前提下, 结合时态和语态准确作答.

12. 【分析】你能告诉我燕华酒店在哪里吗?

当然. 在燕华电影院后面.

【解答】宾语从句要用陈述语序, 排除选项BD;主句中的could是委婉语气, 不是过去式, 再根据句意”你能告诉我燕华酒店在哪里吗”和语法可知, 宾语从句要用一般现在时, 选项A正确.


【点评】宾语从句要用陈述语序, 再根据上下文意思或时间状语, 推断出合适的时态, 排除错误的答案, 然后再比较剩下的选择项, 从而做出正确的答案.

完形填空. 阅读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选择最佳选项.

13. 【分析】本文主要讲述作者的母亲在家里教育四个孩子, 直到高中时代. 但是Catherine 在阅读方面有问题, 但是在母亲的鼓励下, 她克服了障碍, 最后成功了.

【解答】(1)B 考查动词, A. helped帮助 B. stayed停留 C. came来 D. went去, 根据homeschooled their four children让他们的四个孩子在家上学, 推出妈妈待在家里, stay at home待在家里. 故选B.

(2)C 考查动词, A. listen听 B. speak讲话 C. read读 D. write写, 根据后文but she still couldn’t master reading但她仍然无法掌握阅读, 推出她不会读. 故选C.

(3)A 考查动词, A. get得到 B. give给 C. learn学习 D. teach教, 根据She sent Catherine to a public school to…some help, 结合语境, 她有阅读方面的学习障碍. 所以把她送到公立学校是为了得到一些帮助, 故选A.

(4)D 考查名词, A. mother妈妈 B. father爸爸 C. friends朋友 D. parents父母, 根据They were told that according to the test results, they should just take Catherine home他们被告知, 根据检测结果, 他们应该把凯瑟琳带回家. 可知学校通知作者的父母把凯瑟琳带回家, 故选D.

(5)C 考查形容词, A. shy害羞的 B. polite礼貌的 C. stupid愚蠢的 D. clever聪明的, 根据but my mom made up her mind quietly但是我的妈妈平静地做出了决定. 可知妈妈很淡定, 推出她认为凯瑟琳并不笨, 故选C.

(6)D 考查名词, A. praise表扬 B. kindness善良 C. courage勇气 D. failure失败, 根据You are going to learn to read, and we’ll both try! You have to learn to read! You will learn to read你要去学读书, 我们都来试试!你必须学会阅读!你将学习阅读. 推出妈妈告诉凯瑟琳不能失败. 故选D.

(7)B 考查动词, A. forgetting忘记 B. improving改善 C. explaining解释 D. playing玩, 根据was reading above grade level when she graduated from high school. 可知到了高中时候她的阅读水平高于年级水平, 推出她的阅读提高了, 故选B.

(8)A 考查名词, A. teacher老师 B. classmate同班同学 C. learner学习者 D. researcher研究员, 根据前文Mom (1)B at home and homeschooled their four children. 可知妈妈在家教四个孩子. 所以此处是指妈妈是老师, 故选A.

【点评】解答完形填空题需要快速阅读全文, 了解文章大意, 再带着选项去读, 边读边做, 注意联系上下文.

阅读理解阅读下列短文, 根据短文内容, 从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选择最佳选项.

14. 【分析】本文主要介绍了几种不同类型的网站.


1. A 根据”This website is all about looking after the earth. “可知, 这个网站是关于地球的. 故选A

2. B 根据”On this site you can watch a daily news program and search for information about big news stories”可知, 在这个网址上你可以看每日新闻节目, 搜索重大新闻故事的信息. 故选B.

3. D 根据” You can visit some of the world’s most famous museums or watch wildlife via webcams”可知, 你可以在ScienceZone里参观一些世界上最著名的博物馆或者看一些野生动物网络摄影. 故选D.

【点评】阅读理解题要求理解文章大意, 浏览题干后带着问题到文中寻找相关内容从而得出答案. 本题多为细节理解题, 在文中很容易找到答案. 而推理判断题则需要根据题干找出相关语境, 在理解语境的基础上经过推理得出答案, 相对之下难度会大些.

15. 【分析】本文主要介绍了5所中学的学生如何将他们的善良转变成行动来保护我们的地球.


1. C 根据”…”Beyond the Yellow Ribbon”, a program that provides care to soldiers (士兵)…”可知, “Beyond the Yellow Ribbon” 是一个给士兵提供关心的项目. 故选C.

2. A 根据”Annette is interested in protecting animals. She plans to create posters to help people understand the dangers of ocean litter, pesticides and pollution. “, “Ben wants to help people do a better job of recycling plastic ( 塑料回收 ). “可知, Annette计划设计海报来帮助人们理解海洋垃圾, 农药和污染的危害 与Ben 想要在塑料回收方面更好的帮助人们, 都有涉及到保护环境. 故选A.

3. A 根据”For five days, from 8:30 am to 4 pm, Hannah, 13, Annette, 12, Allison, 12, Adelaide, 13 and Ben, 13, designed activities that could turn their kindness into action. “可知, 5天里这几个孩子设计了可以把他们的好意转变成行动的项目. 故选A.

【点评】阅读理解题要求理解文章大意, 浏览题干后带着问题到文中寻找相关内容从而得出答案. 本题多为细节理解题, 在文中很容易找到答案. 而推理判断题则需要根据题干找出相关语境, 在理解语境的基础上经过推理得出答案, 相对之下难度会大些.

16. 【分析】本文主要讲了作者是来自中国移民到加拿大的. 他们那个社区里的人仍然保留了中国很多传统习俗与价值观, 也接受了加拿大的一些文化. 并且作者社区的加拿大本地人也尝试着学习汉语来享受中国节日与文化等.

【解答】1. C 细节理解题 根据第三段” Although it’s in a different country, the holidays are still commemorated with the same foods, entertainment ( 娱乐活动 ) and values as they are in China. “可知, 尽管他们在加拿大, 但是他们仍用与中国相同的食物, 娱乐活动, 价值观等来庆祝节日. 可以推断出, 作者所在的社区仍然保留着中国的传统与价值观. 故选C

2. D 推断词义题 根据第三段” Although it’s in a different country, the holidays are still commemorated with the same foods, entertainment ( 娱乐活动 ) and values as they are in China. “可知, 尽管他们在加拿大, 但是他们仍用与中国相同的食物, 娱乐活动, 价值观等来____节日. A 制造 B 开始 C 描述 D 庆祝. 故选D

3. A 推断题 根据” More and more non﹣Chinese Canadians are learning the language in order to enjoy Chinese holiday celebrations and communicate with their Chinese of the same age. “可知, 越来越多非移民的加拿大人在学习汉语, 为了享受中国的节日与文化, 可以推断, 加拿大人很愿意接受中国的文化, 并且与移民相处的很好. A对, B错;D错. C选项文章当中没有体现, 无法推断, 故C错, 故选A.

【点评】阅读理解题要求理解文章大意, 浏览题干后带着问题到文中寻找相关内容从而得出答案. 本题多为细节理解题, 在文中很容易找到答案. 而推理判断题则需要根据题干找出相关语境, 在理解语境的基础上经过推理得出答案, 相对之下难度会大些.

17. 【分析】本文主要介绍了当我们购物的时候如何更好的照看我们生活的世界﹣﹣﹣有道德的购物, 公平贸易, 自由放养, 有道德的生产服装


1. C 根据” They want to know how people, animals and our planet (地球) are treated when food, drinks and clothes are produced”可知, 在食物, 饮料和衣服被生产的时候, 人类, 动物和我们的地球是如何被对待的. 可以看出, 如果你有道德的购物, 你会关心物品是如何被生产的. 故选C.

2. B 根据” The organization asks companies that grow products such as coffee or bananas to pay for wages (工资) and to provide their workers with good working conditions. “可知, 这个组织要求种植植物的公司(例如:咖啡或者香蕉)要给员工支付工资并且提供好的工作环境. 即工人付出劳动, 公司要提供报酬. 可以看出, 如果他们收到一个公公平贸易的证书, 他们要公平的对待自己的员工. 故选B.

3. D 根据”Many people also think that free range food tastes better and is more nutritious ( 有营养的 )”可知, 许多人认为自由放牧的食物尝起来更好也更有营养. 故选D.

4. C 根据”About 5 million people in 58 countries benefit from Fairtrade’s practices”可知, 在58个国家中大约5百万的人从公平贸易中收益. A, B, D在文章中并未体现. 故选C.

【点评】阅读理解题要求理解文章大意, 浏览题干后带着问题到文中寻找相关内容从而得出答案. 本题多为细节理解题, 在文中很容易找到答案. 而推理判断题则需要根据题干找出相关语境, 在理解语境的基础上经过推理得出答案, 相对之下难度会大些.

阅读短文, 根据短文内容回答问题.

18. 【分析】文章主要介绍了适合自行车骑行的城市.

【解答】(1)Amsterdam. 细节理解题, 根据Amsterdam is the bike capital of the world, 可知阿姆斯特丹是世界自行车之都, 故答案为Amsterdam.

(2)About 80 kilometers. 细节理解题, 根据The city has about 80 kilometers of bike lanes , 可知柏林大约80公里的自行车道, 故答案为About 80 kilometers.

(3)Bicing. 细节理解题, 根据 Barcelona has been praised for its cycle service “Bicing”. This was introduced in March, 2007, 可知巴塞罗那在2007年3月推出自行车服务, 故答案为Bicing.

(4)To build good cycle systems and services. 细节理解题, 根据Cambridge is an old city but has still managed to build good cycle systems and services, 可知剑桥设法建立了良好的自行车系统和服务, 故答案为To build good cycle systems and services.

(5)The best cities for cycling. 主旨大意题, 根据 A new report lists the best bike﹣friendly cities around the world. 一份新报告列出了世界上最好的自行车友好城市, 结合文章内容, 可知文章主要介绍了适合自行车骑行的城市, 故答案为The best cities for cycling.

【点评】面对阅读理解类题型, 首先要浏览试题, 其次则是从原文中寻找线索, 解题过程中, 要灵活变化, 学会推测文中线索.

书面表达文段表达. 从下面两个题目中任选一题 根据中文和英文提示, 完成一篇不少于 50 词的文段写作. 文中已给出内容不计入总词数. 所给提示词语仅供选用. 请不要写出你的校名和姓名.

19. 【分析】略

【解答】Dear Tom,

How is it going?

There’ll be a Traditional Culture Festival in our school. Would you please come to join us? It will begin at nine o’clock next Friday morning in our school hall. There will be a lot of interesting activities. We can enjoy a Beijing Opera performance and make some beautiful paper﹣cuttings. We can also learn to make dumplings and taste the traditional food. I hope you like it. If you want to understand Chinese culture better, you can search more information about it online before you come.

If there is anything that I can do, please let me know.


Li Hua


20. 【分析】【高分句型一】

She is not only busy with her work but also takes good care of our family.

她不仅忙于她的工作, 而且很好地照顾我们的家庭. not only…but also…不仅…而且…


I’m lucky to have such a good mother.

我很幸运有这样一个好妈妈. be lucky to do sth幸运地做某事.

【解答】My mother is my role model. (我的榜样是谁) She is hardworking. Every day she gets up very early and goes to bed late. She is not only busy with her work but also takes good care of our family. 【高分句型一】What’s more, she is very helpful to others, when people around her have some difficulties, she’s always ready to help them to solve the problems. All the people like her. I’m lucky to have such a good mother. 【高分句型二】(为什么是我的榜样) I love her and I will learn from her. She makes me know the importance of diligence. I will work hard and try my best to help others. (我学到了什么)

【点评】能够根据提示进行书面表达, 能够围绕主题准确使用一定的语法、词汇、短语和句型等, 清楚连贯地表达自己的思想, 进而完成写作任务.

