

第一部分:知识运用(共两节,共45分)第一节: 语法填空(共1小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空. 在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空.

1. (15分)


On February 14, men around the world take out their wives or girlfriends(1)______(have) dinner, buying them flowers and gifts. However, people in Japan do it(2)____ (different). On that day, a woman usually(3)__(give) gifts to the man in her life. This gift comes in the form of chocolate or cookies. One month later, on March 14, they celebrate White Day, when men present gifts to women. Instead of chocolates, they may give handbags, flowers or clothes. (4)____if a girl wants to receive more gifts on White Day, she should give gifts generously to her loved ones on Valentine’s Day.


In 2002, Yao Ming was selected the first overall in the NBA Draft(选秀). No athlete is(5)__(responsible) than Yao for China’s rise to a global sports superpower. After Yao(6)____ (join) the Houston Rockets, the NBA became the first professional sports league from the US to visit China. Thanks to Yao’s impact, more professional(7)______(team) have a presence in China today. Yao retired in 2011 following a career that included eight NBA All﹣Star selections. He’s truly a superstar who belongs to the world.


As a Chinese citizen (中国公民), I’m proud to experience how my motherland took actions to protect her citizens. I never thought Chinese citizenship(8)__(save) our lives until I saw the government try everything it could to save overseas Chinese citizens. In 2011, the situation in Libya was tense. When the government learned of this situation, one warship, twenty civil aircraft and four military aircraft were sent there immediately and all 35,860 Chinese citizens(9)____(move) out of Libya within a week. These actions have been highly praised around the world. The world isn’t peaceful. It’s just someone(10)______ carries the burden for you!

第二节: 完形填空(共1小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.

2. (30分)Tom was a middle﹣aged businessman whose repeated failure in his work made him an upset man, often complaining (抱怨) that others had been playing tricks on him. One day he told his wife he was so(1)______ with the city that he had to leave.

So his family moved to(2)______ city. It was in the evening of a weekend when Tom and his wife were busy(3)______ up their new home that the(4)______ suddenly went out. So they had to(5)______ work. Because Tom had forgotten bringing along candles, he had to wait(6)______ in a low mood. Just then he heard slight knocks on his door that sounded clear in the(7)______ night.

“Who’s it?” he wondered, since Tom had no(8)______in the new city. And this was the moment he especially disliked being disturbed or troubled. (9)______, he went unwillingly to the door and opened it impatiently. At the door was a little girl, shyly asking, “Sir, do you have(10)______?I’m your neighbour. ” “No!” answered Tom in anger and shut the door(11)______. He complained about it with his wife, “As soon as we settled down, the neighbour came to(12)______ things. ” After a while, the door was knocked again. He opened it and found the(13)______ girl outside. But this time she was holding two candles, saying, “My grandma told me the new neighbour downstairs might need candles. She(14)______me here to give you these. ” Tom was very(15)______ by what he saw. When he fully undersood, he said, “Thank you and your(16)______. God bless you!”

At that moment he suddenly realized what caused his(17)______in life. It was his(18)______and unkindness with other people. The person who had cheated him in life was(19)______ nobody else but himself, for he had fallen for his heartless(20)______.

(1)A. inspired

B. satisfied

C. disappointed

D. encouraged

(2)A. any

B. other

C. every

D. another

(3)A. ending

B. looking

C. cleaning

D. turning

(4)A. light

B. fire

C. fridge

D. television

(5)A. quit

B. start

C. change

D. continue

(6)A. happily

B. hopefully

C. patiently

D. helplessly

(7)A. dark

B. quiet

C. noisy

D. crowded

(8)A. doctor

B. friends

C. stranger

D. audience

(9)A. So

B. Although

C. However

D. Moreover

(10)A. beer

B. rolls

C. plates

D. candles

(11)A. humbly

B. strongly

C. slightly

D. entirely

(12)A. buy

B. sell

C. lend

D. borrow

(13)A. same

B. pretty

C. energetic

D. confident

(14)A. sent

B. forced

C. prohibit

D. suggested

(15)A. pleased

B. puzzled

C. surprised

D. frightened

(16)A. brother

B. mother

C. father

D. grandma

(17)A. goal

B. failure

C. success

D. schedule

(18)A. apology

B. opinion

C. coldness

D. responsibility

(19)A. in all

B. in reality

C. in general

D. in particular

(20)A. mind

B. idea

C. brain

D. thought

第二部分:阅读理解 (共三节,共40分)第一节:阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑. (共3小题; 每小题6分,共22分)

3. (6分)

①Tours that provide a window on wildlife without harming the animals are a welcome development for Chinese animal﹣lovers, a recent survey found. About 60 percent of interviewees said that they would refuse to take part in tours that might badly influence the normal life of animals in the wild or be harmful to wildlife.

②The number of Chinese studying abroad grew at a slower rate(比率) in 2019, as more students have come to realize that studying abroad does not ensure a well﹣paid job in foreign countries. About 78 percent of Chinese students abroad plan to work in China either right after graduation or after working abroad for a while.

③A survey by American Councils for International Education, showed that there were 227,086 Chinese learners across the formal US education system, making Chinese the third most popular language being studied.

④Passengers found eating or drinking on the Beijing subway who do not stop when they are asked will face having their actions noted on their social credit(信用) score according to Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport.

Weekly Round﹣up

(1)What can you infer from News 1?______

A. Chinese tourists will not do any harm to wildlife from now on.

B. The tours are specially designed for Chinese to protect wildlife.

C. Many tourists in China have a strong sense of animal protection.

D. The tours make more tourists become interested in wild animals.

(2)Which of the following is true according to News 2?______

A. Most Chinese students will no longer go abroad for education.

B. Most Chinese students studying abroad plan to work in China.

C. Chinese students studying abroad can find jobs easily in China.

D. Chinese students studying abroad can get well﹣paid jobs in China.

(3)According to the news above, we know that______.

A. 227,086 Chinese learners have been to America to study languages

B. Chinese has become the most popular language in the United States

C. passengers are not allowed to drink or eat on the Beijing subway

D. passengers will be punished and fined if they eat or drink on the subway

4. (8分)My family lives in Texas. I was born and brought up in Texas and I am a graduate of the University of Texas. However, around my second year in law school, I wanted to make a great change, which was almost unheard of for Texans: I wanted to leave!

I realized this after completing my first﹣year internship(实习期). I knew I wanted something different and my chance came during the 2011 Super Bowl(橄榄球超级大赛) in Dallas. A snowstorm blanketed the entire city in snow and thousands of people were gathered. I overheard that StubHub, a big company from a great city, San Francisco, was throwing a party next door to my hotel. I thought if I could get an internship, I could leave for the summer and at least see what it was like. Yes, it was a huge leap. I told myself I was ready.

There was just one problem: I wasn’t invited to the StubHub party. But you know I’m the type of person who goes for something she wants. Needless to say, I crashed the party and found my way to the president. I kindly introduced myself and then asked if they had a legal internship program. Guess what? They accepted my request to be a legal intern, even though no such program existed.

The legal department didn’t have a permanent position for me. However, I got many other chances to be a legal intern in other companies. That experience has shaped my life. Working for a great company in San Francisco, I’m incredibly happy for making my decision to leave Texas.

By leaving Texas, I learned that it is so much more rewarding to try the unfamiliar than to stay in the comfort zone. Exploring the unfamiliar is how you’ll understand what fits your life. I say, dive in headfirst.

(1)The author was able to leave Texas because______.

A. she dropped out of the University of Texas

B. she watched the 2011 Super Bowl in Dallas

C. a snowstorm blanketed the entire city in snow

D. she introduced herself to the president of StubHub

(2)In the fourth paragraph, what does the underlined word “permanent” mean?______

A. suitable

B. important

C. long﹣lasting

D. high﹣respected

(3)Which of the following words best describe the author?______

A. Patient and honest.

B. Smart and humorous.

C. Determined and positive.

D. Supportive and energetic.

(4)What does the author want to tell us through her experience?______

A. You must choose a career that you like.

B. Jumping out of your comfort zone is rewarding.

C. Accepting who you are makes you realize your strengths.

D. You should listen to your family to learn about your potential.

5. (8分)The Notre Dame (巴黎圣母院) fire has been put out, but its wooden roof have been largely damaged. The terrible accident causes a sudden sharp pain to people around the world, “What a pity that we cannot see the damaged parts of the wonder anymore. ”

But the good news is that there is at least one way of seeing them, namely via a video game called Assassin’s Creed: Unity. In this game, the player can travel to one city after another and enter the buildings exactly like what they are in reality, and see Notre Dame as it was before the fire. In addition, with VR technology, which is already quite mature, one can even look around the undamaged Notre Dame as if it is still there. Maybe digital technology could help to better protect architectural cultural heritage (建筑文化遗产).

The idea of digitizing ancient buildings, making digital models of them so their data can be saved, dates back to the 1990s and the necessary technology has continued to advance since then. By scanning the ancient buildings with lasers, building 3D models with hundreds of images, as well as measuring (测量) everything precisely, engineers can make a copy as “same” as the real one.

As computers and smartphones are hugely popular,the digital replica or digital copy has great pratical value. First, it allows tourists to feel the cultural relics (文物) without touching them, which helps protect them. The virtual tour of Dunhuang Grottoes in Gansu Province is a good example of this as tourists can view the paintings without standing near them. Furthermore, it can make the digitized cultural relics more famous by spreading awareness about them via the Internet. In 2000, a virtual tour of the Great Wall became very popular at the Hannover World Expo, which increased the number of foreign tourists visiting it in the following years. Above all, it preserves all the information of the cultural relics. Even if the original ones are damaged one day, people can still know what they were like and can build a replica if desired.

Time is the biggest problem to architectural heritage. Maybe we will have better technologies in the future,but the digital technology offers a practical way to preserve architectural cultural heritage at the moment.

(1)What can we see about Notre Dame in the video game?______

A. The big fire.

B. Its original look.

C. The damaged parts.

D. Its wooden shape.

(2)What will engineers do to create a digital replica of the ancient buildings?______

A. Improve the technology needed.

B. Build 3D models of full size.

C. Scan the photos of the buildings.

D. Measure all the parts precisely.

(3)How does the author prove the digital copy has great practical value?______

A. By comparison.

B. By listing data.

C. By giving examples.

D. By classification.

(4)What is the best title of the passage?______

A. The Damage of Notre Dame

B. The Value of Digital Replica

C. VR Technology Helps Repair the Cultural Relics

D. Digital Technology Helps Protect Ancient Buildings

第二节:根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项. 选项中有两项为多余选项. 请把答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上. (共1小题;每小题10分,共10分)

6. (10分)Successful people not only have healthy morning habits, but also know how to finish off their day right. And they all have particular habits.

Read a book. (1)______ They all know the importance of educating themselves every single day in order to achieve better results in their professional and personal lives. Reading will make you more likely to succeed.

Organize the following day. Having a well﹣written plan can really benefit the tasks you have set for the day. It is really difficult to remember all the things you need to do. (2)______ Successful people know the importance of a well﹣planned day. So before you go to bed, write down your 3 most important goals for tomorrow.

Spend time with family. Life is not all about work. We all need to enjoy ourselves and spend quality time with the people we love. (3)______Going for a walk, playing a game with your kids or just enjoying a movie night, can all be really great exercises to strengthen your close relationships.

Get a workout. (4)______ I am sure you have heard this many times, but exercise can really benefit your body, mind, and build your self﹣confidence to help you keep a healthy lifestyle.

(5)______If you like getting things done in the evening, this could be the best time of your day to work on some art. By creating something artistic, you might even discover some hidden talents.

A. Create your art at night.

B. We must create something meaningful.

C. Many successful people read every day.

D. It is useful for improving your thinking.

E. Why not write them all down in a notebook?

F. Successful people know how to make time for their family.

G. After a tiring day, it is important for you to go out and get your body moving.

第三节:阅读下面短文和问题,根据短文内容和每小题后的具体要求,在答题卡相应题号后的横线上写下相关信息,完成对该问题的回答. 答语要意思清楚,结构正确,书写工整. (共1小题;每小题8分,共8分)

7. (8分)

Beijing Daxing Airport is Finally Open

Beijing Daxing International Airport (PKX), also known as Beijing New Airport, is the biggest airport in the world. It is also the second international airport of Beijing along with Beijing Capital International airport. Daxing Airport is located in Daxing District (the southern suburbs of Beijing). Its location was selected after thorough analysis. With a 46km﹣distance from Tiananmen Square, a 67km﹣distance from Beijing International Airport and a 26km﹣distance from Langfang City Center, Daxing Airport aims to become the main airport hub of the serving area. It is expected to handle up to 45 million passengers per year by 2021 and reach an outstanding 100 million in the future.

How big is Daxing Airport?

Daxing Airport was called “Starfish” because of its impressive shape. There is a huge terminal building (航站楼) covering a 700,000m2 area while the ground transportation centre extends to 80,000m2. For the time being, Daxing Airport has four runways and 79 airport stands. The 4 runways’ size is impressive while the airport stands are suitable both for one twin﹣aisle (双通道) and two single﹣aisle planes. Eventually, the airport will have 7 runways in total and will be able to serve about 620,000 flights annually.

Who designed Daxing Airport?

The airport’s design is pioneering. Its terminal building is the impressive outcome of the collaboration between ADP Ingeniérie (ADPI) and the architecture team of Zaha Hadid (ZHA) who tragically passed away in 2016. Then, in August 2018, Hong Kong design studio Lead 8 undertook the design of the new commercial terminal which is expected to respond to every passenger’s needs.

What are the designing advantages?

Daxing Airport was designed to show high respect to environmental protection. Besides, to simplify passenger procedures, there are only less than 600 meters between checkpoints and gates and a minimum waiting time for baggage claim. Furthermore, the designers paid great attention to the convenient ground transportation system of the airport. High﹣speed and intercity trains, metro and public buses will connect the new airport to Beijing city and other major areas in a fast and efficient way.

(1)What does Daxing Airport aim to? (不多于九个单词)______

(2)Why is Daxing Airport called “Starfish”? (不多于五个单词)______

(3)Who designed the commercial terminal? (不多于六个单词)______

(4)Please write down one of the designing advantages of Daxing Airport. (不多于七个单词)

第 II卷 (25分)第一部分:基础知识(共5分)从方框内选择适当短语,并用其适当形式填空,有两个多余短语. (共1小题; 每小题5分,共5分)

8. (5分)

calm down; sign up;gather around;in case;make an effort;be addicted to; a variety of

(1)The doctor shares his phone number with the patients______ they need medical help.

(2)It is one of traditions for Chinese people to______ the table and talk during the Spring Festival.

(3)Granny’s hand was slightly shaky but she still______ to help the boy write a letter to Father Christmas.

(4)While mobile devices bring convenience to people’s life, it also causes______ problems among the teenagers.

(5)Jenny wanted to______for the school basketball team, hoping that one day he could become a professional basketball player.


9. (20分)假如你是李华,你的英国朋友Peter来信向你咨询如何才能学好中文. 请你根据以下提示给他回信.

• take a Chinese course

• learn and sing Chinese songs

• …

注意:1. 词数不少于60.

2. 信的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数.

Dear Peter,

I’m glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese well. ______.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!


Li Hua




第一部分:知识运用(共两节,共45分)第一节: 语法填空(共1小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空. 在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空.

1. 【分析】本文是三个片段:

1. 讲述情人节的活动.

2. 介绍了姚明,2002年,姚明在NBA选秀中被选为第一名. . 姚明在2011年退役,他的职业生涯包括8次NBA全明星选拔赛. 他真的是一个属于世界的巨星.

3. 讲述中国政府在利比亚局势紧张时,派出一艘军舰、二十架民用飞机和四架军用飞机前往利比亚,35860名中国公民在一周内全部撤离利比亚.

【解答】(1)to have. 考查不定式. take sb to do sth带某人去做某事. 故填to have.

(2)differently. 考查副词. 修饰动词,所以用副词,故填differently.

(3)gives. 考查主谓一致. 主语为a woman,所以谓语用第三人称单数形式,故填gives.

(4)So/Thus. 考查连词. 根据句意”他们可能会送手袋、鲜花或衣服,而不是巧克力,所以如果一个女孩想在白日收到更多的礼物,她应该在情人节慷慨地送给她所爱的人. “可知前后是因果关系,所以用so或thus连接,放在句首,故填So/Thus.

(5)more responsible. 考查比较级. 后面有than,所以用比较级. 故填more responsible.

(9)joined. 考查时态. 描述过去的事情,所以用一般过去时态,故填joined.

(7)teams. 考查名词的数. team为可数名词,前面有more,所以用复数名词,故填teams.

(8)would save. 考查时态. 表示:我从未想过中国公民身份会拯救我们的生命,直到我看到政府尽一切努力拯救海外中国公民. 表示”会”描述过去的事情,所以用would.

(9)were moved. 考查时态语态. 描述过去的事情,所以用一般过去时态. move和句子主语之间是被动关系,所以用被动语态,主语为复数名词,故填were moved.

(10)who. 考查定语从句. 先行词为不定代词,在定语从句中做主语,故填who引导.

【点评】本题主要考查了用单词的适当形式填空. 做本题的关键是在理解短文的基础上,灵活运用所学的基础知识. 本类型的题目常考到的知识点有:固定的短语,词类的转换,名词的复数形式,副词以及祈使句的用法等. 因此,这就需要在平时的学习中,牢固掌握各语言点及一些语法知识.

第二节: 完形填空(共1小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.

2. 【分析】这是一篇夹叙夹议文. 文章介绍Tom (汤姆)总是认为自己被人欺骗,所以事业总是失败. 他和家人搬到了另外一个城市,在打扫时灯灭了, 一个小女孩给他送了蜡烛,让他有了不同的认识:生活中欺骗他的人实际上是他自己而不是其他人,他的眼睛被他无情的心灵蒙蔽了. 从此, Tom的人生观改变了.

【解答】(1)﹣(5)CDCAA (6)﹣(10)DBBCD

(11)﹣(15)BDAAC (16)﹣(20)DBCBA

(1)C. 考查形容词词义辨析. A. inspired品质优秀的,受鼓舞的;B. satisfied满意的; C. disappointed令人失望的; D. encouraged受到鼓舞的. 句意:一天,他告诉他的妻子,他对这个城市非常失望,他不得不离开. 根据前文often complaining that others had been playing tricks on him可知汤姆认为别人总是欺骗他,所以他对这个地方非常失望,想离开. 故选C.

(2)D. 考查形容词词词义辨析. A. any任一,任何的; B. other另外的,其他的;C. every每一的 ,每个的;D. another不同的,类似的,另一个. 句意:所以他的家搬到了另一个城市. 根据上文 One day he told his wife he was so(1)with the city that he had to leave. 可知汤姆想搬到另一个城市去,但是没有特指某个城市. 故选D.

(3)C. 考查动词词义辨析. A. ending结束;B. looking看着,面向;C. cleaning打扫; D. turning转动,旋转. 句意:在一个周末的晚 上,当汤姆和他的妻子正忙着打扫他们的新家时,灯突然灭了. 根据their new home可知此处表示打扫新家,短语clean up打扫,清理. 故选C.

(4)A. 考查名词词义辨析. A. light灯,光,打火机; B. fire火;C. fridge电冰箱;D. television电视机. 句意:在一个周末的晚上,当汤姆和他的妻子正忙着打扫他们的新家时,灯突然灭了. 根据下文的candles可知是灯灭了. 故选A.

(5)A. 考查动词词义辨析. A. quit放弃,停止,离开; B. start开始;C. change改变;D. continue继续. 句意:所以他们不得不停下打扫的工作. 根据前..that the light suddenly went out可知停电了,所以他们只好停止打扫. 故选A.

(6)D. 考查副词词义辨析. A. happily高兴地;B. hopefully有望地; C. patiently有耐心地;D. helplessly无能为力地,无助地. 句意:因为汤姆忘了芾蜡烛,他只好沮丧地等着. 根据Because Tom had forgotten bringing along candles可知汤姆很后悔没带蜡烛,只好情绪低落地无助等待. 故选D.

(7)B. 考查形容词词义辨析. A. dark黑暗的; B. quiet安静的; C. noisy喧闹的,吵闹的; D. crowded拥挤的. 句意:就在这时,他听到轻轻的敲门声,在寂静的夜里听起来很清楚. 根据Just then he heard slight knocks on his door可知这时在安静的夜晚,他们听见了敲门声,敲[]声和安静的夜晚形成对比. 故选B.

(8)B. 考查名词词义辨析. A. doctor医生; B. friends朋友; C. stranger陌生人; D. audience观众,听众. 句意: “会是谁呢? “他想,因为汤姆在这个新城市里没有朋友. 根据in the new city可知表示汤姆在这个新城市里还没有朋友. 故选B.

(9)C. 考查副词词义辨析. A. So因此,所以; B. Although尽管虽然; C. However无论如何,不管怎样,然而; D. Moreover而且,此外. 句意:然而,他还是不情愿地走到门口,不耐烦地把门打开. 根据he went uwillingly to the door and opened it impatiently可知虽然这个时候他不喜欢被打扰,但是他还是不情愿地开门了,前后文是转折关系. 故选C.

(10)D. 考查名词词义辨析. A. beer啤酒; B. rolls卷轴,滚动,面包卷; C. plates盘子; D. candles蜡烛. 句意:她害羞地问:”先生,您有蜡烛吗?我是您的邻居. “根据下文But this time she was holding two candles可知女孩问的是蜡烛. 故选D.

(11)B. 考查副词词义辨析. A. humbly低声下气地,谦逊地; B. strongly坚定地,强有力地; C. slightly轻微地,些微地; D. entirely完全地,彻底地. 句意:”没有!”汤姆生气地回答,用力地把门关上. 根据answered Tom in anger可知他生气了,所以会用力地关门. 故选B.

(12)D. 考查动词词义辨析. A. buy买; B. sell销售,卖; C. lend贷,提供, ..借给; D. borrow借入,借用. 句意:他向妻子抱怨说:”我们一安顿下来,邻居就来借东西了. “根据things可知是汤姆抱怨邻居来借东西. 故选D.

(13)A. 考查形容词词义辨析. A. same相同的,同一的; B. pretty漂亮的,可爱的; C. energetic有力的,精力充沛的; D. confident自信的. 句意:他打开门,发现还是那个女孩. 此处指的是上文的a little girl. 故选A.

(14)A. 考查动词词义辨析. A. sent送 ,寄出; B. forced强迫; C. prohibit阻止,禁止; D. suggested建议,暗示. 句意:但这次她拿着两根蜡烛说:”我奶奶告诉我楼下的新邻居可能需要蜡烛. 她让我来给您这些. “根据to give you these可知小女孩的奶奶告诉她新邻居可能没有蜡烛,所以叫她送蜡烛过来. 故选A.

(15)C. 考查形容词词义辨析. A. pleased高兴的; B. puzzld困惑的,茫然的;C. surprised感到惊讶的; D. frightened害怕的,受惊的. 句意:汤姆对他所看到的感到非常惊讶. 根据上文But this time she was holding two candles可知汤姆对于眼前的事情感到很惊讶. 故选C.

(16)D. 考查名词词义辨析. A. brother兄弟; B. mother母亲,妈妈; C. father父亲,爸爸; D. grandma外婆,奶奶. 句意:当他完全理解后,他说:”谢谢你和你的奶奶. 上帝保佑你们 ! “根据上文My grandma told me the new neighbour downstairs might need candles. 可知此处表示汤姆感谢小女孩和她奶奶. 故选D.

(17)B. 考查名词词义辨析. A. goal目标; B. failure失败; C. success成功; D. schedule时间表,计划表. 句意:在那一刻,他突然意识到是什么导致了他人生的失败. 根据下文It was his_ 18 and unkindness with other people. 可知Tom意识到是什么导致了他的失败. 故选B.

(18)C. 考查名词词义辨析. A. apology道歉; B. opinion观点,看法; C. coldness冷漠寒冷,冷淡; D. responsibility责任,职责,义务. 句意:是他对别人的冷漠和不友好. 根据上文He complained about it with his wife, “As soon as we settled down, the neighbour came to_ 12 things. ” 可知是他对别人的冷漠和不友好导致了他的失败. 故选C.

(19)B. 考查介词短语词义辨析. A. in all总共,计; B. in reality实际上,事实上; C. in general总之,通常, 一般; D. in particular尤其,特别. 句意:在生活中欺骗他的那个人,实际上不是别人,而是他自己,因为他已经爱上了他那无情的心. 根据nobody else but himself可知生活中欺骗他的人实际上不是别人,就是他自己. 故选B.

(20)A. 考查名词词义辨析. A. mind意见,理智; B. idea想法,主意,概念; C. brain头脑,智力; D. thought思想,思考, 想法. 句意:在生活中欺骗他的那个人,实际上不是别人,而是他自己,因为他已经爱上了他那无情的心. 根据heartless可知此处表示的是汤姆的思想,因为他冷漠无情的思想,生活中欺骗他的不是别人,正是他自己. 故选A.

【点评】近几年高考试题中的完形填空有新的变化,试题所涉及的知识面不断拓宽,综合难度不断提高. 做完形填空首先要通读全文,了解大意. 一篇完形填空的文章有许多空格,所以,必须先通读一至两遍,才能大概了解文章的内容. 千万不要看一句,做一句. 其次要逐句分析,前后一致. 选择答案时,要考虑整个句子的内容,包括搭配、时态、语法等. 答案全部填完后,再通读一遍文章,检查是否通顺流畅了,用词得当,意思正确.

第二部分:阅读理解 (共三节,共40分)第一节:阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑. (共3小题; 每小题6分,共22分)

3. 【分析】本文是每周的新闻报道的总汇. 并对每则新闻进行了说明.

【解答】(1)C. 细节理解题. 根据第一篇报道,About 60 percent of interviewees said that they would refuse to take part in tours that might badly influence the normal life of animals in the wild or be harmful to wildlife. 约60%的受访者表示,他们将拒绝参加可能严重影响野生动物正常生活或对野生动物有害的旅游. 可知,中国的许多游客都有强烈的动物保护意识. 结合选项,故选C.

(2)B. 推理判断题. 根据第二篇报道,About 78 percent of Chinese students abroad plan to work in China either right after graduation or after working abroad for a while. 约78%的中国留学生计划在毕业后或在国外工作一段时间后到中国工作. 可知,大多数中国留学生计划在中国工作. 结合选项,故选B.

(3)C. 推理判断题. 根据第四篇报道,Passengers found eating or drinking on the Beijing subway who do not stop when they are asked will face having their actions noted on their social credit(信用) score according to Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport. 北京市交通运输委员会的数据显示,在北京地铁上吃喝的乘客如果在被询问时不停止,他们的行为将被记录在社会信用评分上. 可知,乘客是不允许在在地铁上吃喝的,结合选项,故选C.

【点评】阅读理解题测试考生在阅读基础上的逻辑推理能力,要求考生根据文章所述事件的逻辑关系,对未说明的趋势或结局作出合理的推断;或根据作者所阐述的观点理论,对文章未涉及的现象、事例给以解释. 考生首先要仔细阅读短文,完整了解信息,准确把握作者观点.

4. 【分析】本文属于人生感悟类的短文阅读. 主要讲述作者离开自己的家乡,去尝试一些不熟悉的事情,从中获得了很多新的感悟和体验,并能满意地生活工作.

【解答】(1)D. 细节理解题,根据第三段Needless to say, I crashed the party and found my way to the president. I kindly introduced myself and then asked if they had a legal internship program. 不用说,我把派对搞砸了,找到了总裁. 我作了自我介绍,然后问他们是否有法律实习计划. 可知作者之所以能够离开得克萨斯州,是因为她向StubHub B公司的总裁推荐了自己. 故选D.

(2)C. 词意猜测题. 根据第四段后面的句子However, I got many other chances to be a legal intern in other companies. (不过,我还有很多机会在其他公司做法律实习生)可知,前面描述的是立法部门没有给我提供一个永久的职位,所以要到其他公司实习;由此可知permanent意为持久的. 结合选项:A. suitable合适的;B. important重要的;C. long﹣lasting持久的;D. high﹣respected受人尊敬的. 故选C.

(3)C. 推理判断题,作者离开自己的家乡,去尝试一些不熟悉的事情,最后还能够满意地生活,可知作者是意志坚定的和富有冒险精神的. 结合选项:A. Patient and honest. 诚实有耐心的. B. Smart and humorous聪明幽默的. C. Determined and positive有决心积极的. D. Supportive and energetic支持和充满活力的. 故选C.

(4)B. 推理判断题,根据最后一段” I learned that it is so much more rewarding to try the unfamiliar than to stay in the comfortable. 我知道尝试一些不熟悉的东西比呆在舒适的环境中更有意义”,可知跳出你的舒适区是值得的. 故选B.

【点评】做这类题材阅读理解时要求考生对文章通读一遍,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案. 细节理解题要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.

5. 【分析】这是一篇说明文. 文章通过巴黎圣母院被烧之后人们还可以看到巴黎圣母院的原貌,和敦煌石窟以及汉诺威世博会上虚拟的长城之旅例子,介绍了用数字复制技术真实还原古建筑,以及这一技术给文物保护等诸多方面带来了好处.

【解答】(1)B. 细节理解题. 根据第二段In this game, the player can travel to one city after another and enter the buildings exactly like what they are in reality, and see Notre Dame as it was before the fire. ( 在这个游戏中,玩家可以一个城市一个城市的旅行,进入建筑,就像他们在现实中一样,看到巴黎圣母院在火灾之前的样子. )可知,在这个游戏中我们可以看到巴黎圣母院原来的样子. 故选B.

(2)D. 细节理解题. 根据第三段中By scanning the ancient buildings with lasers, building 3D models with hundreds of images, as well as measuring (测量) everything precisely, engineers can make a copy as “same” as the real one. (通过用激光扫描古代建筑,用数百张图象构建三维模型,以及精确测量一切,工程师可以制作出与真实建筑一样精确的副本. )可知,工程师精确测量所有零件来创建古建筑的数字复制品. 故选D.

(3)C. 推理判断题. 根据倒数第二段中The virtual tour of Dunhuang Grottoes in Gansu Province is a good example of this as tourists can view the paintings without standing near them. (甘肃敦煌石窟的虚拟旅游就是一个很好的例子,因为游客不用站在附近就能看到这些画. )以及In 2000, a virtual tour of the Great Wall became very popular at the Hannover World Expo, which increased the number of foreign tourists visiting it in the following years. (2000年,在汉诺威世博会上,虚拟的长城之旅变得非常受欢迎,在接下来的几年里,参观长城的外国游客增加了. )可知,作者通过给出具体的实例来证明数字拷贝具有重要的现实意义. 故选C.

(4)D. 主旨大意题. 根据第二段中Maybe digital technology could help to better protect architectural cultural heritage (建筑文化遗产). (也许数字技术可以帮助更好地保护建筑文化遗产. )以及最后一段中Maybe we will have better technologies in the future, but the digital technology offers a practical way to preserve architectural cultural heritage at the moment. (也许在未来我们会有更好的技术,但数字技术提供了一个实用的方法来保护建筑文化遗产. )以及通读全文可知,本文主要是介绍了用数字复制技术真实还原古建筑,这一技术给文物保护等诸多方面带来了好处,因此最佳标题应该是选项D”数字技术有助于保护古建筑”. 故选D.

【点评】做这类题材阅读理解时要求考生对文章通读一遍,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案. 做题时要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.

第二节:根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项. 选项中有两项为多余选项. 请把答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上. (共1小题;每小题10分,共10分)

6. 【分析】成功的人不仅有健康的早晨习惯,而且知道如何正确地结束自己的一天. 他们都有特殊的习惯.


(1)C. 推理判断题. 句意:许多成功的人每天都在读书. 根据下文They all know the importance of educating themselves every single day in order to achieve better results in their professional and personal lives. 可知,他们都知道每天进行自我教育的重要性,以便在职业和个人生活中取得更好的成绩. 故选C.

(2)E. 推理判断题. 句意:为什么不把它们都写在笔记本上呢?根据下文Successful people know the importance of a well﹣planned day. So before you go to bed, write down your 3 most important goals for tomorrow. 可知,成功的人知道有计划的一天的重要性. 因此,上床睡觉之前,写下明天的三个最重要的目标. 故选E.

(3)F. 推理判断题. 句意:成功的人知道如何为自己的家庭腾出时间. 根据下文Going for a walk, playing a game with your kids or just enjoying a movie night, can all be really great exercises to strengthen your close relationships. 可知,散步,与孩子们玩游戏或只是享受电影之夜,都是增强您亲密关系的绝佳运动. 故选F.

(4)G. 推理判断题. 句意:辛苦了一天之后,重要的是要外出并运动一下. 根据下文I am sure you have heard this many times, but exercise can really benefit your body, mind, and build your self﹣confidence to help you keep a healthy lifestyle. 可知,我敢肯定,你已经听过很多次了,但是运动确实可以使你的身体,思想和身体建立自信心,以帮助你保持健康的生活方式. 故选G.

(5)A. 推理判断题. 句意:晚上创作艺术. 根据下文If you like getting things done in the evening, this could be the best time of your day to work on some art. 可知,如果您想在晚上完成工作,那么这可能是您一天中最好的时间来从事某种艺术品. 故选A.

【点评】答题前先快速浏览一遍七个备选答案,先确定哪个选项适合放在文章的什么位置. 通常有三个四个位置:句首,句中,句尾. 不同位置的句子有不同的特征. 确定文章体裁,抓住文章结构. 分析篇章结构,找出各段的主题句或主旨大意.

第三节:阅读下面短文和问题,根据短文内容和每小题后的具体要求,在答题卡相应题号后的横线上写下相关信息,完成对该问题的回答. 答语要意思清楚,结构正确,书写工整. (共1小题;每小题8分,共8分)

7. 【分析】本文章主要是向大家介绍了大兴国际机场,以及到大兴国际机场的交通方式.

【解答】(1)Become the main airport hub of the serving area. 目的意图题. 根据文章第一段,The airport’s design is pionee ring while its location on Daxing District (the southern suburbs of Beijing) is perfect in order to serve the Chinese capital and the neighboring areas of Hebei and Tianjin. 机场的设计是一个环形,而其位于大兴区(北京南郊)的位置是完美的,以服务于中国首都北京和邻近的河北、天津地区. 可知,大兴国际机场之所以会修建是为了更好的服务北京、河北以及天津. 故填Become the main airport hub of the serving area.

(2)Because of its impressive shape. 细节理解题. 根据第二段”Daxing Airport was called “Starfish” because of its impressive shape. 大兴机场因其令人印象深刻的外形而被称为”海星”,”可知大兴机场被称为”海星”是因为它令人印象深刻的外形. 故填Because of its impressive shape.

(3)Hong Kong design studio Lead 8. 细节理解题. 根据倒数第二段” Then, in August 2018, Hong Kong design studio Lead 8 undertook the design of the new commercial terminal which is expected to respond to every passenger’s needs. 然后,在2018年8月,香港设计工作室领导8进行了新的商业终端的设计,预计将响应每一位乘客的需求. “可知是香港设计工作室8号设计的商业航站楼. 故填Hong Kong design studio Lead 8.

(4)To show high respect to environmental protection. To simplify passenger procedures. The convenient ground transportation system. 细节理解题. 根据最后一段”Daxing Airport was designed to show high respect to environmental protection. Besides, to simplify passenger procedures, there are only less than 600 meters between checkpoints and gates and a minimum waiting time for baggage claim. Furthermore, the designers paid great attention to the convenient ground transportation system of the airport. High﹣speed and intercity trains, metro and public buses will connect the new airport to Beijing city and other major areas in a fast and efficient way. 大兴机场的设计是为了体现对环境保护的高度重视,同时为了简化旅客手续,检查站和登机口之间只有不到600米的距离,行李领取的等待时间也最短,同时,设计人员也非常重视机场便利的地面交通系统机场. 高速列车、城际列车、地铁和公共巴士将快速高效地将新机场与北京市及其他主要地区连接起来. “可知它的优势是:尊重环境保护. 简化旅客手续. 便利的地面交通系统. 故填To show high respect to environmental protection. To simplify passenger procedures. The convenient ground transportation system.



③简练作答,不要画蛇添足. 组织答案时,注意避免语言错误,如:时态、主谓一致、句子结构和拼写等.



第 II卷 (25分)第一部分:基础知识(共5分)从方框内选择适当短语,并用其适当形式填空,有两个多余短语. (共1小题; 每小题5分,共5分)

8. 【分析】(1)医生把他的电话号码告诉病人,以防他们需要医疗帮助.





【解答】(1)in case. 考查句意. 根据句意”医生把他的电话号码告诉病人,以防他们需要医疗帮助. “可知要填的词为”in case 以防”,引导目的状语从句,故填in case.

(2)gather around. 考查句意. 根据句意”春节期间,围坐在餐桌旁聊天是中国人的传统之一. “可知要填的词为”gather around聚集在…周围”,不定式做真正主语,故填gather around.

(3)made an effort. 考查句意. 根据句意”奶奶的手有点颤抖,但她还是尽力帮孩子给圣诞老人写了封信. “可知要填的词为”make an effort尽力”,更好前面的was,可知用一般过去时态,故填made an effort.

(4)a variety of. 考查句意. 根据句意”移动设备在给人们生活带来便利的同时,也给青少年带来了各种各样的问题. “可知要填的词为”a variety of各种各样的”,形式复数名词,故填a variety of.

(5)sign up. 考查句意. 根据句意”珍妮想报名参加学校篮球队,希望有一天他能成为一名职业篮球运动员. “可知要填的词为”sign up报名”,want to do sth想要做某事,故填sign up.


1. 根据语法,判断词性


2. 利用语境,确定词形



9. 【分析】高分句型一:Then, it should be a good idea to learn and sing Chinese songs, because by doing so you’ll 1earn and remember Chinese words more easily.



高分句型二:Besides, it helps to watch TV and read books, newspapers and magazines in Chinese whenever possible.



【解答】Dear Peter,

I’m glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese well. Here are a few suggestions:(写信目的)

First, it is important to take a Chinese course, as you’ll be able to learn from the teacher and practice with your fellow students. Then, it should be a good idea to learn and sing Chinese songs, because by doing so you’ll 1earn and remember Chinese words more easily. 【高分句型一】Besides, it helps to watch TV and read books, newspapers and magazines in Chinese whenever possible. 【高分句型二】 You can also make more Chinese friends. They will tell you a lot about China and help you learn Chinese. (提出建议)

I hope you’ll find my suggestions helpful. Try to write me in Chinese next time. Looking forward to hearing from you soon!(表达期望)


Li Hua

【点评】1. 开放类作文的特点:1)文章扣题;描述有的放矢,突出主题;

2)思维活跃: 发散思维空间,学生从不同的、全新的角度看待分析一个事物或现象.


