




1. My mother is busy these days, so I often help
with housework.

A. her B. him C. me D. you

2. ——Where’s your father now?

——He’s watching TV
the living room.

A. on B. by C. to D. in

3. Follow the teachers’ instructions,
you may get hurt when exercising·

A. so B. or C. but D. and

4. ——
is it from your home to our school?

——About 3 km.

A. How much B. How soon C. How far D. How long

5. ——Mr Yang, must I hand in my writing this afternoon?

——No, you
.You can hand it in tomorrow morning.

A. shouldn’t B. can’t C. wouldn’t D. needn’t

6. Jane and I haven’t seen each other for two years. She is
than me now.

A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest

7. We
the book sale in the school gym if it rains tomorrow.

A. were having B. had C. will have D. have had

8. Mike was playing the piano while his mother
in the kitchen.

A. was cooking B .is cooking C. had cooked D. cooks

9. I
to ride a bike when I was six years old.

A. learn B. learned C. will learn D. have learnt

in this apartment since 2015.

A. have lived B. are living C. live D. lived

11. Now, online learning
by more people because it’s convenient.

A. accepts B. accepted C. is accepted D. was accepted

12. My grandparents told me
20 years ago.

A. how did they go to work B. how they went to work

C. how do they go to work D. how they go to work



Why Can’t We Be Friends?

John Stewart was a poor but very smart kid and he always got top grades at school. He was shy, so he didn’t have any 13 .His classmate, Kevin, was a mean kid, who bullied(欺负)almost everyone including John. He did well in most subjects, but always failed math.

The two kids couldn’t be more different, but an act of 14 connected them.

One day, John saw a lady drop a purse on his way to school. The lady didn’t notice that. John caught up with her and handed the purse to her.

The lady happened to be Kevin’s mother. That evening, she told Kevin about the kind little boy who 15 the purse to her. She said, “His name’s John Stewart. I guess he goes to your school.”

“What?” Kevin said 16 .”Did you mean poor John, my classmate?”

To thank John, Kevin and his mom decided to invite him over for some snacks.

The next day, when John saw big Kevin running towards him, he got really scared. He thought Kevin was going to 17 him. Unexpectedly, Kevin gave him a big hug, “Thank you for returning my mom’s purse yesterday!”

“You mean that nice lady?” John asked.

“Yes. She wants to invite you over for some home-baked cookies.”

“Well, I have to get my mother’s 18 first.”

After school, they walked together to John’s home. John’s mom was more than happy to see his son with a friend for a 19 __. She agreed at once after asking Kevin if his parents were OK with that.

The two kids enjoyed the freshly baked cookies Kevin’s mom served. Then, they did the homework together. Kevin was amazed how John explained the usually very difficult math homework and made it look so easy.

With John’s help, Kevin 20 math tests successfully, and he seldom bullied anyone. They became best friends as well.

13. A. luck B. trouble C. friends D. classmates

14. A. bravery B. kindness C. trust D. friendship

15. A. left B. showed C. lent D. returned

16. A. angrily B. worriedly C. surprisedly D. impatiently

17. A. beat B. thank C. wake D. help

18. A. plan B. permission C. offer D. invitation

19. A. prize B. challenge C. protection D. change

20. A. passed B. presented C. predicted D. picked




You know that a person who paints is an artist. But do you know that there are other kinds of artists all around you? You just have to look for them and then you will find their works can be anywhere.

I’m an architect(建筑师).My job is to design many kinds of buildings. When I start my work, I need to know what a building will be used for because I must make detailed plans. Then builders can follow the plans, and the building is built.

I’m a costume designer. My job is to create the suitable clothes that the actors wear in a movie. I usually have to do some research first because I must make sure that the costumes are right for the time and place of the movie.

I’m a display artist. My job is to make the store windows look cool. I have to make sure that someone walking by will stop and look at the store windows. I should know how to paint because window displays often include painted walls and pictures.

I’m a face painter. My job is to paint on people’s faces, especially on kids’ faces because most of them like walking around with colorful faces. I begin my work by making a plan. I need to think about colors and shapes.

21. What does Bobby do?

A. He’s an architect. B. He’s a face painter.

C. He’s a display artist. D. He’s a costume designer.

22. Who needs to think about colors and shapes?

A. Susan. B. Bobby. C. Ellen. D. Dean.

23. Ellen’s job is to

A. paint on people’s faces B. make store windows look cool

C. create suitable clothes D. design many kinds of buildings


The Picky Eater

Howie’s mother called him a picky eater. He would eat nothing much else but cheese sandwiches and tomato soup.

One day, Howie’s mother told him, “Your father and I will have a meeting tomorrow evening. You can play at Ashwin’s home and even stay for dinner.”

“What?” Howie cried out before he could remember his manners. “I mean, that’s great,” he added unwillingly. Howie liked playing with his friend Ashwin, but there were no cheese sandwiches at Ashwin’s home!

“I know you are sensitive about being a picky eater, but you need to try new things. You can’t eat sandwiches and tomato soup forever. I expect you to have good manners at Ashwin’s home. It’s rude to say no when someone offers you food,” his mother said.

The next day, Howie followed Ashwin into Ashwin’s home and they played together for some time.

“Why do you keep checking the time?” Ashwin asked.

“I just wondered if it was time for dinner,” Howie said.

“Sure! Smell it! Yummy!” Ashwin said.

Dinner was ready. Howie dragged(拖)his feet as he walked to his seat. The food on the table was much more colorful than his usual dinner. He had a sinking feeling in his stomach. How in the world could he eat this meal?

“Try it,” Ashwin’s mother said.

Howie wished he could say no, but he knew his mother expected him to try it. He scooped up a tiny bit of rice and put it in his mouth, “Wow, it’s delicious!”

After Howie went home, he told his mother the food he tried at Ashwin’s home was delicious! She was happy to know Howie behaved so politely and was willing to try some new foods. She said, “Is it possible that my picky eater is gone forever?”

“I think so!” Howie smiled.

24. What did Howie’s mom expect him to do at Ashwin’s home?

A. To have good manners. B. To follow Ashwin all the time.

C. To eat sandwiches or tomato soup. D. To say no when he was offered food.

25.Howie kept checking the time because .

A. he wanted to leave in a polite way

B. he was worried about trying new food

C. he knew his parents would come to dinner

D. he was happy to have dinner with Ashwin

26. What can we know about Howie?

A. He doesn’t get along well with Ashwin. B. He prefers rice to cheese sandwiches.

C. He won’t be a picky eater anymore· D. He often asks his mom for advice.


Some apps highlight(凸显)when a person is online-and then share the information with the followers. Researchers at the University of Washington say that people could have more control over whether to show their online status(状态)in this case.

To find out whether people realize the apps are sharing this information and whether these indicators(标识) change how people behave online, the research team carried out a study among users of different apps.

The team asked participants if the apps they used showed their online status to their network. Almost 90% of the participants correctly named at least one of the apps they used that had online status indicators. But for at least one app they used, 62.5% answered “not sure” and 35.5% answered “no.” (Actually the app did.) The researchers also asked participants whether they noticed when others were online, whether they thought others noticed when they were online, and whether they had changed their own behavior because they did or didn’t want to appear online.

The answers show that many people misunderstand online status indicators but still carefully shape their behavior to control how they are displayed to others. More than half of the participants reported that they had suspected(,怀疑有)that someone had noticed their status. Meanwhile, over half reported that they had logged on to an app just to check someone else’s status. And 43% of the participants mentioned changing their settings or behavior because they were trying to avoid one specific person.

“We see this repeated way of people changing their behavior to meet the demands of technology-as opposed to technology adapting to us and meeting our needs,” said Lucy Simko, a UW doctoral student in the Allen School. That means people are choosing to go online not because they want to do something there but because it’s important that their status indicator is projecting the right thing at the right time.

“Now, many people are working from home and socializing only online to fight the coronavirus pandemic(新冠疫情),and some employees use their online status to indicate that they are working and available for meetings,” the team says. So there’s an opportunity to think about how future development of this technology could change how people use online status indicators.

27. The fourth paragraph is mainly about .

A. the purpose of the research B. the method used by the team

C. the findings of the research D. the suggestions given by the team

28. What can we learn from the research?

A. Some apps are updated to meet the needs of their users.

B. Some apps make money by selling their users’ information.

C. People usually have a clear picture of the apps they are using.

D. People sometimes go online to show they’re doing the right thing.

29. Which might be the best title for the passage?

A. Why We Should Protect Our Privacy Online

B. Why Online Apps Influence the Way We Think

C. How Online Status Indicators Shape Our Behavior

D. How We Could Make Full Use of Online Information


Your comfort zone is a place, activity, situation or psychological state in which you feel free from anxiety and things are within your ability or control. But stepping out of it also has positive results.

When you break free and try new things, you’ll be more productive and get more unexpected changes. That’s because by living outside your comfort zone when you choose to, you can experience uncertainty in a controlled, manageable environment, which can prepare you for future life changes that force you out of it. Besides, as you step out of your comfort zone, productive discomfort becomes more normal to you, and you’ll be willing to push further before your performance falls off.

Here are some ways to break out of your comfort zone without going too far:

Do everyday things differently. Ride your bike instead of taking the bus to school. Try a different diet. Use a new operating system. Don’t be upset if things don’t work out the way you planned.

Break the activity down into small steps. If you’re frightened or overwhelmed(难以承受的)by the challenge you’ve picked for yourself, don’t do it at once. You can make it a multi-step process that will let you slowly climb that mountain.

Trust yourself and make snap decisions. Perhaps you are more comfortable weighing all of the possible choices several times, but sometimes making a snap call is in order, just to get things moving. Doing so can help you kickstart your personal projects and teach you to trust your judgment.

Yet, with all its possible benefits, you can’t live outside of your comfort zone all the time. You need to come back from time to time to review your experiences. Take time to reflect on your experiences so you can apply the benefits you’ve got to your day-to-day activities.

Your comfort zone is neither a good or bad thing. It’s a natural state that most people trend towards (倾向于).Leaving it means increased risk and anxiety, which can have positive and negative results, but don’t demonize(妖魔化) your comfort zone as something holding you back. We all need that head-space where we’re least anxious and stressed so we can process the benefits we get when we leave it.

30. The word “snap” in Paragraph 6 probably means “

A. quick B. clear C. balanced D. thoughtful

31. Which might be the best example of breaking out of your comfort zone without going too far?

A. You went shopping when you were bored or upset.

B. You decided to watch a movie before the final exam.

C. You tried on all the shirts in a store to find the one you wanted.

D. You walked to school today although you prefer riding your bike.

32. The writer probably agrees that

A. experiencing uncertainty in a controlled way has negative effects

B. making a change to our routine helps to increase our productivity

C. reducing stress and risk is what we need to bring out the best in us

D. breaking activities down into small steps leads to greater achievements

33. What is the writer’s main purpose in writing this passage?

A. To explain the reasons to step out of the comfort zone.

B. To advise people to treat the comfort zone in a proper way.

C. To introduce some ways of improving day-to-day performance.

D. To stress the importance of dealing with uncomfortable moments.


Eating Together, Separately

Separate dining is common in the western culture, while in China’s dining culture, whether dining at home or eating out, a grouped dining system is used in most situations.

However, the coronavirus pandemic has challenged the deep-rooted Chinese dining tradition of sharing dishes together, which inspires the government, restaurants and citizens to rethink about eating customs.

Standards on individual(供一人用的) dining, serving chopsticks(公筷)and two pairs of chopsticks came out on March 18. Here are the main points. Individual diners’ food should be served to customers in separate tableware. Each shared dish should be served with a separate pair of serving chopsticks. Each diner should have two pairs of differently colored chopsticks. One is to get food from shared dishes to place into individual bowls, and the other is for eating from individual bowls.

The above new standards aim to protect the public health in a scientific and practical way. Over 200 companies have followed the guidelines. In order to encourage customers to follow the standards, some restaurants offer parking coupons(优惠券) to those who use serving chopsticks.

According to a survey about separate dining by think tank Thinker, nearly 89% of 100,000 interviewees believe it’s more hygienic(卫生的)because it reduces the risk of infection via saliva (唾液传染).

For Chinese, it is not easy to change their dining behavior, because they think the grouped dining system is a tradition. When they share the food, they are building up a close relationship among diners. Besides, it is difficult to divide Chinese dishes into separate parts.

Eating separately is a break from tradition, but it is helpful to prevent diseases and improve health. People can still sit at the same table, sharing the same food and the same culture in a new way. It also encourages advanced cooking skills, which means a chance of creating something new in Chinese food.

34. When did the standards on individual dining come out?

35. What is the aim of the new standards?

36. How do some restaurants encourage customers to use serving chopsticks?

37. Why is it not easy to change Chinese dining behavior?

38. According to the passage, what do you think of eating separately?


39. 从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。


假如你是李华,你们学校将组织一次”书法作品展(Chinese Calligraphy Exhibition)”,活动中不仅有学生作品展,还有书法讲座和书法体验活动等。你打算邀请你们班交换生Peter参加,请用英语写一封电子邮件,告诉他活动的时间、地点和内容,以及邀请他参加的原因。

提示词语:on show(展出), lecture, experience, ink and brush, culture

提示问题:When and where will the exhibition be held?

What activities will you have?

Why do you invite Peter to attend it?

Dear Peter,

How is it going?

There’ll be a Chinese calligraphy exhibition in our school.

If there is anything more that I can help with, please let me know.


Li Hua




提示词语:face, interest, weigh, decide to, master of my life

提示问题: What choice did you make?

What influence did the choice have on you?

My Choice

Life is all about choices.




1.A 2. D 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.A 11.C 12. B


13. C 14. B 15. D 16. C

17. A 18. B 19. D 20. A


21A 22.D 23.B 24.A 25.B

26.C 27.C 28.D 29.C 30A

31.D 32. B 33.B


34. On March 18.

35. To protect the public health in a scientific and practical way.

36. By offering those who use serving chopsticks parking coupons.

/They offer those who use serving chopsticks parking coupons.

37. Because they think the grouped dining system is a tradition.

38. It is a break from tradition, but it Is helpful to prevent diseases and

improve health as well as encouraging advanced cooking skills.

It is a break from tradition, but it is helpful to prevent diseases and

improve health as well as a chance of creating something new in Chinese food.

It Is a break from tradition, but It is helpful and Inspiring.
