

一、单选 (共14分, 每小题1分)

( ) 1. My brother and I like football. ______ play together once a week.

A. I B. They C. We D. You

( ) 2. When do you usually have the first class in the morning?

______ 8:00 .

A. Of B. In C. On D. At

( ) 3. -Excuse me, does Maria live here?

No, she ______ to London last winter.

A. moves B. moved C. will move D. has moved

( ) 4. -______ do you think of the story of Yu Gong Moves a Mountain?

I think it’s really interesting.

A. What B. Why C. How D. Where

( ) 5. My mother ______ her dog for a walk after dinner every day.

A. is taking B. was taking C. takes D. took

( ) 6. We ______ dinner in the kitchen when we heard the news on the radio.

A. eat B. ate C. are eating D. were eating

( ) 7. -______ do you play basketball with friends?

Twice a week.

A. How many B. How much C. How long D. How often

( ) 8. The North Star is one of ______ stars in the night sky.

A. bright B. the brightest C. brightest D. brighter

( ) 9. The story reminds us that we can never know what’s possible ______ we try to make it happen.

A. so B. unless C. but D. if

( ) 10. -Is your father at home?

No, he ______ Shanghai.

A. has gone to B. has been to C. will go to D. goes to

( ) 11. -Could you help me do the dishes?

Sorry, I ______. I am doing my homework now.

A. can’t B. couldn’t C. mustn’t D. won’t

( ) 12. You should practice ______ English every day.

A. read B. reading C. to read D. reads

( ) 13. -Amy, you can read the Chinese on the menu!

-Yeah, I ______ Chinese for two years.

A. learn B. have learnt C. are learning D. learnt

( ) 14. -Grandma, do you remember ______ Beijing?

-About 20 years ago.

A. when you first visit B. when do you first visit

C. when you first visited D. when did you first visit



One of the world’s most dangerous __15______ is mountain climbing, and one of the most popular places for this is the Himalayas. The Himalayas run along the southwestern part of China. Of all the mountains, Qomolangma__16______ the highest and is the most famous. It is 8,844.43 meters high and so is very __17______ to climb. Thick clouds cover the top and snow can fall very hard. Even more serious difficulties __18__ freezing weather conditions and heavy storms. It is also very hard to take in air as you get near the top.

The first people to __19______ the top were Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary on May 29, 1953. The first Chinese team did so in 1960, while the first woman to succeed was Junko Tabei from Japan in 1975.

Why do so many climbers __20__their lives? One of the main reasons is because people want to challenge __21______ ( them ) in the face of difficulties. The spirit of these climbers shows us that we should never give up trying to achieve our dreams. It also shows that humans can sometimes be __22______ (strong) than the forces of nature.

15. A. places B. sports C. mountains D. conditions

16. A. rises B. runs C. grows D. climbs

17. A. heavy B. serious C. dangerous D. unlucky

18. A. develop B. meet C. appear D. include

19. ___________ 20.__________ 21._________ 22._________



It was a dark day, one of depression (沮丧) and anger. As I climbed out of the pool, after seeing my time in the 100 yard freestyle (自由泳), I did not feel like speaking to __23__. I saw the bright smiles of swimmers who had just __24____ a best time. However, I had failed. Or at least that was what I thought at the time.

I was lying on my cool bed __25____ an idea came to my head. Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without __26____ your enthusiasm (热情). At practice the next day, I told my swimming teammates about my goal time and they all either laughed or replied, “You can’t do it” or “__27____ not”. Believe it or not, these are the responses (反应) that made my goal achievable.

Finally came the day when I had to __28____ to myself and others that with belief there is no limit to your achievements. With the starting gun going off,I dived with perfect form into the pool. I __29____ the cool water running across my back. I swam like a fish, bouncing off (弹离) each turn at the wall as if it was a spring board. On the last turn, I came back to the wall __30____ every piece of strength I had. I touched the final wall with my fingertips and knew that I had swum the __31____ race.

I had done it! I had achieved my best time! __32____ filled my heart like water does a cup. I saw the __33____ on all of my friends’ faces as I climbed out of the pool; their jaws (下巴) dropped to the ground. I began to laugh and gave them thumbs up.

I have learned in life that having __34____ in yourself opens all gates. Never forget that anything the mind can imagine and believe it can achieve.

23. A. somebody B. everybody C. nobody D. anybody

24. A. finished B. achieved C. remained D. realized

25. A. while B. although C. when D. because

26. A. losing B. leaving C. having D. keeping

27. A. Awfully B. Especially C. Probably D. Impossibly

28. A. promise B. provide C. present D. prove

29. A. smelt B. felt C. touched D. tasted

30. A. with B. without C. from D. towards

31. A. primary B. comfortable C. perfect D. complete

32. A. Anger B. Joy C. Surprise D. Regret

33. A. replies B. actions C. feelings D. expressions

34. A. belief B. pleasure C. love D. sunshine




Who do you admire most?

Jackie, 14

Sofia Marconi, my friend Bia’s mum, is probably the most amazing person I know. She is also very brave. She is a wildlife photographer and she travels to some of the most dangerous places on Earth to take photos of the world’s most endangered animals.

Jacob, 16

One of my heroes is Mr. Donaldson, our great music teacher. He is so creative and finds different ways to get us interested in his lessons. He is also a really amazing guitar player. He is in a band. I’m sure they are going to be famous one day. But I hope it doesn’t happen soon. I don’t want to lose my teacher!

Alex, 15

The person I admire more than anyone is my grandmother Gwen. She is 78 and looks just amazing. Many people think she is my mother when they see us together. She is one of the nicest people I know. She always sees the good in other people. She still does volunteer work for a children’s charity in India!

35. Who does Jackie admire most?

A. His music teacher. B. His mother.

C. His friend’s mother. D. His uncle.

36. What does Mr. Donaldson do?

A. He is a charity worker. B. He is a teacher.

C. He is a wildlife photographer. D. He is a policeman.

37. Alex admires Gwen because ______.

A. she protects wild animals B. she never complains

C. she is a nice person D. she is very creative


When I was seven years old, my mom was diagnosed(诊断) with cancer. The doctors told us my mom might be saved with operation. But it could also kill her. She chose to have it.

The day before the operation I was off school, and my mom planned the best day of my life, everything I loved at seven and everything that would put a smile on my face. The day began with her waking me up saying, “Kate, I have a surprise for you. Come and see.” The surprise was a doll I had wanted for the longest time. Throughout the day, she told me everything that she thought I would need to know to grow up and be a good person; she told me to be the best I could be and that I would always make her proud. We had a picnic in the park, and it was so cold that we moved to the car. The day was filled with laughter. For the first time in a long time I could see she was really happy. I would never forget her smile, or the way her eyes shone as if we were the same age. It was the best day of my life, and I will never forget the conversations we shared.

My mother managed to live through the operation. Now when I look back, I realize that the best day of my life could be her last and this could be the last day I would remember with her, the last one we shared. I also understand how unselfish a mother is.

38. Who decided to have the operation?

A. The doctors. B. Kate’s mother. C. Kate. D. Kate’s family.

39. What was the surprise to Kate?

A. Kate’s mother gave her a doll.

B. Kate’s mother woke her up late.

C. Kate’s mother talked a lot to her.

D. Kate’s mother was getting better.

40. Why was Kate’s mother happy that day?

A. Because she was proud of what her child had done.

B. Because she expected the operation to be successful.

C. Because she realized her child had grown up.

D. Because she left her child a special memory.


There are about 80,000,000 mines(地雷) under the ground in more than 60 countries. It is difficult and dangerous to clear these mines. About 50 people including many children were killed or hurt each day. In 2003, APOPO, a Dutch research company that trains the animals, came up with the idea of using rats to search for the mines.

The animal trainers found that a kind of rats from Africa were clever and had a sharp sense of smell. The rats were about 75 cm long and weighed about 1.35kg, light enough to run across a minefield without setting off the mines.

In January 2004, the APOPO started this project. First, the trainers let the 4-week-old baby rats get familiar with humans. A few weeks later, the rats were not afraid of people and the things around them anymore. Then they were trained to connect a click sound with food. After the rats had learned that, the trainers then taught them to tell the difference between the smell of mines and other smells. When the rats could do it, the click was sounded and they were given a bit of banana. The method was called clicker training. “The training isn’t easy,” said trainer Abdullah Mchomvu. “You have to be patient. Sometimes I get angry, but then again, I tell myself these are animals”.

After nine months’ training, the rats were taken to a minefield. They ran across the minefield, stopped, sat and searched the ground to tell the domineers(排雷员) that they smelt out a mine. Then the mine was cleared. It had taken two domineers a day to clear a 200㎡ minefield, but with the help of two rats they could finish it in two hours.

The rats and the domineers saved thousands of lives, “The rats did this job much better than we expected. So far they have helped to make almost 2,000,000㎡of land safe. “They are heroes”. Said Bart Weetjens, the head of the APOPO.

41. While training the rats, the trainers have to be _______________.

A. clever B. patient C. brave D. serious

42. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. Each day about 50 children were killed or hurt by mines.

B. The APOPO started to train the rats in January 2004.

C. The trainers gave the rats food after they smelt out a mine.

D. The rats and the domineers saved thousands of lives.

43. What does the passage mainly tell us about?

A. Mines are all over the world and very dangerous.

B. Rats are very clever and useful.

C. People can train the rats to help them clear mines.

D. It is very difficult for people to find out the mines.


There are several kinds of distances people keep. Dr. Hall names them intimate, personal, social, and public. Intimate distance is being very close to another, as in a family. Personal distance might be the kind people put between themselves at a party. Social distance is more businesslike and formal. Public distance is used by actors, politicians, and leaders before a large group.

Scientists are trying to find out how people use these different distances. They want to discover why, when, and where people allow closeness or use space to protect themselves from others.

Since proxemics(距离效应学) is a new science, there aren’t many conclusions about the meaning of spaces separating people. But you can make some general observations(观察) on your own. Take note how you use space on different situations. What message do you get from other people as they move close to you or away from you? Does distance give you a feeling that you are being ignored(忽视)? When do you feel crowded?

Standing in line at a shop counter, you can learn about space. People keep just enough distance between each other so that they don’t invade(侵犯) each other’s area. If you should move in on another person’s area, you would soon know it. That person would become nervous or turn around to show you the angry expression on his or her face. Or that person might simply tell you, “Please step back. I’m too crowded.

School is a good place to study how space is used and how people mark their own area. At school you probably have a desk or part of a table to call your own. How do you feel when you find someone sitting at your desk or covering your table with papers and books? Maybe you want to protect your area. You might tell the other person that it belongs to you. Then you might move his or her things aside. You might even ask that person to leave your area.

Whether people are close together or far from each other, space can tell you indeed. The most important thing in space dialogue is whether people respect one another’s areas. Invading other people’s space might mean trouble.

44. From the passage we can learn that ____.

A. close distance can make you feel comfortable

B. personal distance is between family members

C. close or not,
there is distance between people

D. one must keep enough distance from others

45. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. You must protect your area from others’ invading it.

B. Space among people is something important for us.

C. Scientists are studying why there are kinds of spaces.

D. Distance can tell the relationship between people.

46. What does the last sentence “Please step back. I’m too crowded” in Paragraph 4 mean?

A. Go away or I am leaving. B. You’re standing too close to me.

C. Come and see I am here. D. You take all my area as yours.

47. The best title of the passage probably is ____

A. Space does speak indeed B. How interesting space is!

C. Space can be everywhere D. One should own his space



A wise teacher once told me that every teenager needs to experience a not-so-fun first job from working at a grocery store to the fast food industry.

Now I still remember my first day at a fast food restaurant three years ago. I wanted to save up money and buy my own car, so I looked for work everywhere I could that summer. The restaurant called me right away and I thought to myself, this is going to be easy. Within four hours of my first shift (轮班), I had angry customers who complained how slow I was. I watched in fear as a kid spilled his milk everywhere, and I heard the words that no 16-year-old boy or anyone for that matter wants to hear: “Mike, there’s a problem in the men’s bathroom and you might want gloves for this one.” I realized right away that working at the restaurant was not going to be a picnic. The manager expected a clean environment and fast service with a friendly smile.

Over three years later I still work at that restaurant whenever I go home during vacations. I love my co-workers there and all the customers know who I am. Every morning the same senior citizens come in and get their morning coffees. They chat with us workers and joke around. Our smiles have just as much to do with them making us a part of their everyday lives as the coffee does.

From my first job at the restaurant, I learned teamwork and devotion. I also learned staying positive no matter how rough things seem to get. I will forever carry the experience that I gained at the restaurant with me as I go forward in my life.

48. When did the author first work at a fast food restaurant?


49. Why did the author look for work everywhere that summer?


50. How old was the author when he first worked at the restaurant?


51. What did the manager expect besides a clean environment?


52. What did the author learn from his first job?





53. Lucy看起来有点低落,你应该和她谈谈让她振作起来。

Lucy looks a little unhappy, you should talk with her to __________ her __________.

54. 孩子们越早学会独立,对他们的未来就越好。

The earlier kids learn to be independent, __________ __________ it is for their future.

55. 为什么不向你的老师求助呢?

____________ ____________ ask your teacher for help?

56. 他直到公交车停稳了才下车。

He ____________ get off the bus ____________ it stopped.

57. 他不再住在这里了。

He _________ ___________ lives here.



58. 从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇60词以上的文段写作。文中已给出的内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。



提示词语:clean, sweep, do the dishes, responsibility, independent

提示问题:1. As a student, what chores can we do to help our parents?

2. What do you think about doing chores?








生活中我们会遇到各种各样的困难。在我们得到他人的帮助的时候,我们也应该帮助他人。请结合自身经历,以”Helping Is Great”为题,写一写你曾经帮助他人或者被他人帮助的经历,并谈谈你的感想。

提示词语:solve, improve, happiness, kind, friendly

提示问题:1. Have you ever helped others or been helped?

2. What did you learn from it?

In our life, we might meet different kinds of problems.







一、1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. D 7. D 8. B 9. B 10. A

11. A 12. B 13. B 14. C

二、15. B 16. A 17. C 18. D

19. reach 20. risk 21. themselves 22. stronger

三、23. D 24. B 25. C 26. A 27. C 28. D 29. B 30. A 31. C 32. B 33. D 34. A

四、35. C 36. B 37. C 38. B 39. A 40. D 41. B 42. A 43. C

44. C 45. D 46. B 47. A

五、48. Three years ago.

49. Because he wanted to save up money and buy his own car.

50. 16. \He was 16 years old.

51. Fast service with a friendly smile.

52. Teamwork, devotion and staying positive no matter how rough things seem to get.

六、53. cheer, up 54. the better 55. Why not 56. didn’t, until 57. no longer



Dear Tom,

I’m glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on doing chores. Thank you for trusting me. It’s my pleasure to give you some suggestions.

As far as I’m concerned, although we are young, we can still help our parents with some simple chores. For example, we an sweep the floor, take out the rubbish and do the dishes. None of these chores are difficult for us. Besides, we can also make our own beds and clean our own rooms because we are the ones who use them every day. It won’t take us too much time.

In my opinion, we may not have time to help with other parts of the house, but it is necessary to be responsible for our own area. This will help us to develop our independence and teach us how to look after myself. The earlier we learn to be independent, the better it is for our future.


In our life, we might meet different kinds of problems. Have you ever helped or been helped?

I am a warm-hearted girl who is always willing to offer help to others. Last year, I decided to volunteer for a short-term teaching program. It required me to go to remote areas during the summer vacation and teach children there English. Since it is my dream to become a teacher one day, I am quite delighted that I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time. At that time, I taught them some new words and read English books for them every day. Although the conditions there were very difficult, I thought my effort was worth it.

From this experience, not only did I help others, but also I improved my teaching abilities, which might help me to get my future dream job. So from my point of view, helping is great. Helping others is helping ourselves.

