





1. My sister Nancy is kind and helpful. Everybody likes ____________.

A. her B. him C. me D. you

2. —Lucas, don’t put your toys on the floor. Please put them ____________ the box.

—OK, Mum. I’ll do it right away.

A. of B. in C. at D. from

3. —____________ will you cook dumplings for us, Grandma?

—This Friday.

A. Where B. Why C. How D. When

4. Elsa is from Canada. She can understand Chinese, ____________ she can’t speak it.

A. so B. and C. but D. or

5. —Mum, must I come back before five o’clock?

—No, you
Just get home before dinner.

A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. shouldn’t D. couldn’t

6. This exercise is ____________ in the book. I can’t do it at all.

A. difficult B. more difficult

C. most difficult D. the most difficult

7. We ____________ to Ditan Park every Tuesday and practice running.

A. went B. will go C. go D. were going

8. Listen! Mr. Li ____________ the erhu. How wonderful the music is!

A. is playing B. plays C. was playing D. played

9. I ____________ movies since I first went to the cinema.

A. love B. loved C. have loved D. will love

10. —We’re going on a trip this weekend. Would you like to come?

—Sorry, I can’t. I ____________ basketball practice on Saturday.

A. had B. have had C. was having D. will have

11. Mary looked very nervous when she ____________ to the famous scientist.

A. introduced B. was introduced

C. introduces D. is introduced

12. —Do you know ____________ tomorrow?

—In the chemistry lab.

A. where we will have our chemistry class

B. where will we have our chemistry class

C. where did we have our chemistry class

D. where we had our chemistry class




One afternoon a couple of days before New Year’s Eve, Dan and I were delivering packages (包裹) on a three-house block. As we pulled to a stop, a woman came up to the truck.

“Do you have something for me?” she asked anxiously.

“I’m sorry. Today’s package is for the house next door.”

“Mine must have been lost,” she said.

Dan and I exchanged (交换) a look of worry. We’d delivered 1, 440 packages without any 13 .

“Maybe your 14 has it,” I said.

I checked at the house next door, but they had no extra (额外的) packages. No one 15 at the house across the street.

“They’re the only other people on the block,” I said.

The woman looked 16 .

“What was in it?” I asked.

“The latest robot toy,” she said. “My husband 17 it. We want to make this New Year special for our son. He’s seven and he’s been very sick.”

We had to find that package! But for the next two days, the house across the street stayed empty.

As we passed the house yesterday, “Somebody’s back,” Dan said, pointing to the empty house. A couple was getting out of a car. I immediately ran over to 18 them. “Did you find a package that doesn’t belong here?”

“Just a moment, please. I’m going to look around for you,” one of them said.

Moments later I was rushing across the street with the lost box in my hands. “We deliver!” I said as I 19 it to the woman.

Just then a little boy came to the door with a box of fruitcake. “Happy New Year!” he said.

“Looks like you got a 20 too,” Dan said when I got back to the truck with the box of fruitcake.

I sure did.

13. A. risk B. mistake C. reason D. difficulty

14. A. friend B. son C. husband D. neighbor

15. A. complained B. cared C. answered D. believed

16. A. upset B. shy C. bored D. tired

17. A. ordered B. made C. fixed D. delivered

18. A. thank B. catch C. help D. interview

19. A. threw B. returned C. posted D. handed

20. A. problem B. secret C. present D. choice





Many young people around the world raise money to help people or animals in need. Read about what these young people are doing.

Cape Town, South Africa

Tandi Jacobs wanted to help poor children in her city. She decided to raise money by offering tutoring (辅导学习) services. She used the money she earned to buy clothes, food and other supplies. More than 1,000 young people have joined her.

Dublin, Ireland

Libby Mulligan loves to play the guitar and sing. When she was 12 years old, she decided that she could play her guitar and sing at parties for money. Now, Libby isn’t a pop star yet. But she has raised enough money and given it to poor children in her community.

Paris, France

Charles Lyon is a young artist. When he saw the homeless cats and dogs in his neighborhood, he came up with the idea of drawing pictures of animals and selling his works online. He gave the money to local animal shelters (收容所) that help find new homes for homeless animals.

Dresden, Germany

Elin Brenner is a first grader. After she heard about the big fire in Australia, she made a video and posted it online to raise money. Elin and her classmates raised more than $1,600 in one week to help animals which suffered in the fire in Australia.


21. Where does Tandi Jacobs come from?

A. South Africa. B. Ireland. C. France. D. Germany.

22. Who did Libby Mulligan help?

A. Young singers in Dublin. B. Poor children in her community.

C. Guitar players in her city. D. Unlucky pop stars in Ireland.

23. What did Elin Brenner do to raise money?

A. She sold her paintings online. B. She gave private lessons to students.

C. She drew pictures of animals. D. She made a video and posted it online.



“Tina, there’s a school talent show in three weeks,” I shouted to my best friend.

Tina ran over to the board and read the poster. “Maura, what’s our act going to be?” Tina asked me.

“Our act?” I asked.

Tina pointed to the poster and said, “It says students can join alone, with a partner or in small groups.”

“You want to do an act together?”

“It’ll be fun,” Tina said.

I didn’t speak for a second before continuing. “I’ve got an idea and…”

Tina interrupted me. “Yeah, me too. Let’s talk at lunch.”

During math, I tried to think of how I’d tell Tina that I wanted to do my own act.

At lunch, Tina started talking as soon as we sat down. “I have it all planned out. We can sing along to a song and do a dance routine (一套动作).”

“Yeah, that’s good,” I said. “But I had another idea.” I told her about my juggling act.

Tina considered it. “Nah, I’d probably drop the balls,” she said. “We don’t want to lose face, right?”

When my grandma picked me up after school, I explained about the talent show to her. “So, Tina is not respectful of your ideas, but it sounds as if you aren’t either.”

“What?” I shouted. “I told Tina her idea was good.”

“No,” said my grandma, “I said that you weren’t respectful of your own ideas. I understand that you’re friends, but you’re still responsible for your own actions.”

I thought about this. “So what should I do?” I asked.

“I advise you to tell the truth,” she said. “It wouldn’t hurt to let Tina know what you want.”

When we got home, I took deep breaths, called Tina, and told her that I was going to do my juggling act. I spent all night worrying she would be mad at me.

But the next day, the biggest surprise came when we played a game that I chose, not Tina.

I guess standing up for myself did work.

24. What did Maura want to do in the school talent show?

A. Do an act together with Tina. B. Perform juggling alone.

C. Take part in a group show. D. Sing and dance with her friend.

25. Maura’s grandma advised Maura to ____________.

A. listen to Tina’s idea B. stop arguing with Tina

C. tell Tina her real thought D. fix her relationship with Tina

26. Maura’s story mainly tells us that ____________.

A. learning to respect is necessary

B. standing up for ourselves is effective

C. talent show is helpful in developing skills

D. communication is good for family relationships



Playing for Peace

John Hunter, a primary school teacher, created the World Peace Game as a way for his students to think about big world problems.

The World Peace Game is played on a cube (立方体) of four layers. In the game, there are four countries with 50 interconnected problems to solve. The students play a role in developing solutions to the problems of their assigned (指定的) country. The goal of the game is to save each country from dangerous conditions. When all 50 problems are solved, the game is over, which means the world is in peace.

You might think that the task of solving real-world problems would be daunting to world leaders, let alone fourth graders. Julianne Swope, one of Hunter’s students, agrees. “Sometimes the World Peace Game feels like, you know, the weight of the world on your shoulders: This is firing over there and this is a big earthquake,” she says. “But I say to myself, ‘I need to fix this.'”

The game shows that young children have the desire to make the world a better, more peaceful place.

The game encourages students to work together and communicate with one another. Students think about questions that have no clear answers, which often leads to long discussions. They consider deep questions in the process and think about the possible results of their decisions. They try to develop creative solutions that lead to a satisfactory decision.

It is no surprise that both Hunter and the World Peace Game are becoming well known. Hunter now spends part of his time teaching the World Peace Game to other teachers. Schools in other countries have started their own versions (版本) of the game as well.

Hunter hopes that by playing for peace, students learn “how to make people not experience so much pain.” He adds, “I think I now hope the game helps people be kinder.” One of his former students, Irene Newman, is now studying peace in her university. She believes the world will be more peaceful if young people are to solve its problems.

27. How is the World Peace Game played?

A. Students team up to play the game online.

B. Students answer 50 questions during the game.

C. Students come up with solutions to 50 problems.

D. Students list the dangerous conditions of four countries.

28. The word “daunting” in Paragraph 3 probably means “____________”.

A. frightening B. surprising C. attractive D. simple

29. What do you know about the World Peace Game from the passage?

A. The design of this game needs to be improved.

B. John Hunter educates his students through this game.

C. John Hunter limits this game to students in his school.

D. This game helps students easily become leaders in the future.



Kids go to school to learn plenty of subjects. Finally, education prepares kids to have a meaningful career (职业) in a field they enjoy. So thinking and learning about career choices before high school is always a good idea. But when should kids begin career education?

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A teacher? A doctor? Or a baseball player? Preschool-aged children naturally think about their future careers. By imagining, exploring and role-playing, kids are likely to choose careers that interest them. Encouraging this career role-playing is healthy and can be quite telling; kids often clearly prefer either left-brained or right-brained roles.

At some point beyond the role-playing stage, students should be shown to a more serious career education curriculum (课程). You may think that career education isn’t all that necessary until kids finish high school, because that’s when they’re usually expected to get a job or choose a course of study in college. Experts (专家) disagree.

“The influence of early involvement can have a hugely good effect on wider academic (学术的) achievements, helping both children and their families to see a future which is achievable,” writes Robert Halfon, chair of the Education Select Committee in the UK.

Many experts accept the idea that career education should begin at a young age. They suggest career education in school should progress as follows:

· Kids in primary school should learn about why people work.

· Kids in early middle school should learn about the importance of a career in earning money.

· Kids in grades seven through ten should begin to discuss and think about different jobs.

· Kids in grades ten and beyond should discover their strengths and interests, recognize suitable careers, and become involved in specific activities to help them understand what they need to work on to do their dream career.

Starting career education early prepares students for the real world by making the connection between what they’re learning in school and why they’re learning it. For example, if a child wants to build tall buildings and knows that math skills are necessary in such a career, the child will be more likely to study, rather than hate, math.

Career education opens kids’ minds to all that is possible. And, at the end of the day, isn’t that what parents and teachers want for their kids and students?

30. What can we learn from Paragraph 2?

A. Kids feel confident about choosing their careers.

B. It’s natural for kids to change their career choices.

C. Kids do career role-playing to develop their interests.

D. It’s normal for kids to think about their future careers.

31. Experts suggest that career education in school should ____________.

A. develop in different grades

B. promise kids academic success

C. help kids know their strengths first

D. provide kids with rich job experience

32. What does the example of the child who wants to build tall buildings show?

A. Math skills are the most important in school education.

B. Career education can help children find out what they want to do.

C. Children who want to build tall buildings are usually good at math.

D. Career education makes children more willing to study for their future jobs.

33. The writer probably agrees that ____________.

A. career education should begin earlier for kids

B. kids don’t need to worry about their future careers

C. kids should learn all subjects well for future careers

D. career education in middle school is not a must for kids



Cloud Forests

In the Americas, Asia, and Africa, there’s a special kind of forest—the cloud forest. Cloud forests are usually found from 500 meters to 4,000 meters above sea level in the clouds on the slopes (斜坡) of mountains. They experience rainfall, but they also get water straight from the air. The water is unpolluted, and moves through the ground into streams and then rivers.

Cloud forests are very important to both people who live nearby and the animals and plants living there. They provide water to nearby villages and cities. People drink the water, use it for cooking, and irrigate (灌溉) their farm fields with it. In Kenya, people even use water from cloud forests to produce electricity. Although cloud forests only make up 2.5 percent of the world’s rainforests, they are also home to many animals and plants.

Unfortunately, cloud forests now face many problems. Local poor people clear the cloud forests. They cut down trees to grow food and use the wood to heat their homes and cook. Building roads also badly harms the cloud forests. Once cloud forests are cleared, the cloud cover, which is important and necessary to the growth of these forests, goes away. Another bigger worry is that the temperature increases gradually. If world temperatures rise, cloud forests will have to move up to a higher place where the temperatures are cooler. But some cloud forests on mountain tops with nowhere to climb will die out.

Scientists fear we might lose cloud forests, along with the water and other services they provide. Some governments have taken actions to protect cloud forests. They make laws against cutting down trees in the cloud forests. They provide the local people with other ways to get food and energy. They also educate the local people on how cloud forests provide fresh water and what will happen when they are cleared.

Cloud forests are too valuable to lose. We must save them-plus the animals and plants they support—before it’s too late.

34. How many meters above sea level are cloud forests usually found?

35. Where does the water in the cloud forests come from?

36. Why are cloud forests important to people in the nearby villages and cities?

37. What problems do cloud forests face?

38. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?




39. 从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。


你校正在开展光盘行动(Empty Plate Campaign)”主题活动。假如你是李华,请你为学校英语广播站写一篇广播稿,谈谈杜绝浪费粮食的意义以及同学们为此能做些什么。

提示词语:save, produce, menu, ask for, poster

提示问题:·Why should we stop wasting food?

·What can we do to stop wasting food?

Good morning, everyone. Our school is starting an “Empty Plate” Campaign to fight against food waste. _______________________________________________________________



Please start with ourselves now and we can make a difference.

Thank you !





提示词语:exam, share, study plan, exercise, confident

提示问题:· What causes your stress?

· What do you do to deal with your stress?

It’s natural for us to feel stressed. ________________________________________________









1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. D 7. C 8. A

9. C 10. D 11. B 12. A



13. B 14. D 15. C 16. A 17. A 18. B 19. D 20. C




21. A 22. B 23. D 24. B 25. C 26. B 27. C 28. A

29. B 30. D 31. A 32. D 33. A



34. From 500 meters to 4,000 meters.

35. Rainfall and the air.

36. Because they provide water to them.

37. Local people clear the cloud forests. The temperature increases gradually.

38. What some governments have done to protect cloud forests.




39. 参考范文:


Good morning, everyone. Our school is starting an “Empty Plate” Campaign to fight against food waste. I hope we all take an active part in this meaningful campaign. By eating up the food on plates, we can not only save food and money but also produce less waste.

To stop wasting food, we can find out what food students like most and help our school to improve the menu. At lunch, don’t ask for more food than you can eat. We can also put up posters to spread the idea of saving food.

Please start with ourselves now and we can make a difference.

Thank you!


It’s natural for us to feel stressed. My stress mainly comes from my exams. I try different ways to reduce it. I often share my problems and feelings with my parents or friends. Making a well-organized study plan can also help me feel less worried. Sometimes I take time out to exercise to get relaxed. In these ways, I feel confident to face my exams.

