


I.听力理解(共三节,22. 5分)


听下面四段对话,每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A BC三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话你将听一遍。

1. What does the man think the weather will be like in the afternoon?

A. Cloudy. B. Rainy. C. Sunny.


2. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a restaurant. B. In a cinema. C. In a supermarket.


3. Why did the man leave his previous job?

A. To study further. B. To get experience. C. To find a new job.


4. Why does the woman make the phone call?

A. To book a service. B. To ask about a delivery. C. To arrange a meeting.


第二节:(共6小题:每小题1. 5分,共9分)



5. What is the woman?

A. A bus driver. B. A college student. C. A shop assistant.


6. How much will the woman save with a discount?

A. 50 dollars. B. 30 dollars. C. 20 dollars.



7. Which age group can apply for the holiday English courses?

A. 10 to 13. B. 13 to 16. C. 16 to 19.


8. Why are the teenagers put with the English families?

A. To have them better follow college rules.

B. To help them reduce their living expenses.

C. To give them more chances to learn English.



9. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. What makes a film great.

B. Which film they prefer.

CHow a film is made.


10. What will the speakers probably do together this weekend?

A. Go to a theatre. B. Work on a report. C. Watch a film online.


第三节:(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,共7. 5分)


Tips to Stay Healthy During Challenging Times

Maintain a routine

You will feel better and 11 better when you follow a routine.


It is a treatment for depression and anxiety. You can certainly benefit mentally and physically from it.

Go outside

Spending time in a 13 environment appears to be an effective way to reduce stress.

Schedule 14 time

Do something you enjoy— 15 , baking, or online shopping.


II. 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,共22. 5分)


When I tried out for the football team during the summer before 9th grade, I never imagined how important this sport would become in my life. Football is a 16 sport, at times almost painful, and practices really 17 a team’s physical and mental limits. Without trust in my own ability and a strong sense of commitment(投入), I would never have managed to continue after years of hard work as a player, and with countless 18 .

In the first year, I played on the defensive line. This was an amazing 19 that gave me a great sense of achievement. But in the last game of the season, I was seriously injured. I was prohibited from any physical activities for six months. After going 20 a series of physical treatments, I returned to the field as a team captain. I practiced harder than ever to make up for my 21 time.

In September, during my junior year, my name was mentioned in the local newspaper as the key defensive linemen on the team. After playing a fantastic season. I was given the 22 of Most Valuable Player.

23 , my skills in football do not magically extend to other sports. During the winter break, I went on a snowboarding trip and seriously injured my right shoulder. I had to have four 24 . Since I could not use my right arm for two months, I had to learn how to write and eat using my left hand.

25 life must go on. I knew that my own present efforts would decide my future, so I 26 the strict training program to build strength and improve flexibility in my 27 . After an eight-month recovery, I was back out on the field playing football, the sport I 28 .

In this sense, the world of football has taught me an important life lesson: 29 and commitment make what seems impossible 30 . This lesson from football is one that I know translates through every part of life.

16. A. tough B. popular C. typical D. dynamic

17. A. set B. control C. test D. require

18. A. mistakes B. adventures C. accidents D. injuries

19. A. performance B. position C. moment D. advantage

20. A. with B. over C. through D. into

21. A. valuable B. lost C. extra D. regular

22. A. pride B. choice C. name D. honor

23. A. Unfortunately B. Similarly C. Happily D. Gradually

24. A. practices B. tryouts C. seasons D. operations

25. A. But B. Or C. So D. And

26. A. examined B. changed C. provided D. completed

27. A. shoulder B. hand C. leg D. foot

28. A. explore B. avoid C. love D. support

29. A. Knowledge B. Belief C. Experience D. Opinion

30. A. enjoyable B. possible C. sensible D. responsible


III. 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,共30分)



Big Problems, Simple Solutions

Inventions are improving health and well-being in communities around the world. Speakers at recent TED events have shared simple and inexpensive solutions that can solve everyday problems.


In the developing world, smoke from indoor cooking kills more than 2 million children each year. In fact, it’s the number one cause of death of children under five. Amy Smith, founder of D-Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), discovered a way to make a safe cooking fuel. The material she uses is also free and plentiful: farm waste.

Smith invented a low-cost device that turns farm waste into fuel briquettes. These briquettes produce smoke that is less dangerous than the smoke from other fuel. They also burn hotter and last longer, Farmers can make these briquettes from readily available waste. This invention has an economic benefit, too. Farmers can buy the device for $2 and sell briquettes they don’t use. Smith estimates(估算)that this can increase a farmer’s income by $500 a month.


Over 31 million people worldwide lose their homes every year due to natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes. After these disasters, many people live in terrible conditions-in tents or in large stadiums with no privacy. Graphic designer Michael McDaniel invented inexpensive and temporary housing for people in these situations.

Called the Reaction Ex, these shelters are small, one-room houses that comfortably hold up to four people. They’re made from a plastic that is strong, recyclable, and super light. In fact, they’re so light that they can be lifted by hand and are very portable as well. McDaniel hopes that his invention will provide an affordable solution to help people rebuild their lives after a natural disaster.


31. The key goal to invent the fuel briquettes is to _____________.

A. increase family income

B. make full use of farm waste

C. get free and plentiful cooking fuel

D. protect kids from dangerous cooking smoke


32. What are the features of disaster shelters?

A. Light and affordable. B. Heavy and recyclable.

C. Big and comfortable. D. Small and breakable.


33. What is the main purpose of the passage?

A. To explain design methods. B. To introduce new inventions.

C. To report research findings. D. To advertise latest products.



Compassion may be something that one is born with, but actually being good at caring for others requires experience and a certain set of skills. An early opportunity to develop and practice these skills came with the birth of my brother when I was in 5th grade. Although it took great patience to deal with a small child, I found deep joy in something so simple as watching him grow day by day.

Not only did I enjoy taking care of my little brother, but I volunteered at the Organization for Special Needs Families (OSNF) in my neighborhood so I could apply and further develop my childcare skills. I was partnered with Matthew, a 10-year-old with curly blond hair and blue eyes. He didn’t look different from other kids, but he had difficulty controlling his emotions, especially anger. His biggest problem was that he couldn’t go to the toilet himself. Every day I had to clean up his mess if he pooped in his pants. It was just like the “good old days” with my little brother before I successfully toilet-trained him.

Although I was never going to be able to toilet-train Matthew, I was able to change his life in another way. We had swimming three times a week, but Matthew was hopelessly afraid of the water. At first, Matthew just sat on the steps of the pool and did nothing. I pushed him slowly down the stairs until he was at last standing in the shallowest part of the pool. The next day, I pushed him a little further into the water. By the third day, he completely trusted me to take him into the pool. Maybe my large size also helped give him a sense of security. He did not have to be afraid of anything when a 200-pound guy was holding him tight. I felt so proud as I saw him standing there in the pool, happily playing with other kids in the water. The OSNF adult leaders told me that I was the only volunteer who had been able to take care of Matthew well. I think what made the difference is the belief I had in Matthew, like how I had always believed in my little brother.

Helping Matthew “grow” to overcome his fear of water made me realize things do not happen overnight. Real magic is a result of patience, and miracles happen when one believes in them.


34. How did the author feel about taking care of his brother?

A. Tired. B. Joyful. C. Proud. D. Stressed.


35. The author volunteered at OSNF because he wanted to _____________.

A. use and improve his childcare skills

B. create a friendly neighborhood

C. change the lives of other kids

D. get some work experience


36. With the author’s help, Matthew finally could _____________.

A. control his emotions B. play with his friends

C. poop in the toilet D. stand in the pool


37. According to the author, what mattered most when he helped Matthew “grow”?

A. His large size and strong body.

B. His experience and knowledge.

C. His patience and trust in Matthew.

D. His willingness to take care of his brother.


Social Networking Sites: Are They Changing Human Communication?

It is hardly news that people are using the Internet to communicate with others more and more. Some people fear that someday we will no longer feel the need to talk to one another face to face. However, some recent studies suggest that people communicate, or stay in touch, even more than they used to. Whichever side you fall on, what is clear and without a doubt is that human communication has changed in the 21st century. But results of recent scientific studies may have us reconsider just how much our new communication forms have changed our world.

In June 2008, a British psychiatrist, Himanshu Tyagi, warned that communicating on social networking sites could have a negative effect on the generation of people born after 1990. This generation has never known a world without the Internet. Tyagi says that these people use the Internet to communicate with others so much that they may have trouble forming real relationships. Tyagi is concerned that people may start and end relationships over the Internet. Describing the Internet he said, “It’s a world where everything moves fast and changes all the time, where relationships are quickly ended at the click of a mouse. ”

Another psychologist, Dr. Aric Sigman, warned of the physical effects that come with using social networking sites. He suggests that the reduction in the amount of time we spend interacting (互动交流) with people face to face could have biological effects on the human body. The results of his study suggest that, without real personal interaction, the body does not react the same way it would if people were meeting face to face. As a result, immune responses, even hormone levels, can be changed. These changes may lead to the development of illnesses, such as cancer.

Despite these warnings, studies can be found that show the positive sides of social networking sites. The results of one study show that using social networking sites has increased the self-esteem (自尊心) of young adults. Another suggests that college students using these sites feel more “connected” with people when they use them. In addition to scientific studies, there are many who feel that the benefits of social networking sites outweigh the possible negative sides. Many people, especially those who spend a lot of time at home, for various reasons, find the Internet a lifeline. They are able to communicate with many people using these sites.

Perhaps the key to this new communication style is self-control and common sense. If someone spends all of his time on the Internet, and never actually sees friends face to face, that seems like an unhealthy way to live. But if someone spends time on the Internet, some of which is spent arranging meetings for “real” time together, then it seems almost complementary (互补的). Balance is the key to keeping communication alive and well in the 21st century.


38. Which of the following ideas may Himanshu Tyagi agree with?

A. Social networking sites harm people of all ages.

B. The Internet weakens young people’s relationships.

C. The use of the Internet improves people’s immune system.

D. The online world pushes people to live a faster and better life.


39. What is Dr. Aric Sigman’s major concern about using social networking sites?

A. It will stop the face-to-face interaction.

B. It reduces the self-esteem of young adults.

C. It may cause some serious health problems.

D. It makes people feel less connected with others.


40. What does the underlined word “outweigh” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?

A. Are greater than. B. Are heavier than.

C. Are more effective than. D. Are more difficult than.


41. Which of the following shows the development of ideas in this passage?

CP: Central Point P: Point Sp: Sub-point (次要点) C: Conclusion



At the heart of psychology is understanding behavior, and understanding behavior has much to do with understanding the brain. Neuroscientists(神经系统科学家) have become more efficient at mapping the brain and have gained more understanding of how the brain develops and works. Truly, differences in behavior as we age and between genders, are most likely explained by the physical state of and changes in our brains.

Around the age of 12, it is believed that the areas of the brain that are used most will be strengthened and cells in the brain that are not used tend to die. What you do with your brain in your teen years probably decides how your brain will work for the rest of your life. If a teen spends endless hours watching TV, the neural connections that help the brain process TV are what will be strengthened. It is clear, therefore, that how young people spend their time is of great importance.

Surprisingly, and different from earlier beliefs, the brain is still developing even in the early twenties. Areas of the brain that are related to emotion, decision making, reasoning, and problem solving are still not fully developed. This may go some way toward explaining why car accident rates in young people are significantly higher than those among older people. Young people don’t have the necessary skills to make complex judgments while driving.

There are also differences in the way brains develop when it comes to gender. It appears that girls are ready to process more challenging information earlier than boys, with the area of the brain responsible for this activity peaking at the age of 14 to 16 in boys, a full two years later than girls. In addition, studies have shown that girls and boys process language input in different parts of their brains. Girls typically tend to do better than boys in language, which means that they have more brain matter responsible for language skills.

This kind of research raises important questions about how boys and girls should be taught in school to maximize(使最大化) their learning. For example, the idea of single-sex education should perhaps be taken into consideration. Experts say that we would do well to revisit the timing of the subjects taught in school, as some parts of the brain develop before others. Additionally, what we understand about the teenage brain should perhaps be taken into consideration when laws are being made with regard to the minimum(最低的) driving age.


42. According to the passage, young people are more likely to have car accidents because _____________.

A. they fail to realize the importance of skills

B. they don’t have the necessary skills in driving

C. certain areas in their brains are not fully developed

D. their brains tend to be influenced by their emotions


43. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Earlier beliefs show the brain is still developing in the early twenties.

B. Girls are better at language because they are devoted to language learning.

C. How people spend their time when they’re teenagers affects their future life.

D. Gender makes no difference when it comes to the physical state of the brain.


44. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that _____________.

A. single-sex education may benefit teenagers

B. the time when school starts should be put off

C. lawmakers will lower the minimum driving age

D. the number of subjects in school might be changed


45. Which would be the best title for this passage?

A. Age and the Brain B. Genders and the Brain

C. Mapping the Brain D. The Developing Brain





contribution confident relieve inspire

independent represent satisfaction

46. It is very important for college students to learn to live _____________ and manage time appropriately.

47. Red is a color which usually _____________ good luck and happiness in Chinese culture.

48. Zhong Nanshan won the highest honor of the country because he had made great _____________.

49. This medicine can provide _____________ from pain for those who suffer from headache.

50. Paul’s experience was definitely _____________ and many teens followed his example.

51. Naturally, shy people might not have enough _____________ to start up conversations with strangers.

52. The coach seems quite _____________ with the players’ wonderful performance in the competition.




53. They reached an island _____________ is famous for a variety of plants.

54. She didn’t like horseback riding because she was _____________ (scare) of being thrown off the horse.

55. This is the scientist _____________ achievements are well known.

56. _____________ is difficult if you put your heart into it.

57. The experts are trying their best to find out ways _____________ (solve) the problem.

58. My friend _____________ has made fantastic progress in English will give us some tips on English learning.

59. _____________ (protect) the endangered animals, the government has set up some nature reserves.

60. In the last few years, many high-speed rail systems ______________(build)in China.

61. Dr. Smith said he ________ (give)a speech on how to reduce stress the next week.

62. The Dragon Boat Festival _____________ (celebrate) on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.


III. 完成句子(共5小题;第6364题每题2分,第656667题每题3分,共13分)


63. Joe正努力在数学方面跟上其他同学。(keep up with)

64. 她决定报名参加一个艺术社团。(sign up)

65. 如果不放弃,你的努力会得到回报。(pay off)

66. 你最好写下这个号码,以免忘记。(in case)

67. 一进教室,一幅画就吸引了我的目光。( catch one’s eye)


IV. 阅读表达(共4小题;每小题2分,共8分)


I always dreamed of pulling off the surprise prank(玩笑)of a lifetime. Well, thanks to a little determination, some luck, and the power of love, my dream became a reality.

My family is Canadian, although my sister studied in Australia. She was graduating just before Christmas, but because my school schedule was busy, I would not be able to make it down in time for her graduation. She was understandably disappointed, and I felt guilty that I couldn’t be there for her on this most special occasion.

While I was talking to my teacher the week before the big event, I mentioned that I would be missing my sister’s graduation. Surprisingly, she commented, “Well, if you want to go, I have no problem with it, so go ahead!” I couldn’t believe my luck! I nearly jumped for joy.

Immediately, I called the airline. Amazingly, even during the busy Christmas season, I was able to change my ticket to arrive the day before my sister’s graduation.

With this fantastic news, I was bursting to tell my sister. But, wait. For a grand surprise, I needed a much more dramatic arrival than just a ring of the doorbell. What if I could arrive in a box? That would be the best Christmas present for my sister.

Although I was leaving in less than seventy-two hours, I started searching for delivery companies. The only one willing to go along with my Christmas surprise, was Couriers Please. At first the manager said no, because Christmas was their busiest season. But then later, he kindly volunteered to deliver me himself.

Upon arrival in Australia, the manager and his colleagues loaded me in the box and carried me all the way up to my sister’s, where they rang the doorbell and announced they had a delivery for her. I couldn’t see the look on my sister’s face, but I could tell from her voice that she was both shocked and excited to receive such a huge gift box. I will never forget the look on her face as she opened the box.

It was such a great Christmas present for my sister, that is, for me to be able to go to her graduation, and in the process, show her how much I loved her. It also served as a lesson for me:_________________________________.

68. Why was the author unable to go to his sister’s graduation?(不多于7个单词)

69. Who delivered the author to his sister’s?(不多于5个单词)

70. How did the author’s sister feel when she received the box?(不多于6个单词)

71. What lesson does the author learn from the experience?(单词数不限)


V. 书面表达(20分)






Dear Jim,







Li Hua





I.听力理解(共三节,22. 5分)

第一、二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,共15分)

1C 2. A 3. A 4B 5B

6C 7B 8C 9. A 10. C


第三节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,共7. 5分)

11. function 12. Exercise 13. greener 14. fun 15. reading


II. 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,共22. 5分)

16. A 17. C 18. D 19. B 20. C

21. B 22. D 23. A 24. D 25. A

26. D 27. A 28. C 29. B 30. B


III. 阅读理解(共15小题:每小题2分,共30分)

31. D 32. A 33. B 34. B 35. A

36. D 37. C 38. B 39. C 40. A

41. D 42. C 43. C 44. A 45. D



I. 选词填空(共7小题;每小题2分,共14分)

46. independently 47. represents 48. contributions 49. relief

50. inspiring 51. confidence 52. satisfied


II. 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)

53. which/that 54. scared 55. whose 56. Nothing

57. to solve 58. who 59. To protect 60. have been built

61. would give 62. is celebrated


III. 完成句子(共5小题;第6364题每题2分,第65 6667题每题3分,共13分)

63. Joe is trying to keep up with others in math.

64. She decided to sign up for an art club.

65. If you don’t give up, your efforts will pay off.

66. You’d better take down this number in case you forget it.

67. As soon as/ The moment I entered/came into the classroom, one painting caught my eye.

IV. 阅读表达(共4小题;每小题2分,共8分)

68. Because the author’s school schedule was busy.

69. The manager and his colleagues.

70. She was both shocked and excited.

71. (至少提及 the power of love; determination; help; luck中的两个关键点即可)

V. 书面表达(20分)

One possible version:

Dear Jim,

I am glad to learn that you would like to exercise to keep fit. I believe running is the best choice. My reasons are as follows.

First of all, the physical benefits from running have long been recognized as it helps increase the body’s flow of blood and oxygen, which thus strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of diseases. What’s more, running can certainly become a long-term hobby, since it takes only a pair of running shoes and can easily and flexibly be added to your schedule. Last but not least, running can improve one’s mood and particularly provide relief from pain or tension. Therefore, you can also achieve mental well-being if you take up running as a hobby. All in all, I’d like to recommend running as a sport that you can do regularly.

Why not give it a try? Just put on your trainers and get started. Then keep going. I’m sure you will get a lot out of running.

Best wishes!


Li Hua



Text 1

W: Look at the clouds! I’d love to go out, but I think it’s going to rain.

M: Maybe, but I think it’ll be sunny this afternoon.

W: I hope you’re right.

Text 2

M: Miss, I’m still waiting for a clean glass, and we still haven’t received our salads.

W: I’m so sorry! We’re a little busier than usual tonight. I’ll bring them immediately. I’ll also bring more water.

Text 3

W: Welcome to ABC Company. We’d like you to tell us about your work experience.

M: I worked at Microsoft for two years.

W: Can you tell us why you left?

M: I left because I went back to study and get my master’s degree.

Text 4

M: Hello, this is Mike’s Delivery Service. How can I help you today?

W: I’m calling about a delivery I haven’t received. My name’s Mary Doe.

M: Mary Doe. Alright. I have it right here. It’ll be delivered in 15 minutes.

W: Thanks so much. I really appreciate it.




Text 5

WGood morning, Mr. Bus Driver.

M: Li, good morning. Where’re you off to today?


W: My college. It’s my first day of classes there.

M: Wow, you must be very excited.

W: You have no idea how happy I am.

M: Are you planning to take the bus regularly?

W: Yes, I am. Driving a car is so expensive!

M: You know, as a student, you can receive a discount.

W: Really? How much is the discount?

M: Did you buy a monthly pass?

W: Yes, it cost fifty dollars.

M: Well, with a student discount, you can save twenty dollars.

W: Thirty dollars for a monthly pass? That’s quite a discount!

M: You should take advantage of it.


Text 6

M: Hello, Dudfey College. How can I help you?

W: Oh, hello. Could you tell me about your holiday English courses, please?

M: Sure. Our holiday courses are for teenagers. We take students from age thirteen to sixteen.

W: Oh, good. It’s perfect for my friend’s daughter. She’s fifteen and comes from Poland. How long are the courses?

M: Three weeks. They begin on July eleventh and finish on the twenty-ninth.

W: Do the students live at the college?

M: Not for these courses. We put the teenagers with English families in their homes, That way, they’ll have more opportunities to speak English and learn about life in England.

W: Good idea! How much does a course cost?

M: It’s six hundred and ninety pounds, including everything.

W: Where’s the college?

M: It’s on Farley Street.

W: Thanks.


Text 7

W: That was a great 3D film, wasn’t it?

M: Yeah. The special effects were amazing.

W: I agree but I loved the storyline most.

M: I thought it was OK but not great. I think the best thing about the film was the effects-the color, the sound, the action and the fact that it was in 3D. All of these factors made it fantastic.

W: Really


I think if the storyline isn’t any good, I probably wouldn’t like the film.

M: I don’t agree. Most films have very similar storylines. The bad guys, the good guys, the action, the conflict. And in the end, the good guys always win. That’s why I think the action and special effects are the most important elements of a film.

W: I suppose you’re right about stories being similar but I don’t think all storylines are exactly the same.

M: Yeah, maybe. Want to go and see another film tomorrow?

W: Oh, I’d love to, but I have to work on my report. If you like, we can watch one online at my house this weekend.

M: Sounds good.


Text 8

Tips to Stay Healthy During Challenging Times

In the spirit of working from home and maintaining social distance, below are a few tips to help you stay healthy.

No. 1 Maintain a routine

If you’re working from home, make sure you get up at the same time every morning, have a shower, eat breakfast, and start your workday as you normally would. You’ll feel better and function better when you follow a routine.

No. 2 Exercise

Exercise is a treatment for depression and anxiety. You can certainly benefit mentally and physically from exercise and it can help prevent depression from developing.

No. 3 Go outside

Walking or biking is an ideal outdoor activity. Research shows that spending time in a greener environment appears to be an effective way to reduce stress.

No. 4 Schedule fun time

Make sure you do something you enjoy every single day, whether that be reading, baking, or online shopping. Watching too much TV might make you get bored and it won’t help your brain to completely relax.

Hope the tips above can be helpful.

