


Ⅰ. 听力理解(共三节,22.5分)


听下面四段对话, 每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的 ABC 三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话你将听一遍。

1. What will the man do this morning?

A. Stay home. B. See his grandpa. C. Buy some fruit.

2. What does the man not like about the dress?

A. The size. B. The style. C. The colour.

3. Whose part of the paper are the speakers waiting for?

A. Jack’s. B. Sarah’s. C. John’s.

4. What does the man advise the woman to do?

A. Make her choice quickly.

B. Find their seats quietly.

C. Drive the car safely.



听下面三段对话, 每段对话后有两道小题,从每题所给的 ABC 三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话你将听两遍。


5. Why does the woman complain about her kid?

A. He seldom helps with housework.

B. He asks her for many things.

C. He lives a simple life.

6. What will the woman do later?

A. Pay the bill for her kid.

B. Have a talk with her kid.

C. Do some shopping online.


7. What did the woman do last weekend?

A. She went to the beach.

B. She made a cheese cake.

C. She celebrated her birthday.

8. Why was there a cake in the woman’s room?

A. It was a surprise gift from her friend.

B. It was put in the wrong place by mistake.

C. It was given by the hotel for its celebration.


9. Why doesn’t the woman want to go to the Cat House?

A. The food is expensive. B. It’s noisy. C. Many cats are there.

10. What impressed the man most about the Lotus restaurant?

A. Its French food. B. Its modern decoration. C. Its live band.




Tour Schedule at Red Oak Mountain Ranch (牧场)



Things to Note



  • A “welcome dinner” at 6:00 p.m. in the Lone Star restaurant.
  • 11    around the campfire after dinner.


  • Wear __15    for horseback riding.



  • Horseback riding from __12    to 9:30 a.m.
  • A country music concert at night.
  • Feel free to bring a camera during the three days.

An __13    dayexplore the ranch, feed the


__14    or take photos with ranch cowboys.


. 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1.5分,共22.5分)


The Man with No Shoes

Shoes can tell you a lot about a person. Winston was a firm believer in this, being someone who looked at many shoes himself.


Winston was seated in his regular spot, a __16 in the back corner of the train station, watching the usuals pass by. A pack of shiny, black loafers went by after getting off the 7 o’clock train, a single pair of Louboutins clacked (发出咔哒声) against the dusty floor, and two pairs of Converse and some Nike sneakers shifted as they waited on the platform(站台).


Suddenly, he noticed two shoeless feet walk past, making an __17__
sound as they made contact with the floor. Winston __18__
what kind of a man couldn’t afford to buy himself shoes. A dangerous man, perhaps. A man who was of__19__ intelligence. An unpredictable, angry man. Certainly not the kind of man Winston wanted to be anywhere near. The man then took the__20______ beside Winston.

“Sorry, it has been a really __21____ day,” the shoeless person said, placing a plastic bag on the bench. “I had to__22__ my shoes, can you believe that?” He pushed his feet against the station’s dirty floor.

“It’s my little girl’s birthday. She’s seven. I can’t believe it.” He shook his head. “Said all she wanted this year was a cake. An __23____ one, with little candies and colourful frosting and her name spelled out nice and pretty on the top. So that’s what I went and got her.”

Winston curiously looked through the clear case. It was a small white circle with the name “Amelia” written on it. “It sure is pretty, ain’t it?” the man said, noticing Winston’s __24__. “I just had to get it for her. But I had to get rid of my shoes for it… it was worth doing, of course.”

There was a sound in his voice like he was about to__25__ and then Winston did something he hardly ever did; he looked up and met the stranger’s eyes. They were kind eyes, sad, sweet and beautiful eyes,__26 contrasting(对比)his dirty feet. Winston stared at them, not allowing himself to pull away.

While staring at the man, a sense of__27__ washed over Winston. He was sorry that he had judged the man, sorry that he had__28__ this stranger was a bad person simply for his lack of footwear, when in fact this man beside him was a more __29____ person than Winston had ever been. Slowly, Winston reached down and slid off his white sneakers one at a time,__30__ his socked feet to the cold air of the station. He picked up the shoes and handed them to the stranger beside him.


16. A. chair

B. sofa

C. table

D. bench

17. A. energetic

B. unfamiliar

C. ordinary

D. amazing

18. A. remembered

B. realized

C. wondered

D. mentioned

19. A. super

B. unknown

C. natural

D. questionable

20. A. space

B. step

C. time

D. turn

21. A. busy

B. hard

C. unlucky

D. strange

22. A. sell

B. clean

C. borrow

D. hide

23. A. expensive

B. home-made

C. real

D. uncommon

24. A. satisfaction

B. worry

C. regret

D. interest

25. A. smile

B. cry

C. argue

D. breathe

26. A. sharply

B. secretly

C. carefully

D. widely

27. A. safety

B. shame

C. duty

D. freedom

28. A. suggested

B. criticized

C. complained

D. assumed

29. A. popular

B. patient

C. generous

D. serious

30. A. exposing

B. attaching

C. connecting

D. following


III. 阅读理解(共 15小题;每小题 2分,共 30分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 ABCD 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


Anyone working with pencils must always sharpen them to get the best results. Sharpening pencils by hand every few minutes takes time and effort. It is troublesome! Since we live in a technologically advanced world, buying an electric pencil sharpener is a good option.

School Smart

We have listed the best electric pencil sharpeners. This may help you make an informed choice.

This machine operates quietly. It has a wide base to prevent itself from tipping over. It includes a smart safety stop. It is effective for coloured pencils. The automatic stop makes them last longer, since it sharpens them just enough. This model is designed to handle the heavy burden of classroom use.

This device has six different sized openings, allowing for multiple sharpening all at the same time. It also has an auto-stop function so as to avoid over-sharpening. It has a large shavings container for easy disposal(清理). This model is especially friendly to watercolour pencils.

Humble Genius

This device is a compact(小型的)and basic model. It comes in blue and black colours. Although it can only take regular-sized pencils and doesn’t have an auto-stop function, it is much cheaper than most other electric sharpeners.


This device avoids over-sharpening and has an auto-stop safety function, too. This way your fingers stay safe! It works well with coloured pencils and watercolour pencils. It also has a large shavings container for easy disposal. This model is perfect for classroom, office and family use.

Is this list helpful? If yes, then pass it on to your friends and family members! They may need a good sharpener for themselves, for their kids or for the office. All the devices mentioned above can be found on Amazon! Happy shopping! Stay sharp!



31. What can we learn from the passage?

A. School Smart is small in size.

B. Tihoo can operate quietly and safely.

C. Bostitch is intended for classroom use.

D. Humble Genius can sharpen watercolour pencils.

32. If you want a model with a large shavings container, choose__

A. School Smart or Tihoo

B. School Smart or Bostitch

C. Humble Genius or Tihoo

D. Humble Genius or Bostitch

33. Why does the author mention “sharpening pencils by hand” in Paragraph 1?

A. To encourage the sale of electric sharpeners.

B. To improve the quality of electric sharpeners.

C. To introduce four kinds of electric sharpeners.

D. To promote the technology of electric sharpeners.


Opera for Beginners

Many people think that opera is boring, difficult to understand and unpleasant to listen to. They only see strange people singing in a foreign language and wearing funny costumes. They’re too quick to judge and a lot of people have believed stupid ideas about opera without ever actually seeing one. If one takes opera seriously, with an open heart, and goes to several good live performances, I don’t see any reason why he or she would dislike or hate it. The following tips can help you learn to enjoy opera.

First of all, if you are new to opera, start with a short, well-known title, such as The Marriage of Figaro by Mozart. In the beginning, avoid difficult operas with complex storylines. If your first experience is not fun, then you will expect all operas to be boring. Moreover, before going to a performance, do a little bit of homework: learn the story of the opera. If you know about the main characters and the story before you start watching, it will be much easier to understand what is happening on the stage. Finally, the most important way to enjoy opera is to keep an open mind. If you believe that you will enjoy watching opera, then you will most likely enjoy it. Think of opera as a live TV show. Opera shows the same things—love and hate, good and evil and humans and nature—that are found in many of today’s popular movies and best-selling novels. In fact, many of these movies and novels use stories copied from famous operas!

Opera is full of catchy, wonderful melodies (旋律). It’s full of drama and laughter. It’s full of wonder and life. Opera can be fun to watch, and it allows the audience to experience different cultures. Many people have enjoyed it for hundreds of years, and by following the tips above, you can enjoy it, too. Indeed, opera will change the minds of the people who once hated it. And most importantly, as one of the most diverse art forms out there, opera helps you appreciate different performance styles from all over the world.

34. Many people think that opera is boring because______________.

A. it is like a TV show B. they know little about it

C. they dislike its storylines D. its music style is old-fashioned

35. Which is a good way for beginners to enjoy opera?

A. To start with a long opera. B. To learn to sing an opera.

C. To master a foreign language. D. To get familiar with an opera’s story.

36. Many famous operas, popular movies, and best-selling novels________________.

A. have the same writer B. share a similar story

C. teach people about lifestyles D. help people keep an open mind

37. What does the underlined word “diverse” in the last paragraph probably mean?

A. Various. B. Humorous. C. Ancient. D. Exciting.


Some people have amazing memories. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Gert Mittring of Germany can look at a list of 22 numbers for just four seconds and remember all of them. Most people, though, have trouble just remembering where they put their car keys, or recalling the names of people they’ve recently met for the first time.

The process by which we store and recall information in our brains has been the focus of scientific research for many years. The brain is not fully understood, and theories about how it works remain a topic of debate. One area of the brain known as the hippocampus is important in the process of recalling information. When we experience something, the information is carried by our senses to the hippocampus, where it is processed.


Although the process of creating memories is only partly understood, it probably involves three main steps. Scientists believe that the brain cells called neurons first change the sensory stimuli(感觉刺激)we experience into images in our immediate memory. Then, these images are sent to the hippocampus and stored for a time in short-term memory. In the hippocampus, information is organised, and it is during this process that parts of the image of our experience disappear. Finally, certain information then becomes the long-term memory in the part of the brain known as the cerebral cortex, which may happen while we are sleeping.

Although memory function is difficult to understand, memory loss is something that many people experience and worry about as they age. In the past, neuroscientists believed that age-related memory problems were related to total number of brain cells. The thought was that the brain contained a limited number of irreplaceable neurons, and as we got older, we used up available cells. But recent research suggests new brain cells may be made throughout a lifetime. Also, now there is evidence that damage to the hippocampus may lead to memory loss. Patients still may recall memories stored before the brain was damaged, but are unable to remember new facts. In addition, diseases related to old age, such as Alzheimer’s, and other problems involving short and long-term memory loss, are now being connected to possible damage to the hippocampus.

Although the exact process by which memories are coded (编码) and recovered remains a mystery, we do know that the power to recall information has something to do with food and sleep. Studies suggest that eating foods containing vitamin E, such as green vegetables, is one way of limiting age-related memory loss. Also, getting a good night’s sleep can also help us remember things more clearly.

38. The passage is mainly about______.

A. the parts of the brain that store information

B. illness that results in serious brain injury

C. the system and the function of the brain

D. memory formation and memory loss

39. What activity takes place in the hippocampus?

A. Information is organised.

B. Long-term memory is formed.

C. Immediate memory is created.

D. Sensory stimuli are changed into images.

40. Which two things have NOT been proven to be related?

A. Alzheimer’s disease and old age.

B. Eating habits and age-related memory loss.

C. The number of brain cells and memory length.

D. Sleep and remembering information more clearly.

41. Mr. Lee, whose hippocampus was damaged two years ago, is most likely to remember____.

A. undergoing an operation after the accident

B. going to a summer baseball camp ten years ago

C. shopping in the supermarket yesterday morning

D. having Christmas dinner with his family last year


Einstein’s $1.5 Million Tip to a Bellboy

In addition to being a scientist, a philosopher(哲学家), and somewhat of a funny guy, Albert Einstein was something even more admirable: a good tipper. We know this because a piece of paper the Nobel Prize winner gave a bellboy as a tip sold for more than $1.5 million at auction (拍卖).

As the story goes, Einstein was traveling to Japan to give a lecture series when he found out he’d been awarded the Nobel Prize in physics. News of the award spread quickly and Einstein, somewhat bothered by all of the attention, kept himself in his room at a hotel in Tokyo.

A bit embarrassed by all the publicity he was receiving, Einstein tried to write down his thoughts and feelings. Just then, a bellboy came to Einstein’s room to deliver a message. Not expecting him, Einstein didn’t have any small change to tip him, and instead gave the bellboy a pair of the writings he’d been working on. Aware that his fame in the world was rising, Einstein supposedly told the Japanese messenger the notes would turn out to be more valuable than a regular tip if he was lucky.

The two notes were both written in German and signed by Einstein himself. The first note offered the professor’s “theory for happiness”. It read: “A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness (不安).” The second one simply said, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”

Tested or not, the theory does appear to be at least somewhat correct. According to a study of the connection between the life success and well-being of more than 275,000 people, happiness creates personal and professional success more often than success in those areas leads to happiness.

Even if his philosophical thoughts contain no scientific value, the notes do shine a little light on Einstein’s private thoughts. “What we’re doing here is painting the picture of Einstein—the man, the scientist, his effect on the world—through his writings,” said Roni Grosz, who is in charge of the world’s largest Einstein collection at Hebrew University.

Whether the bellboy was able to benefit from Einstein’s happiness theory is unclear, but the notes did eventually bring some joy to one of his relatives when they were sold—the second note brought in $250,000, while the first one that lists Einstein’s happiness theory sold for $1.56 million.

42. How did Einstein feel about the public attention brought by winning the Nobel Prize?

A. Confident. B. Regretful. C. Encouraged. D. Troubled.

43. Why did Einstein give the bellboy the two notes as a tip?

A. He didn’t have small change with him at the time.

B. The bellboy was interested in his thoughts and feelings.

C. The bellboy delivered the message that he won the prize.

D. The notes would become more valuable than a regular tip.

44. From the passage we can know that______.

A. the second note sold for more money

B. Roni Grosz is painting a picture of Einstein

C. Einstein went to Japan to give some lectures

D. the two notes brought great wealth to the bellboy

45. Which of the following is most similar to Einstein’s “theory for happiness”?

A. People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be.

B. The search for happiness is one of the chief sources of unhappiness.

C. Happiness is a by-product of an effort to make someone else happy.

D. Success is getting what you want; happiness is wanting what you get.


. 选词填空(共7小题;每小题2分,共14分)

用方框中单词的正确形式完成下列句子, 每个单词只能用一次。

creative    frightened    independent    novel    permit    organise    talent

46. While many popular______have been made into movies, most book lovers dislike movie adaptations.

47. The coach does not____his athletes to stay out late the night before a game.

48. Most people feel______when they see a snake.

49. Our club really needs a new______who is good at bringing people together.

50. In the opinion of many American youth, gaining ______ from their parents is very important.

51. Tomorrow evening, we will attend the concert of a______German violinist.

52. Josh, a teacher from the United States,______designed a lot of activities and games to get the attention of his students.


. 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)


53. I miss the days____I was able to hang out with my best friend.

54. Tom is not sure______he can arrive at the concert hall on time or not.

55. The young man sat on the beach in the sun,____drink an ice-cold cola.

56. The Bermuda Triangle is an area in the Atlantic Ocean in____hundreds of boats and planes have strangely disappeared.

57. The first step of inventing something is____you have a good idea.

58. Yesterday, the next-door neighbor told me that my yard looked terrible, so I must remember_________cutthe grass tomorrow.

59. Preparing different kinds of food to satisfy guests’ tastes usually____require a lot of time.

60. The research on Mars involves examining pictures____takeby special cameras.

61. According to the study, it is hard to prove exactly____an animal knows and why it behaves a certain way.

62. When the writer looked up, he suddenly found himself____surround by a group of teenagers.


Ⅲ. 完成句子(共5小题; 第63、64题每题2分, 第65、66、67题每题3分, 共13分)


63. 昨天他的车坏在了路上。(break down)


64. 除了一个花园,这座房子还有个游泳池。(apart from)


65. 我决定不再提这事了。(refer to)


66. 我们必须趁早采取行动,否则就来不及了。(take action)


67. 当孩子们最终照顾父母时,他们会想起童年时从父母那里得到的爱。(end up)



. 阅读表达(共 4小题; 每小题 2, 8分)


I was sitting in math class; my teacher, Mrs. Gratz, was trying to get the attention of everyone arriving before the bell that would start the fourth period. As most of my classmates sat down and waited for our teacher to begin the lesson, a student walked in right after the bell rang. He was a real troublemaker. It was painfully obvious to anyone who knew him that he didn’t care much about school or authority. He continued walking through the classroom, sat down next to one of his friends and began talking loudly with him. At this point our teacher had attempted to quiet everyone down several times, succeeding with just about everyone except for him. By him arguing with a teacher for seemingly no reason and causing a scene, I could see on my teacher’s face that she was getting more and more upset as time went on, because her class time was being wasted.

It’s important to present yourself in a positive way to people that can have an effect on your life. Parents, police officers, teachers. Those in positions such as these are the ones who should be respected most, even if you don’t think so. Watching a young man argue back and forth with a teacher, a person of authority, taught me a valuable lesson about how to act when in a situation like this. If you disagree with someone, you should find the proper time and place to deal with it. Truly, the time for wasting time is not during school hours and the place for disrupting (扰乱) a teacher’s lesson is not in school itself.

I try to respect all figures of authority, especially when they treat the people under them fairly and with equal respect. Back in this 7th grade, this event changed my life, and that’s the reason why I still remember and learn from it to this day. Sitting in class and listening to the teacher every day can get boring, but it is also worth quieting down for, because of what you can take away from the class, and what you can gain from just showing some respect.

68. Use one word to describe the student who walked in right after the bell rang? (不多于1个单词)


69. What examples does the writer give to show who should be respected most? (不多于4个单词)


70. When should a student deal with a problem he/she has with a teacher? (不多于4个单词)


71. What is the main idea of the passage? (单词数不限)



V. 书面表达(20分)


1. Who do you admire most?

2. Give at least two reasons to explain why.

注意:词数不少于 60

The Person I Admire Most












I. 听力理解(共三节,22.5分)


1. B

2. A

3. C

4. A

5. B

6. B

7. A

8. C

9. B

10. C

第三节(共 5小题; 每小题 1.5分,共 7.5分)

11. Dancing 12. 8:30 13. open 14. animals 15. jeans

II. 完形填空(共 15小题;每小题 1.5分,共 22.5分)

16. D 17. B 18. C 19. D 20. A

21. B 22. A 23. C 24. D 25. B

26. A 27. B 28. D 29. C 30. A

III. 阅读理解(共 15小题;每小题 2分,共 30分)

31. D

32. C

33. A

34. B

35. D

36. B

37. A

38. D

39. A

40. C

41. B

42. D

43. A

44. C

45. B



I. 选词填空(共 7小题;每小题 2分,共 14分)

46. novels

47. permit

48. frightened

49. organiser

50. independence

51. talented

52. creatively


II. 语法填空(共 10小题;每小题 1分,共 10分)

53. when

54. whether

55. drinking

56. which

57. that

58. to cut

59. requires

60. taken

61. what

62. surrounded


III. 完成句子(共 5小题; 6364题每题 2, 656667题每题 3, 13分)

63. Yesterday his car broke down on the road.

64. Apart from a garden, the house also has a swimming pool.

65. I decided not to refer to the matter again.

66. We must take action before it is too late.

67. When children end up taking care of their parents, they may remember the love they received during childhood.

IV. 阅读表达(共 4小题; 每小题 2分, 共 8分)

68. Impolite. / Rude. / Troublesome.

69. Parents, police officers, teachers.

70. Not during school hours.

71. Respect all figures of authority. / Show respect to authorities.

V. 书面表达(20分)

One possible version:

The person I admire most is Steve Jobs. He was an American inventor and the co-founder and CEO of Apple Inc. There are two reasons why I admire Steve Jobs: he never quit and taught me the meaning of creativity.

First, I admire Steve Jobs because when he faced challenges in his life and career, he didn’t quit. He was determined and dedicated. Did you know that he was actually fired from the company he had created? But instead of feeling sorry for himself, he continued working hard. It was during that time of hard work that Jobs developed the technology we enjoy today.

Second, I admire Steve Jobs because he taught me the true meaning of creativity. He said that creativity is just connecting things from different fields. He provided an example of this from his own life. After dropping out of college, Jobs studied calligraphy. Years later, he brought the world the first personal computer, which included beautiful calligraphic typefaces. Truly, Steve Jobs was a good teacher; he taught us how to be creative.

Steve Jobs left us with so many things of value, like Apple’s products, the iPhone and iPad, which have brought us the most modern technology. We can enjoy such technology because Jobs never gave up and understood the importance of creativity, and this is why I admire him.



第一节:听下面四段对话,每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的 ABC 三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话你将听一遍。

Text 1

W: I’m going out to buy some fruit this morning. I’ll be back at 11:30. Will you still be home?

M: I don’t think so. I will go to see my grandpa.

W: Well, please give him my best regards. Tell him I miss him a lot.

Text 2

W: How do I look in this new dress?

M: Oh, wonderful! It’s in fashion. I really like the style.

W: How about the colour? Does it suit me?

M: Well, light blue looks good on you, but the dress does look a little big.

Text 3

W: I’m afraid that we can’t hand in our paper on time, Jack.

M: Calm down, Sarah. Tell me what’s the matter.

W: John missed the train because of the heavy fog. We have to wait for him to give us his part of the paper.

M: OK. I’m sure our teacher will understand.

Text 4

W: I really don’t know what to eat for dinner. There are so many choices.

M: The lecture starts in an hour. We have to drive to the meeting hall and find our seats.

W: I know. I know. But I’m still thinking…

M: Darling, you’d better hurry up, OK?



Text 5

W: My kid is driving me crazy! He wants a new cell phone, new Nike shoes, and new earphones. I don’t know why he wants so many things!

M: Well, you know, most kids are like that nowadays.

W: When I was young, I seldom asked my parents for such things.

M: What did you do for fun then?

W: At that time, we had a simple life. I always helped my parents with housework in my spare time, such as washing clothes and sweeping the floor.

M: Oh, you were a good helper. Maybe you can share this with your kid.

W: You’re right. I think I will talk with him soon. Now I will pay the water bill online.



Text 6

M: Did you have a good time on the beach last weekend?

W: Yes. We experienced something interesting.

M: Oh, really! What happened there?

W: Well, I went for a walk on the beach right as the sun was setting. I was able to take many beautiful pictures. After coming back to the hotel, I found there was a birthday cake in my room.

M: A birthday cake? Who gave it to you?

W: I don’t know… It wasn’t my birthday actually. I think someone delivered it by mistake.

M: Ahaaa… What did you do with the cake?

W: To tell you the truth, I shared it with my friend. It was a cheese cake with fruit… very delicious.

M: OK. I think you enjoyed the unexpected surprise very much. But how could you eat it without knowing who the cake was for?

W: Well, later we were told the cake was provided by the hotel in celebration of its 50th anniversary of being in business.

M: Oh! Lucky you!



Text 7

W: Would you like to eat out with me this Saturday?

M: Of course. Where shall we go? I remember you love Beijing Roast Duck.

W: Yeah, I do love it. But this time, let’s try something different. How about the Cat House?

M: Good idea. I know that many people have written positive reviews about that restaurant, but it’s a bit expensive.

W: Oh, wait! Some reviews say it’s always full of young kids. They play with the cats in the restaurant. It must be very noisy. I don’t think it’s a good choice.

M: Then, how about the Lotus restaurant? It’s a modernly decorated place with good French food. What impressed me most last time I was there was its live band, but as for the noise…

W: A live band? Cool! Let’s go there.


第三节: 听下面一段独白, 根据题目要求在相应的横线上写下第 11 题至第 15 题的关键信息。每小题仅填写一个词。这段独白你将听两遍。

Text 8

A big Texas hello to our Beijing Friendship tour group. It’s good to have you here at Red Oak Mountain Ranch. My name is Jonathan and I will be your guide for a fun-filled three-day vacation. Now please listen carefully. I will explain our schedule for today through Sunday.

After a short rest in your rooms, a “welcome dinner” will be held at 6:00 p.m. in the Lone Star restaurant, which is located next to the ranch entrance. After dinner, please join the ranch staff for dancing around the campfire.

Tomorrow after breakfast, which is from 7:00 to 8:00 a.m., please meet me down by the horseback riding area. Each person will get the chance to ride one of our beautiful horses. We will begin at 8:30 a.m. and ride for one hour, so please be on time. By the way, you’d better wear jeans. On Saturday night, I am happy to tell you that we will enjoy a country music concert together.

Sunday will be an open day for everybody. You may want to explore the ranch by yourself, feed the animals or take photos with our ranch cowboys.

Speaking of photos, feel free to bring your camera with you during these three days. Again, welcome to Red Oak Mountain Ranch and enjoy your time here.







