


第Ⅰ卷 客观题部分


1. —What’s your brother’s name?

—_____________ name is Liu Ming.

A. His B. Her C. My D. Your

2. This girl is creative. _____________ often makes great things.

A. She B. You C. He D. I

3. I _____________ Chinese and Cindy _____________ English.

A. am; is B. is; is C. am; are D. are; is

4. —When do you get up every day?

—I usually get up _____________ 6:20.

A. on B. in C. at D. for

5. —Are _____________ boys over there your classmates?

—No, _______ aren’t.

A. those; these B. there; they C. these; those D. those, they

6. —What do you see in the basket?

—There _____________ a bottle of orange and some oranges.

A. have B. is C. are D. has

7. We’ve got _____________juice. We haven’t got _____________ milk.

A. any, any B. some, any C. any, some D. some, some

8. The classroom building is _____________ the dining hall.

A. in front B. between C. on the right D. next to

9. I like playing basketball very much _____________ I’m not good at it.

A. and B. so C. but D. because

10. —What do you have for breakfast?

—I often have _____________ or _____________.

A. rice, apple B. banana, milk

C. chicken, noodles D. hamburger, bread



Mike __11______ from the USA. But he lives in __12______ with his family because his parents work in Beijing. Mike is my classmate. He’s only __13______ years old, nearly the same age as me, but he is taller than any other students in our class. So he sits at the __14____ of the classroom. Mike’s home is not very far from our school. He usually goes to school by bus or by bike. Sometimes he walks to school. He likes playing football. So he is very strong.

Mike is very outgoing (开朗). He has many friends in our school. And I am one of his friends. We often play together and study together. He can __15______ English and French. He often helps our English teacher to teach us English. I think this is very __16______ for me. And Mike loves Chinese very much. I often help him with his Chinese. Now he can speak Chinese very well. And he can even sing some English songs.

It’s my thirteenth birthday today. After school I invite Mike and some other classmates to my 17__. We have a small party. My mother cooks something delicious for us. All of us have 18__. We enjoy it very much.

11. A. come B. are C. am D. comes

12. A. Canada B. China C. America D.England

13. A.13 B.10 C.17 D.15

14. A. middle B. center C. front D. back

15. A. tell B. speak C. say D. talk

16. A. sorry B. beautiful C. difficult D. helpful

17. A. school B. class C. home D. club

18. A. homework B. questions C. fun D. lessons




Live Music—Late Night Jazz

Enjoy real American from Herbie Davis, the famous trumpet (小号) player.

Place: The Jazz Club Dates: June 15-23

Price: $100-150 Time: 10 p.m. till late

Tel: 4668736


Scottish Dancing

Scottish dancing is nice and easy to learn. The wonderful dance from Britain will be shown.

Place: Jack stein’s

Dates: Mayl0-20 Price: $150

Time: 7-10p.m. Tel: 4021877


Shown—Anhui Museum

There are 12,000 pieces on show here. You can see the whole Chinese history.

Place: Anhui Museum Dates: 1 March-30 June

Price: $60 ($30 for students)

Time: Monday-Friday 9 a.m-8 p.m.

Weekends 9 a.m-9 p.m.

Tel: 4886888


19. If you want to watch dancing, you can call __________________.

A. 4668769 B. 4021877 C. 4886888 D. 4686788

20. You can see the whole Chinese history at ______________ in April in Anhui Museum.

A. 3 p.m. every day B. 9 p.m. from Monday to Friday

C. 7 a.m. at the weekend D. 9 p.m. every day

21. You have $70, and you can ______________.

A. listen to American Jazz B. watch Scottish dancing

C. see Chinese history D. watch magic shows



On Friday, June 6, our class will take a school trip to North Park Zoo.

There will be six teams. Each team will have four students and one teacher. The names of the teachers’ are listed in the table. There’s also something you need to know.

On Friday morning, the students will be in different teams. One student from each team will get a camera and take photos of the team, the animals and other fun things in the zoo.

All students should wear blue shorts. Be sure to wear sports shoes because you will walk all day. Please bring a bag lunch and a drink. You will have lunch at the park in the zoo, so you need to bring some fruit.

When you are in the zoo. Always be with our team and your teacher.

Team 1

Mrs. Smith

Team 2

Mrs. Lopez

Team 3

Mr. Harper

Team 4

Miss. Abel

Team 5

Mr. Soto

Team 6

Miss. Green

22. The teacher for Team 5 is ______________.

A. Mr. Soto B. Mr. Harper C. Miss. Albel D. Miss. Green

23. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. All the students will take pictures.

B. All the students should wear blue shoes.

C. The students will have a school trip on July 6

D. The students should always be with their team.

24. The passage (文章) is mainly about ______________.

A. a school trip B. North Park Zoo

C. students in the teams D. the teacher and the team



Many scientists think our love of sugar may be an addiction (上瘾). When we eat sugary foods or drink sugary drinks, the sugar enters (进入) our blood and influences (影响) parts of our brain that makes us feel good. Then the good feeling goes away, and we want more. All delicious foods do this, but sugar has a particularly (特别地) strong effect (影响). In this way, it is in fact addictive, and doctors think we should (应该) all cut down on it.

“Every time I study an illness, I find my way back to sugar,” say scientist Richard Johnson. Many people have high blood pressure (血压), and up to 347 million have diabetes (糖尿病). Why? “Sugar, we think, is one of the reasons,” says Johnson.

Our bodies are designed (设计) to survive (存活) on very little sugar. Early humans often had very little food, so our bodies learned to keep sugar as fat. In this way, we had energy stored for time when there was no food. But today, most people have too much.

So what is the solution (解决办法)? We need to eat less sugar. The trouble is, in today’s world, it’s extremely (特别地) difficult not to have it. From breakfast cereals to after-dinner desserts, our foods are filled (充满) with it. Some manufacturers (制造商) even use sugar to replace (替代) taste in foods, so there is a lot of sugar in our foods.

But there are those who are fighting back against sugar. Many schools are offering more fruit instead of deserts. Other schools are building facilities (设施) for students to do exercise. The battle (战争) has not yet finished.

25. Why is sugar addictive?

A. It makes us feel good and want more of it.

B. It has a strong effect on our blood.

C. Tasty foods are full of sugar.

D. There is sugar in medicine.

26. The underlined phrases “cut down” in paragraph 1 probably means _______________.

A. have much of it

B. not have it

C. not have too much of it

D. eat lots of it

27. According to the passage, why is it so hard not to have sugar?

A. We like candy too much.

B. It gives us needed energy.

C. It is in so many foods and drinks.

D. We get used to eating it at school.

28. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Waysto eat less sugar.

B. Our addiction to sugar.

C. Sugar makes us happy.

D. Good sugar and bad sugar.



I have a younger brother. To me, he is a fourteen-year-old kid named Joe, with blond hair and blue eyes. To others, he is different. Where I see a kid who just needs a lot more attention, others see a mentally disabled boy, a kid who has barrier in walking or talking or thinking for himself. I see someone who just makes daily routine a bit less routine. Others see an annoyance, a bother.

This is not to say that I have never felt resentful(怨恨的) toward Joe. He is my brother, and with that comes responsibility. “Gina, could you stay in tonight and watch your brother?” “Gina, do me a favor and feed him dinner and change his diaper(尿布) later, please?” “Could you come home right after school today and get Joe off the bus?”

These are phrases that I have heard since I was twelve. And sure, they have made me resent my brother to a certain extent. I would think: that’s not fair! Everyone else can stay after and be a member of this club, or get extra help from that teacher. Or, all my friends are going out tonight, why can’t I? And, how come I have to feed him? He’s not my son!

However, the small amount of resentment I feel toward my brother is erased a thousand times over by what I have learned from him. Besides making me responsible from a young age, and helping me be more accepting of all kinds of people, he has taught me to be thankful for what I have.

I know that there are moments in my life that I should cherish and that Joe will never experience. He will never laugh so hard that he cries. He will never feel the glory of a straight-A report card. He will never comfort a best friend crying on his shoulder. And he will never know how much his family love him.

Because he will never know, it is up to me to know, every second, how lucky I am. It is up to me to realize that life should be lived to its fullest, and that you should always, always be grateful that God, or whoever are the powers that be, gave you the ability to live your life the way you were meant to live it.

29. We know from the first paragraph that Gina’s brother _______________.

A. causes trouble to neighbours B. pays more attention to others

C. lives with mental disability D. considers daily routine a bother

30. If Mother asks Gina to accompany or look after her brother now, what will she probably answer?

A. I’m afraid not. B. No problem! C. It depends. D. It’s not feasible!

31. The passage intends to tell us that we should _______________.

A. value the glory of success B. feel grateful for what life gives us

C. comfort unfortunate people D. treasure meaningful moments


第Ⅱ卷 主观题部分


A. 请从下列单词中选择合适的选项。注意:有一项为多余选项

a. with

b. near

c. after

d. Between

e. office

f. that

This is a map of our school. There are six buildings in our school: a library, an 32._______________ building, a classroom building, a dining hall, a sports hall and a science building. In the middle of the school is a big playground. The library is on the left of the playground 33._______________ the school gate. There are many books, maps, and computers in it. Behind the library, on the left, are the school offices. 34._______________ this building and the dining hall is the classroom building 35._______________ twenty-four classrooms. On the right of the classroom building is the dining hall. In front of the dining hall is the sports hall and the building in front of 36._______________ is for science.

B. 根据上下文填空,每个空格只能填写一个单词

Eat the right food and be 37._______________. Carrots, eggs and sweet potatoes are good for your eyes. Milk, cheese and fish good for your 38._______________. A bit tired? Have 39._______________ of delicious chicken soup!

It is 40._______________ to remember: eat well, stay healthy, and 41._______________ get fat!



42. 我的朋友有一个带大花园的房子。 (with)

43. 吃太多冰激凌对你没有好处。 (It is…for…to…)



Parents always ask, “how can I get my child to eat fruits and vegetables?” One answer is to teach your children to fill__their__bodies__with__colours. Fruits and vegetables come in so many beautiful colours. Every different colour is good for us.

Orange and yellow fruits and vegetables such as sweet potatoes and oranges are healthy. They have many kinds of vitamins (维生素), such as Vitamins A, B and C. Dark green foods like spinach (菠菜) are very healthy. Red foods like tomatoes and strawberries have Vitamin C. Blue or purple fruits and vegetables such as blueberries and red cabbages are also good for you.

What about the colour white? White is not a colour of the rainbow (彩虹)! White bread is not very healthy, but whole wheat bread is good for you. Too much sugar and salt are not good for your health. However, some white foods, like milk and tofu are very healthy. And what about black foods? Coffee is harmful to heart because it can increase the heartbeat. Chocolates usually contain too many calories, which can easily build up one’s weight. White foods like ice creams and cream cakes have similar problems. However, black soya beans can be a good choice.

Finally, remember the most important thing. Parents need to be good examples. You need to eat a rainbow, too!

44. How can children “fill their bodies with colours”?

45. How many colours are there in the rainbow?

46. Are all white foods unhealthy?

47. What kind of black food can we eat?

48. What does the writer want to tell us?




提示词语:there be, doctor, get up, at, breakfast, favorite subject, have lessons

提示问题:1. Who is in your family? What do they do or eat every day?

2. Do you like our school? Why?






1. A 2. A 3. A 4. C 5.D 6. B 7. B 8.D 9. C 10.C



11. D 12. B 13. A 14. D 15. B 16. D 17. C 18. C



19-21 bac 22-24 ada 25-28 accb 29-31 cbb



32-36 ebdaf

37. healthy; 38. teeth; 39. lots; 40. important; 41. don’t



42. My friend has a house with a big garden.

43. It is not good for you to eat too much ice cream.



44. To eat fruits and vegetables with many beautiful colours.

45. 6

46. No.

47. Black soya beans.

48. We should eat foods with different colours. /Colourful foods are good for us./Every different colour of foods are good for us.

