





On a foggy Sunday morning, Amrisha Vaish was sleeping soundly at home in Arlington, Virginia. The sound that woke him at 7:15 was so loud that he assumed it came from inside his house. As he got up to 1 carefully, he heard another sound, this one coming most definitely from outside. Looking out of his bedroom window, he noticed a tree 2 in smoke about 500 yards away. A car was wrapped by smoke around the tree’s base, and its engine was on fire.

Seeing that, he immediately grabbed buckets of water and ran to the crash site. Up close, the 3 looked worse. The car was split nearly in two, and the tree was where the driver’s seat ought to have been, as if 4 there. He thought that no one could have survived this crash, and yet there was 15-year-old Quintin Thompson, still 5 with his terrified face pressed against the driver’s side window, in visible pain. Vaish tried putting out the fire with his buckets of water yet with no success. When the 6 got into the front seats, he realized he had to get the boy out of there as soon as possible.

Instantly, Vaish tried to open the back door, but he failed. He picked up a stone beside the tree and hit the back door. This time, it 7 . The back door was opened and Vaish crawled in. Thompson was struggling to get free when Vaish noticed how 8 his legs were. Using a pocketknife, Vaish sawed through Thompson’s seat belt. Now that Thompson was free of restraints (束缚), Vaish pulled him out of a window, and then dragged him to safety before the car was 9 surrounded by flames. Vaish called an ambulance as Thompson suffered severely. Soon, the doctors arrived and Vaish felt 10 .

1. A. analyse B. view C. examine D. question

2. A. enveloped B. choked C. marked D. rescued

3. A. wound B. damage C. engine D. smoke

4. A. drawn B. guarded C. sent D. planted

5. A. calm B. curious C. conscious D. confident

6. A. water B. driver C. passengers D. flames

7. A. responded B. changed C. worked D. failed

8. A. dirty B. bad C. unique D. normal

9. A. slowly B. entirely C. simply D. deadly

10. A. relieved B. touched C. recognized D. satisfied





My mother is an ordinary woman, but she always 11 (try) her best to deal with things perfectly. With an optimistic attitude, she always thinks of others first 12 never complains of anything in her life. As a teacher, she has a good sense of humor and makes her students interested in study. She shows great patience to those naughty ones, 13 also give great comments on her in return.


Breaking promises might unintentionally hurt others. A month ago, a classmate asked me to help him move house. I was unwilling 14 (refuse) the request directly, so I promised to assist him. Later, I just didn’t bother to turn up to help him because I was absorbed in my studies. When I 15 (run) into him the next day, he told me I had really let him down. Although he forgave me at last, I felt ashamed of 16 (I).


TikTok, which has taken foreign countries by storm in the past three years, is working its magic 17 China, too. It is 18 (especial) popular with teens and young adults. In the annual report of its parent company ByteDance this week, the domestic version of TikTok, 19 (call) Douyin, has accumulated 400 million daily active users. The service lets users create, edit and share short videos, many of which are under 15 seconds. It is a great way to spend the leisure time 20 (enjoy) these funny videos.



第一节 (14小题:每小题2分,共28)



Since 1993, Chicken Soup for the Soul has been a socially conscious company that combines storytelling with making the world a better place. We tell the stories of all people through our efforts, always with an eye to furthering unity and understanding, and an appreciation for our differences.

Our Products

Books: At Chicken Soup for the Soul, we receive thousands of stories every year for our books. These stories are the foundation of everything we do. They have inspired our other products and established the values we run our company by. With these stories, our publisher puts out about a dozen new titles every year. Click here to see our over 250 books.

Pet Food: We’re also inspired by the thousands of stories we receive about the love between pets and people. These stories show that every moment matters between an owner and a pet. Our wholesome pet foods are meant to help you turn your own moments into stories. To learn more about our pet foods, click here.

TV and Movies: Stories can be told in a variety of ways and today we’re branching out to what we call “visual storytelling.” Our first regular TV show aired weekly beginning October 2015 and our first Chicken Soup for the Soul feature film came out in 2016.

Apps: Chicken Soup for the Soul stories have inspired us and we’re sure they will inspire you, too. Our apps allow you to bring stories with you on the go and share them with friends and family.

Facts & Figures

· The Chicken Soup for the Soul book series of over 250 titles has sold more than 110 million copies nationwide. Our books have been translated into 43 languages, have been published in over 100 countries, and have sold more than 500 million copies worldwide.

· In 2004, Chicken Soup for the Soul launched Pet Food, Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover’s Soul, which today can be found in over 5,000 independent pet specialty stores.

· In 2008, Chicken Soup for the Soul became the best-selling trade paperback series of all time.

· In 2013 Kerner Entertainment agreed to produce a film based on Chicken Soup for the Soul.

21. From the passage we can know that Pet Food is ____________.

A. a series of stories between pets and people

B. a sort of value delivered by the pet lovers

C. a kind of food sold in pet specialty stores

D. a set of recipe books for pet owners

22. The “facts & figures” shows that Chicken Soup for the Soul ____________.

A. has developed into a film company

B. has made the world a better place

C. has achieved worldwide success

D. has experienced ups and downs

23. We probably find this passage ____________.

A. in a travelling guide B. in a science report

C. on the Internet D. on a poster


When Elvis Presley died on August 16th, 1977, radio and television programs all over the world were interrupted to give the news of his death. President Carter declared a day of national mourning. Carter said: “Elvis Presley changed the face of American popular culture … He was unique and irreplaceable”. Eighty thousand people attended his funeral. The streets were jammed with ears, and Elvis Presley films were shown on television, and his records were played on the radio all day. In the year after his death, one hundred million Presley LPs (密纹唱片) were sold.

Elvis Presley was born on January 8th, 1935, in Tupelo, Mississippi. His parents were very poor and Elvis never had music lessons, but he was surrounded by music from an early age. His parents were very religious, and Elvis regularly sang at church services. In 1948, when he was thirteen, his family moved to Memphis, Tennessee. He left school in 1953 and got a job as a truck driver.

In the summer of 1953, Elvis paid four dollars and recorded a song for his mother’s birthday at Sam Phillips’ Sun Records studio. Sam Phillips heard Elvis and asked him to record “That’s All Right.” Twenty thousand copies were sold. He made five more records for Sun. Then in July 1955, he met Colonel Tom Parker, who became his manager in November. On January 10th, 1956, Elvis recorded “Heartbreak Hotel”, and a million copies were sold. In the next fourteen months, he made another fourteen records, and they were all big hits. In 1956, he also made his first film in Hollywood.

In March 1958, Elvis had to join the army. He wanted to be an ordinary soldier. When his hair was cut, thousands of women cried. He spent the next two years in Germany, where he met Priscilla Beaulieu, who became his wife eight years later on May 1st, 1967. In 1960, he left the army and went to Hollywood where he made several films during the next few years.

By 1968 many people had become tired of Elvis. He hadn’t performed live since 1960. But he recorded a new LP “From Elvis in Memphis” and appeared in a special television program. He became popular again, and went to Las Vegas, where he was paid seven hundred fifty thousand dollars for four weeks. In August of 1977, he died from a heart attack. He had been working too hard, and eating and drinking too much for several years. He left all his money to his only daughter, Lisa Marie Presley.

24. The first song Elvis recorded was _______.

A. a hit overnight

B. played on the radio

C. sold well in Las Vegas

D. a gift for his mother’s birthday

25. How did Elvis begin his career?

A. By attending church services.

B. By meeting Colonel Tom Parker.

C. By recording “Heartbreak Hotel”.

D. By getting recognized by Sam Phillips.

26. From the passage, we can know that _______.

A. Elvis learnt music from his father

B. Elvis once lost his popularity in the 60s

C. Elvis became a drinker when he got a job as a truck driver

D. Elvis’s hair was cut in the army because of his wrongdoings

27. Why did Elvis gain great respect after his death?

A. He had great musical talent.

B. He achieved success in all his records.

C. He won unexampled recognition in live performance.

D. He contributed to the development of American pop culture.


The UK’s first fully solar-powered home, which removes the need to ever receive a gas or electricity bill again, has gone on sale, but it will cost you £ 1.2 million.

The timber-framed home in Great Glen, Leicestershire, contains a number of “zero-carbon features” including solar electric energy, triple glazing and rainwater storage. It is entirely heated by underground water-filled tubes that are warmed by solar energy from rooftop panels. The house was designed and built by Caplin Homes and covers two acres of land. The design and construction, down to the materials, were used specifically for their low carbon footprint.

The solar panels on the roof of the five-bedroom house are called hybrids because they collect both electrical and thermal energy. Solar walls preheat incoming air, and an Earth Energy Bank (EEB) and heat pump can store heat, and get it back for use when temperatures drop. The south-facing triple-glazed windows are said to also improve the house’s energy management during the winter.

All the technologies are regulated by a control system, which monitors the inside and outside temperatures, how much energy is being received by the solar panels, and the heat levels in the EEB domestic hot water tank. Due to its low energy design, the Solar House is expected to only require heat from the EEB for about 10 weeks of the year.

For £ 1.2 million, buyers also get two garages. Estate agent (房地产经纪人) Anthony Fox said the possibility of no utility bills was a big draw for potential owners: the idea is that your bills pretty much disappear and the house is self-sustaining and self-sufficient. That was a big aspect for most of the people who came to have a look around. “We had a lot of interest on the open day. There were some strong considerations to buy there and then. Everyone was very keen to learn how the house worked.” He added.

28. Which is true about the UK’s first fully solar-powered home?

A. It is directly heated by rooftop panels.

B. It has a set of heat-storage devices available.

C. Its walls can keep cold air from coming in to store heat.

D. The triple-glazed windows collect electrical and thermal energy.

29. What is mainly talked about in paragraph 4

A. The monitoring of the temperature.

B. The function of the control system.

C. The amount of the received energy.

D. The significance of the new technologies.

30. What’s a big attraction for potential buyers according to Anthony Fox?

A. No gas or electricity bill.

B. Two additional garages.

C. The reasonable price.

D. The unique structure.


Over the past half-century, scientists have settled on two reasonable theories related to baby talk. One states that a young child’s brain needs time to master language. The second theory states that a child’s vocabulary level is the key factor. According to this theory, some key steps have to occur in a logical sequence before sentence formation occurs.

In 2007, researchers at Harvard University, who were studying the two theories, found a clever way to test them. More than 20,000 internationally adopted children enter the U.S. each year. Many of them no longer hear their birth language after they arrive, and they must learn English more or less the same way infants(婴儿) do. International adoptees don’t take classes or use a dictionary when they are learning their new tongue. All of these factors make them an ideal population in which researchers could test these competing theories about how language is learned.

Neuroscientists Jesse Snedeker, Joy Geren and Carissa Shafto studied the language development of 27 children adopted from India between the ages of two and five years. These children began learning English at an older age than US natives and had more mature brains. Even so, just as American-born infants, their first English sentences consisted of single words. The adoptees then went through the same stages as typical American-born children, though at a faster clip. The adoptees and native children started combining words in sentences when their vocabulary reached the same sizes, further suggesting that what matters is not how old you are or how mature your brain is, but the number of words you know.

This finding–that having more mature brains did not help the adoptees avoid the baby talk stage–suggests that babies speak in baby talk not because they have baby brains, but because they have only just started learning and need time to gain enough vocabulary. Before long, the one-word stage will give way to the two-word stage and so on. Learning how to chat like an adult is a gradual process.

But this finding also raises an even older and more difficult question. Adult immigrants who learn a second language rarely achieve the same proficiency in a foreign language as the average child raised as a native speaker. Researchers have long suspected there is a “critical period” for language development, after which it cannot proceed with full success to fluency. Yet we still do not understand this critical period or know why it ends.

31. What is the writer’s main purpose in Paragraph 2?

A. To argue that culture affects the way children learn a language.

B. To give reasons why adopted children were used in the study.

C. To reject the view that adopted children need two languages.

D. To justify a particular approach to language learning.

32. What does the Harvard finding show?

A. Language learning takes place in ordered steps.

B. Some children need more conversation than others.

C. Children with more mature brains skip baby talk stage.

D. Vocabulary makes little difference to sentence formation.

33. When the writer says “critical period”, he means a period when _________.

A. children start to learn a second language

B. immigrants want to learn another language

C. adults need to be taught by native speakers

D. language learners may achieve native-like fluency

34. What does this passage mainly talk about?

A. What is baby talk.

B. Why babies learn a second language easily.

C. What affects children’s language development.

D. How children expand their vocabulary gradually.


第二节 (5小题;每小题2分,共10)


Do you love food? Whether you’re a foodie or someone who just likes eating, there is so much to choose from. We know that too much of the wrong kind of food can be bad for our health, but for some people having a food allergy means that eating certain things can actually be harmful. Such cases may seem uncommon. 35

An allergy is caused by the immune (免疫的) system fighting substances in the environment. 36 It means that people have to follow strict dietary restrictions, otherwise their lives may be put at risk. Allergy specialist Dr. Adam Fox says “if you look back over, say, 30 or 40 years… there are much more serious allergic problems around now than there were.”

37 Last year a teenager died after suffering an allergic reaction from eating a piece of bread containing peanuts. This led to a call for better food-labeling laws.

Research has found that this problem is particularly affecting children. 38 Dr. Alexandra Santos from King’s College London says “food allergy now affects about 7% of children in the UK and 9% of those in Australia, for example. Across Europe, 2% of adults have food allergies.”

So what might be the cause? Dr. Santos says, the increase in allergies is not simply the effect of society becoming more aware of them and better at diagnosing them. 39 She adds that possible factors are pollution, dietary changes and less exposure to bacteria, which change how our immune systems respond. She points out that it’s very common for migrants who move to another country to develop food allergies in their new location.

A. It seems to be more environmental.

B. A food allergy can affect you at any age.

C. Food allergies can cause life-threatening reactions.

D. Yet in fact, food allergies are affecting more and more of us.

E. More and more of them are having allergic reactions to certain food.

F. A lot of work is being done to try and find a cure, but that’s not easy.

G. We often hear about people having allergies to dairy products or to nuts.





Fair play is important not only in sports, but in all aspects of life, including education. Honest and responsible behaviour in the process of study is known as academic integrity. When discussing fair play, we also need to talk about its opposite, which in the educational context is known as academic dishonesty.

Academic dishonesty can come in various forms. One commonly seen practice is cheating. This includes copying someone’s homework or cheating at a test. Sabotage is another form of academic dishonesty where something is done to worsen other students’ results. One example of this would be deleting another student’s essay from his or her computer. A particularly serious form of academic dishonesty is plagiarism: it is when someone copies somebody else’s work as their own.

Even honest students might unintentionally engage in academically dishonest practices. One common misconception is that sharing homework answers with classmates is acceptable. It is actually helping someone cheat, which also counts as cheating. Another major misconception is that it is OK to paraphrase someone else’s ideas without crediting the source. This is still considered plagiarism.

Academic dishonesty like cheating and plagiarism destroys trust between you and your peers, and weakens the effort that you invest in learning. In the meanwhile, your reputation, and even that of your school will be damaged or ruined. All these can lead to a negative learning environment.

To help keep a healthy study environment for all, how should we maintain academic integrity? You should first of all keep in mind that honesty is the best policy: always strive to complete your work in a way that you can be proud of. Secondly, good time management skills make it easier to maintain academic integrity: students who delay writing their assignments and leave them until the last minute put themselves under unnecessary pressure, and may risk giving in to the temptation of cheating. Thirdly, whenever you are quoting, paraphrasing or summarizing, remember to cite all materials properly.

40. What is academic integrity?

41. What are the forms of academic dishonesty mentioned in the passage?

42. Please paraphrase the underlined part in your own words.

43. As a high school student, what do you usually do to maintain academic integrity? (About 40 words)



假如你是红星中学高三(1)班学生李华,你的英国笔友Jim获悉近年来中国的快递业发展迅速,想了解你身边的快递服务情况(delivery service)。请你回信,内容包括:

1. 介绍身边快递情况;

2. 表达个人的看法;

3. 询问对方快递现状。

注意:1. 词数100字左右。

2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Jim,





Li Hua




第一部分:知识运用 (共两节,30)


1. C 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. C

6. D 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. A


11. tries 12. and 13. who 14. to refuse 15. ran

16. myself 17. in 18. especially 19. called 20. enjoying


第一节 (14小题;每小题2分,共28)

21. A 22. C 23. C 24. D 25. D

26. B 27. D 28. B 29. B 30. A

31. B 32. A 33. D 34. C

第二节 (5小题;每小题2分,共10)

35. D 36. C 37. G 38. E 39. A



40. Academic integrity is a kind of honest and responsible behaviour in the process of study.

Honest and responsible behaviour in the process of study.

41. Academic dishonesty can come in various forms, including cheating, sabotage and plagiarism.

The forms of academic dishonesty are cheating, sabotage and plagiarism.

Cheating, sabotage and plagiarism.

42. Even honest students might do something dishonest in their studies accidentally.

Even honest students might get involved in dishonest behavior in their studies without intention.

Even honest students might behave dishonestly in their studies, but they don’t do it on purpose.

43. For me, there are several ways to maintain academic integrity. Firstly, I believe in the policy of honesty, so I never cheat in any test. It is important for the fairness and reliability of the exams. Secondly, I refuse to share my homework or test papers with others. Instead, I’d like to tutor them in their academic problems. I feel a responsible help is much better than a temporary aid. Finally, I always remind myself to cite the source when I quote others’ ideas in my writing.




1. 本题总分为20分,按5个档次给分。

2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言质量初步确定其档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。

3. 评分时应考虑:内容是否完整,条理是否清楚,交际是否得体,语言是否准确。

4. 拼写、标点符号或书写影响内容表达时,应视其影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。

5. 词数少于60,从总分中减去1分。


1. 身边快递情况 2. 个人看法 3. 询问对方快递现状




































Possible version 1:

Dear Jim,

Glad to know that you are interested in the delivery service around me. I’d like to share something about it with you.

Believe it or not, I can’t live without delivery service. Owing to it, I feel I have a nationwide shopping cart at my door and anything is just a click away. It’s fairly fast and cheap.

I think the delivery service has benefited us. We enjoy the convenience it brings, whether in urban or rural areas. Any bigger bonus? Yeah, many people have got jobs and this is good for our economy.

Jim, I hope you can try it one day. And I am also keen to know the express in Britain. Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua


Possible version 2:

Dear Jim,

Glad to receive your letter. Knowing that you are interested in the delivery service around me, I’m more than willing to share something about it with you.

Nowadays, the delivery service has become part of Chinese daily life. We have dozens of express companies to choose from when we want to receive or send parcels, big or small. Nearly all online platforms offer delivery service for a small charge or for free. That means with a click you can get almost anything sent to you. You just name it, food, drinks, clothes, books and even medicine.

I really feel the delivery service in China is superb and it brings great convenience to our life. Thanks to the deliverymen, we can get anything we want in a short time. Without their efforts, we wouldn’t enjoy such a comfortable life. So we should understand and respect them. Their work not only benefits us but also our country. The delivery service has advanced the development of other industries, and meanwhile creates many job opportunities.

Jim, I do hope you can have the chance to experience our delivery service some day. And I am also curious about the express in Britain. Looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua


