





1. Peter and Mike like music. They are talking about _________ favourite singers.

A. his B. her C. its D. their

2. The post office is closed _________ Saturday afternoon.

A. on B. in C. of D. at

3. _________ do you often do in your free time?

— I often read books.

A. What B. Which C. When D. Where

4. She is very happy _________ she has got many good friends.

A. or B. because C. but D. though

5. Lucy _________ her classmate Mary with her lessons every weekend.

A. helps B. will help C. is helping D. was helping

6. His suit looks _________ than the one I bought yesterday.

A. good B. better C. best D. the best

7. —Must we finish our plan this week?

— No you _________.

A. mustn’t B. can’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t

8. John _________ a volleyball game on TV now.

A. watches B watched C. will watch D. is watching

9. This new hospital _________ in our town last year.

A. build B. built C. was built D. is built

10. We _________ many trees along the road since 2018.

A. plant B. will plant C. have planted D. are planting

11. John’s father _________ to Shanghai to attend a meeting next Sunday.

A. flies B. will fly C. has flown D. flew

12. Nobody knows _________ yesterday.

A. how the accident happens B. how does the accident happen

C. how the accident happened D. how did the accident happen




A New Friend and Perspective (视角)

I picked up the phone, slowly dialing the number to her house. All I could think was what we could possibly have a 13 about. Nothing! I didn’t think I could have anything in common with someone who is 50 years older than me.

“Your grandmother won’t be around forever,” my mom said, so I just did what she told me and painfully 14 my grandmother. What I didn’t know was that the phone call would change my perspective on life and my grandmother.

When she answered the 15 , I planned to have a small conversation. Instead, she invited me to lunch. Hesitantly (犹豫地), I replied with a “That sounds great”.

When I hung up the phone, I immediately 16 agreeing to the lunch date. How was I going to fit this into my busy schedule of homework, games and friends? It was not my ideal Saturday, but I went anyway. Me and my grandmother… nothing to talk about.

17 my Saturday morning wasn’t painful. I was interested in listening about her recent trip to Europe and how she saw the famous Eiffel Tower. She told me stories about her sewing class and her friends. I didn’t realize that 60-year-old people had a social life. It turned out that her life wasn’t as 18 as I thought. For once, I was happy and satisfied without friends and without my cell phone. We planned to meet again at her house. This time, my mom didn’t have to beg me.

During the next visit, we sorted through three shoeboxes of photographs. There was an interesting story for each one. I learned that as humans, we shared human 19 , no matter what age.

Ever since I made the first phone call to my grandmother, we have talked at least once a week. I regret not calling her earlier. Her advice has taught me things that can’t be learned in a textbook. She taught me to be 20 to new things, to enjoy the simple things, and to appreciate what life has given me. I have gained a friend, a mentor (导师), and a new perspective.

13. A. conversation B. meeting C. greeting D. discussion

14. A. visited B. called C. helped D. left

15. A phone B. door C. letter D. question

16. A considered B. forgot C. regretted D. celebrated

17. A. Hopelessly B. Surprisingly C. Funnily D. Naturally

18. A. hard B. busy C. rich D. boring

19. A. skills B. opportunities C. experiences D. mistakes

20. A. strict B. honest C. opposite D. open





How do you make friends? Some students are sharing their ideas with us.

Although we are quite different, Adam and I have been close friends for 5 years. We have a lot to talk. We often play basketball together after school. We go for a picnic at weekends. It’s always a pleasure to be with him.

I spend my spare time mostly with people from other countries. When I’m with them, I really get to know what they’re like and how easy they are to get along with. They help me to improve my English.

I’ve made some good friends at the gym I go to. People there are very friendly. Talking to them as I take exercise is a good way for us to get to know each other.

I can make more friends on the Internet because it keeps me in touch with the whole world. I can get worldwide stories from my friends all over the world.

21. Who often plays basketball after school?

A. Tom. B. Yumi. C. Anna. D. Peter.

22. With the help of her friends, Yumi ________.

A. takes more exercise B. feels happier at picnics

C. learns English better D. makes up more stories

23. Anna has made some good friends ________.

A. at her school B. in other countries

C. at the gym D. on the Internet


As a teenager, I hated PE lessons. I was not very good at sports, and I hated team sports because I always felt like I was disappointing the rest of the team. During these years, I sometimes felt disconnected from my body, like only my brain was “me” and my body was just a vehicle (运载工具) for carrying my brain around.

When I started university, I decided to try a kung fu club. To my surprise, I loved it! In my first year, most of us were beginners. I used to go two or three times a week. Because it is not a team sport, I didn’t feel sorry about not being very good. And because it is a combat (格斗) sport, you train in pairs, which means that you get to meet people and talk to them. I also appreciated (欣赏) that the focus of the classes was on getting better at kung fu, rather than exercising to change my body. When I was doing kung fu, my body changedI got stronger and quicker—but the changes were a side effect of the sport, instead of the goal.

When I moved to Italy this year, I decided to start doing a combat sport again. I joined a local martial arts (武术) club and I loved it. We did lots of sparring (拳击). I think that sparring is like chess, but much faster and much more fun! If your sparring partner tries to hit you hard with his fist, you have to move quickly to avoid him, block or even catch his arm and then throw him to the mat.

When I was a teenager, I would say I just wasn’t a sporty person and that I just didn’t like sport and never would. Now I think that everyone should try as many sports as possible because I believe there is something out there for everyone! I feel connected to my body and I am happier and have more energy when I have been doing sport.

24. Why did the writer hate PE lessons when he was a teenager?

A. Because he was not very good at sports.

B. Because his teammates were not friendly.

C. Because he couldn’t understand his PE teacher.

D. Because there was something wrong with his body.

25. What club did the writer go to when he was at university?

A. A martial arts club. B. A chess club.

C. A kung fu club. D. A boxing club.

26. How did the writer become a sporty person?

A. He set a goal to get stronger.

B. He played many team sports.

C. He did fast and fun sports every day.

D. He tried and found the right sport for him.


Do you get upset because you can’t complete what you want to? For instance, you might want to clean out your closets or write that novel you’ve been putting off. Maybe you try to focus, but you feel overwhelmed (难以应付的).

Finding control comes down to one simple strategy (策略): developing a habit of being organized. This means you’ve got to think ahead. When you can get organized, keep things under control, and live a tidy life, you can work faster and think more creatively. Here are some tips that can help:

If it’s about housework, take a few minutes each day to de-clutter(清除杂乱). Use small bits of time to clean out a drawer or throw old clothes into a cardboard box for donation. Get in the habit of buying organizational tools, like containers, for storing small things.

Group similar tasks. Clean out the refrigerator while a roast is cooking. Don’t jump back and forth from room to room or jump from one task to an unrelated one. Also, you can put similar things together. For example, look at your bookshelf and try putting all the books about each topic in a group. Then it will be easier and faster to find the book you need.

It’s a great way to make a to-do list. Use a calendar to plan out what you need to do each month. Then at the start of each workday, write down three important tasks you want to achieve that day quickly. Put a big star next to the most important one. So, before you go into the busy work, start on the important task and see it through to the end.

Getting organized should extend to your activities outside your home or office as well. Putting everything in order leaves you a clear calendar to plan for more activities with friends.

Motivating(激励) yourself to get organized should start with the rewards you’ll experience. It’s much easier to start a habit if you can imagine how the changes will make you feel.

27. According to the passage, if you get organized, _________.

A. your life will become busier

B. your imagination will be limited

C. you will finish the work more quickly

D. you will control the things around you

28. Which of the following can help you get organized

A. Doing unrelated tasks at the same time.

B. Spending a whole weekend doing housework.

C. Getting in the habit of buying more beautiful furniture.

D. Listing the things and beginning with the important one.

29. What does the passage mainly talk about

A. The ways of doing housework.

B. The ways of getting organized.

C. The benefits of getting organized.

D. The importance of making a list.


That Susan is so funny… I need to bring the car to the wash tomorrow…why is this person so loud… here comes the sun, doo-doo-doo.

We often find ourselves in an endless thought loop(圈). And every so often, we try to stop this endless flow of thoughts by telling ourselves to just stop thinking. But do we or can we ever really stop thinking

It depends on your definition(定义)of “thinking”, according to Michael Halassa, a researcher at MIT, the US. We basically go through each day in one of the two states—we either realize that we’re thinking or we don’t. Our brains won’t stop thinking completely until we die.

“The brain never stops thinking in a sense. Most thoughts are actually in the background without us noticing them and there’s not really a way to turn these things off,” Halassa said.

You can compare this to how a computer works. When you aren’t using your computer while it’s turned on, it is still running operations “in the background”. Your computer, much like your brain, is always “thinking”, even if you’re not actively using it.

“If you see a familiar face in a crowd and think you know them, you might not be able to come up with how you know them right away,” Halassa said. “But maybe hours later, you’ll suddenly remember. That’s a result of your brain thinking in the background.”

We even make decisions mostly unconsciously or without realizing them. For example, some of this background “thinking” results in what we call a “gut feeling(直觉)“. During our brain’s decision-making process, sometimes we create a story to explain the decisionsometimes it’s accurate(精确的), sometimes it’s not.

Even sitting here reading this, thinking about “thinking” is sending messages across a chain of neurons(神经元) in the brain. So if we somehow manage to stop ourselves from “thinking”, the brain won’t sign off. It will continue to have thoughtswe just won’t realize them.

30. When you are in an endless thought loop, you ________.

A. can think about a problem very clearly

B. keep thinking about one thing after another

C. cannot stop thinking about things in the past

D. keep thinking about one thing again and again

31. What does Paragraph 5 try to tell us?

A. Human brains are thinking all the time.

B. A computer can think like a human brain.

C. Human brains work faster than computers.

D. A computer can deal with plenty of information.

32. The word “unconsciously” in Paragraph 7 probably means “_________”.

A. carelessly B. unknowingly

C. fearlessly D. undoubtely

33. What’s the best title for the passage?

A. Will We Continue to Have Thoughts after We Die?

B. How Do the Neurons in the Brain Work?

C. What Is the Definition of “Thinking”?

D. Can We Ever Really Stop Thinking?



Collector’s Corner

People collect all kinds of different things. Stamps or coins are the common ones to be collected. People also collect the less common ones, such as beer bottles or bus tickets. Some collectors spend hours looking through junk shops and build up a collection for a few pence per object, while other collectors might spend thousands of pounds on fine china or rare (稀有的) paintings.

Some people collect for money, but most people do it for fun. Collecting is basically illogical. If you simply want to listen to the American singer and actor Elvis Presley’s first record, you can get a copy at most record shops. A collector, however, will want to own an original 1955 disc, and will be willing to pay for it.

What makes a collection valuable? Rarity and condition are the most important things. A coin or stamp which is worth hundreds in perfect condition might be worth only pence in average or poor condition.

What should you collect? Most collectors begin collecting things which interest them, and as the collection grows, knowledge of the subject grows. If you want your collection to grow in value, it is probably best to avoid things which are sold especially for collectors. Nearly everybody who buys a set of new coins or stamps will keep them in perfect condition, so that the new coins or stamps will never become rare. The most valuable collections are often things which were widely available, but which were usually thrown away after use, such as Coca-Cola bottles or toy cars. An interesting collection can be started very cheaply.

One collector has started a collection of 1950s and 1960s ball-point pens. At the moment it’s worth nothing, but she predicts it will one day be valuable. Ball-points were widely available, and were made in a large range of colours and styles. They were often designed to be thrown away when they were empty. Many people aren’t willing to throw away used pens, and put them in a drawer or box, perhaps hoping they might work again one day. So it is possible to find unusual things, made many years ago. That even costs nothing.

34. What common things do people collect?

35. What do people collect for?

36. What makes a collection valuable?

37. Why will the new coins or stamps never become rare?

38. What does the example in the last paragraph show?








提示词语:pick up, rubbish, put up, posters, a rubbish bag

提示问题:· When and where will you go

· What will you do in the activity?

· What do you advise Peter to prepare for the activity?


Dear Peter,

How is it going?

I’m writing to invite you to take part in the school activity to volunteer for a better environment. __________________________________________________________



I’m looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua





提示词语:manage time, waste, tidy up, learn

提示问题:· What can you do independently (独立地) in your daily life?

· What do you need to improve?

It’s very important for teenagers to learn to do things independently. _____________________








1. D 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. D 9. C 10. C

11. B 12. C


13. A 14. B 15. A 16. C 17. B 18. D 19. C 20. D



21. A 22. C 23. C 24. A 25. C 26. D 27. C 28. D 29. B

30. B 31. A 32. B 33. D


34. Stamps or coins.

35. Some people collect for money, but most people do it for fun.

36. Rarity and condition are the most important things.

37. Nearly everybody who buys a set of new coins or stamps will keep them in perfect condition.

38. Collections can be started cheaply. / An interesting collection can be started very cheaply. / A valuable collection can be started cheaply. / It is possible to find unusual things made many years ago. That even costs nothing.





Dear Peter,

How is it going

I’m writing to invite you to take part in the school activity to volunteer for a better environment. We will go to the park near our school at 9 o’clock on Sunday morning. First, we are going to pick up the rubbish and divide it into different groups. Then we are going to put up some posters about protecting the environment If you want to join us, you can take a pair of gloves and a plastic bag with you.


Li Hua



Learning to do things independently

It’s very important for teenagers to learn to do things independently. For me, I try my best to manage time. In the morning, I can get up early and make an easy breakfast. Then I can get to school on time. As a student, thinking independently is an important ability. So I can do my homework all by myself. After school, I tidy up my room and help my mother with housework. What I need to improve is learning to make plans. I think it is necessary to be more independent.





